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legal marijuana? !


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What is it that they have that I can't get other than exact genetics?


They're just running sealed rooms that are highly controlled in every aspect from light output, temperature, humidity, CO2 output and different growing techniques along with correct curing techniques.


Great genetics in a sub par grow room won't come close to decent genetics in a grow room done right, the same could be said for anything that you grow.


I'm not saying that Cali stuff isn't better, but the biggest contribution to it is because the market there demands it to be grown to it's full potential. Here in OH it doesn't.


Take the same genetics and give them to two different people and you can come up with an entirely different quality in product and quality in overall effect.


Give an experienced grower bag seed and a first timer the best genetics you can get. I'll put my $$ on the better end result coming from the experienced grower with bag seed over the first timer with the best genetics in the world.


I agree with that, they do not get anything different from me or you other them weird micoscope things they use to see if the buds are 100%. They have million and million dollar grow rooms, they put out high grade everytime for cheap prices. They can afford to use million watt hps systems and have people cater to the plants. I have an indoor hps system and do not even use it because its not worth it. Cost too much to run lights because you can buy it cheaper. They been growing for 45 years years just on point everytime.

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Yes. The government employs people is the war on drugs, and some of those jobs may be lost. However, the war on drugs is not a cash flow positive operation. It costs tax payers a lot of money each year and it does nite appear to be getting any better. If the government were to regulate the growth, supply, and sales of marijuana I'm sure they would add more jobs than would be lost, it would actually bring in tax dollars, and could hurt the cartels. I don't think CO is doing it correctly as it doesn't look like they care where the weed comes from.


It doesn't really matter to me if a few government programs went away. Last I checked there were a couple trillion reasons to continue collecting tax revenue.


I don't disagree. But if I was gov't I wouldn't want to take away government jobs.


I'm only stating reasons as to why things haven't been changed by now.


Changing them would only bring positive effects IMO.

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Smoked K2 once...scariest experience of my life.


I seen a news thing about k2 and the navy guys out here using it. I never used it, what the f is it? I ask this because a month later i seen on nhk news japanese highschool kids using it, said one kid killed himself jumping off a bridge.

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I seen a news thing about k2 and the navy guys out here using it. I never used it, what the f is it? I ask this because a month later i seen on nhk news japanese highschool kids using it, said one kid killed himself jumping off a bridge.


Synthetic ish "for incense purposes only" that they really sell at place like water bed's n stuff for people to smoke. Basically, you are smoking some potpourri.


NOTHING like smoking some buds.


Here is how it went down:


Playing halo with the wife. Go down stairs. Rip a bowl. 15 min later, feel nothing. So go rip another bowl. 5 min later, feel tingly. Kind of cool. about 2 min after that, everything seems slo mo. Turn your head and everything takes forever to catch up. I ask wife if the game is lagging really bad. She looks at me like i'm stupid and says, "no." About a min after that I can't see straight, heart feels like it's pounding out of my chest, I start to freak out. Wife says I look pale and asked if I needed to go to the hospital. Heck no, i'm a man. A man man man. But not really...I bend over, put my head between my legs and start praying to God to make it go away. Slowly starts to dissipate. After about 10min I am coming down and starting to feel ever so slightly more normal. By end of night before going to bed I was back to a "normal" state of consciousness but didn't feel quite right for a few days.


Fast forward a few weeks. I tell my brother about the experience. he thinks I am full of crap. One day while I am at work, he tries it. Starts freaking out. Couldn't move his body, couldn't remember the route to get back to his house, was looking at his body in 3rd person, literally thought he was in hell. Took him a few days to recover from that. He was staying in my loft upstairs for a week or two, I saw him twice over the course of 3 days after he smoked.


Moral of the story. Smoke real buds, not potpourri.

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Synthetic ish "for incense purposes only" that they really sell at place like water bed's n stuff for people to smoke. Basically, you are smoking some potpourri.


NOTHING like smoking some buds.


