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Social media friend removal and discontinuation of followers at an all time high.

V8 Beast

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If they would have needed to take it the day it happened I probably could have moved on with no real worries but to decide for myself to have it done I dont think I emotionally would survive it. Its hard to know when you have had enough if that makes any sense. Then theres the likelyhood of having issues like phantom pains as if the foot is still there and all that goes into a prosthetic. I will probably have to do something self employed but again what will ensure I can work within my abilities and earn what I need to? I have to play the odds when making alot of decisions and thats hard for alot of people to understand.


Woohoo 6k posts

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I wish I could say I understand, but I cant. I cried like a baby about not being able to play sports for 9 months. This is impacting everything from your activities to your livelihood. I hope that silver lining shows itself sooner rather than later for ya.


P.S. When life hands you lemons dont cry over spilled milk. Just look the gifted horse in the mouth and count your blessings before they hatch.

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Facebook and twitter bring me so much joy and lulz. People take it so serious and post some crazy shit. I blocked one guy just because he was out of control with his negative stuff on so much. I don't have time for negative people, I got my own set of issues.


I have had multple people "unfriend" me on facebook because of me just being me. Fucks given *zero*. If facebook makes you have a sad you should really seek some type of help.

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I've been doing a lot of teaching myself. I had a guy that really thought 40 cents on every dollar taxed went to welfare.


My aunt and uncle were over last night for dinner and he claimed that 1.3T of the budget went to welfare. Must be something in the water... or something someone said on a far right wing radio show is my actual guess.


People on FB who just posted political stuff got put on ignore, especially memes since they couldn't come up with and articulate any original ideas. Same for the constantly religious or sports zealots. I like to see interesting things or life happenings of people I know posted on FB, not a constant barge of political, religious or sports blather.

Edited by Trouble Maker
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This is how I feel- if they defriended you based on your political views they weren't your friend to begin with otherwise you would already know thier political views.


I am a conservative with some VERY liberal friends. We all always spoke respectfully to each other while discussing candidates even on facespace.


The problem with Facebook for forum people is we've been doin it for a Long time - we understand that it's a lot easier to troll/piss off people online than it is in person.


I would venture a bet half the people who use Facebook have no idea what an actual online forum community is or what the tried and true online personas rules are.


That's why when my UAW Loving Obama family is/was spouting off i just chose to ignore it- as i would a thread here that I don't care to read.


I treat people on Facebook just as I would in real life. Most people don't.


If i wouldn't stop to talk to you on the street - we aren't facebook friends.

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My aunt and uncle were over last night for dinner and he claimed that 1.3T of the budget went to welfare. Must be something in the water... or something someone said on a far right wing radio show is my actual guess.


People on FB who just posted political stuff got put on ignore, especially memes since they couldn't come up with and articulate any original ideas. Same for the constantly religious or sports zealots. I like to see interesting things or life happenings of people I know posted on FB, not a constant barge of political, religious or sports blather.


Probably. I listed all the stuff paid for with taxes and showed it couldnt be more than .20 based on the percentage of other things taken out. Now is $40 - $50 a week too much to