Here is how it went down:


Playing halo with the wife. Go down stairs. Rip a bowl. 15 min later, feel nothing. So go rip another bowl. 5 min later, feel tingly. Kind of cool. about 2 min after that, everything seems slo mo. Turn your head and everything takes forever to catch up. I ask wife if the game is lagging really bad. She looks at me like i'm stupid and says, "no." About a min after that I can't see straight, heart feels like it's pounding out of my chest, I start to freak out. Wife says I look pale and asked if I needed to go to the hospital. Heck no, i'm a man. A man man man. But not really...I bend over, put my head between my legs and start praying to God to make it go away. Slowly starts to dissipate. After about 10min I am coming down and starting to feel ever so slightly more normal. By end of night before going to bed I was back to a "normal" state of consciousness but didn't feel quite right for a few days.


Fast forward a few weeks. I tell my brother about the experience. he thinks I am full of crap. One day while I am at work, he tries it. Starts freaking out. Couldn't move his body, couldn't remember the route to get back to his house, was looking at his body in 3rd person, literally thought he was in hell. Took him a few days to recover from that. He was staying in my loft upstairs for a week or two, I saw him twice over the course of 3 days after he smoked.


Moral of the story. Smoke real buds, not potpourri.



:lolguy: sorry but that shit was funny. I just kept picturing some guy freaking out all paraniod in a loft.

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Synthetic ish "for incense purposes only" that they really sell at place like water bed's n stuff for people to smoke. Basically, you are smoking some potpourri.


NOTHING like smoking some buds.


Here is how it went down:


Playing halo with the wife. Go down stairs. Rip a bowl. 15 min later, feel nothing. So go rip another bowl. 5 min later, feel tingly. Kind of cool. about 2 min after that, everything seems slo mo. Turn your head and everything takes forever to catch up. I ask wife if the game is lagging really bad. She looks at me like i'm stupid and says, "no." About a min after that I can't see straight, heart feels like it's pounding out of my chest, I start to freak out. Wife says I look pale and asked if I needed to go to the hospital. Heck no, i'm a man. A man man man. But not really...I bend over, put my head between my legs and start praying to God to make it go away. Slowly starts to dissipate. After about 10min I am coming down and starting to feel ever so slightly more normal. By end of night before going to bed I was back to a "normal" state of consciousness but didn't feel quite right for a few days.


Fast forward a few weeks. I tell my brother about the experience. he thinks I am full of crap. One day while I am at work, he tries it. Starts freaking out. Couldn't move his body, couldn't remember the route to get back to his house, was looking at his body in 3rd person, literally thought he was in hell. Took him a few days to recover from that. He was staying in my loft upstairs for a week or two, I saw him twice over the course of 3 days after he smoked.


Moral of the story. Smoke real buds, not potpourri.



I don't mean to laugh but damn haha

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Synthetic ish "for incense purposes only" that they really sell at place like water bed's n stuff for people to smoke. Basically, you are smoking some potpourri.


NOTHING like smoking some buds.


Here is how it went down:


Playing halo with the wife. Go down stairs. Rip a bowl. 15 min later, feel nothing. So go rip another bowl. 5 min later, feel tingly. Kind of cool. about 2 min after that, everything seems slo mo. Turn your head and everything takes forever to catch up. I ask wife if the game is lagging really bad. She looks at me like i'm stupid and says, "no." About a min after that I can't see straight, heart feels like it's pounding out of my chest, I start to freak out. Wife says I look pale and asked if I needed to go to the hospital. Heck no, i'm a man. A man man man. But not really...I bend over, put my head between my legs and start praying to God to make it go away. Slowly starts to dissipate. After about 10min I am coming down and starting to feel ever so slightly more normal. By end of night before going to bed I was back to a "normal" state of consciousness but didn't feel quite right for a few days.


Fast forward a few weeks. I tell my brother about the experience. he thinks I am full of crap. One day while I am at work, he tries it. Starts freaking out. Couldn't move his body, couldn't remember the route to get back to his house, was looking at his body in 3rd person, literally thought he was in hell. Took him a few days to recover from that. He was staying in my loft upstairs for a week or two, I saw him twice over the course of 3 days after he smoked.


Moral of the story. Smoke real buds, not potpourri.


Candidate for post of the year.

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I never did a drug of any sort unless I watched multiple people do it prior to me. I can't lie, I was scared to try anything til college. First thing I really saw was my dude tip acid at the zoo.... One of them stared at a giraffe for two hours, the other ran around in the monkey area with his hands in his arm pits making ape noises and chasing people. Not my kinda drug. Then I saw them do "x" mostly they talked their asses of and told me their whole life in 10 mins. ( best drug I ever did hands down), I won't touch mushrooms cause of how paranoid it makes you and how you stress out on the smallest things, fuck salvia, saw my dude try to eat his cat and you could tell he was not in his own body, weed was the laziest shit ever and everyone was chill. Perfect lol. Molly is awesome in small doses ( ESP with dub step and a girl who is on it as well.) I suggest everyone tries "real" Molly once with their significant other. It will change your world for the better. Ill never touch coke, heroin, meth or anything that hard. Fuck that. If you've never tried drugs then you are missing out on some interesting shit. I'm glad I've tried the things I have , it changed your outlook on a ton of things and you find out stuff about yourself that you wouldn't know other wise. Be safe, be smart, and you will have good life lasting memories.
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phil, if I ever bump into you in person.... I know a thing or two to eliminate your next day come down from your buddy molly, meaning normal sleeping/eating/etc. whole different ball game.


Honestly, If you don't take a lot, but just enough to have you set for the party, the next day is smooth sailing. ( considering you sleep til 1-2pm ). Now I've seen people take more than they should and they felt like death the next day. The only time I felt the sleep issue or the knotted stomach was after the first time I did x. I couldn't sleep for like a day and I was dead to the world. But the sex!!! That shit was other worldly!

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Honestly, If you don't take a lot, but just enough to have you set for the party, the next day is smooth sailing. ( considering you sleep til 1-2pm ). Now I've seen people take more than they should and they felt like death the next day. The only time I felt the sleep issue or the knotted stomach was after the first time I did x. I couldn't sleep for like a day and I was dead to the world. But the sex!!! That shit was other worldly!


lol. If your not taking enough to stay up till the next night or question about your safety, you need to knuckle up. I am sure I will see you around sooner or later. If your going to "party", your always welcome to swing by for more info.


I finally hit a point where there is nothing else I could do by going out. My wifes reverse psychology somehow worked. She doesn't give two shits when I come home or what I do, but at the end I'm good staying home since I don't see the point anymore.

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lol. If your not taking enough to stay up till the next night or question about your safety, you need to knuckle up. I am sure I will see you around sooner or later. If your going to "party", your always welcome to swing by for more info.


I finally hit a point where there is nothing else I could do by going out. My wifes reverse psychology somehow worked. She doesn't give two shits when I come home or what I do, but at the end I'm good staying home since I don't see the point anymore.


I honestly don't party that hard anymore I like being with a few good friends chillin. Less exspensive and I have way more fun laughing and joking with people I care about vs trying to go to arena and hoping not to get in a fight. If I go to a show or anything like that I'm with my girl and some friends and we have a blasty blast. And it's not that I'm scared but I'm like being able to function the next day.... Plus the secks.... The secks..... Omfg the secks is amazing!

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lol. As long as Jones doensn't try to sneak in buttsex your okay. I don't blame you for wanting to chill, driving back home when your seeing triple, isn't the safest bet.


Man last time I drove home from a show I rubbed the steering wheel down to the plastic :lol: and no I don't like driving fucked up anymore. So now we smoke and chill. Just enjoy it, watch a movie, order a pizza pass out lol. Now if I hit a show then someone else is driving cause I talk too much and my attention span is non existent

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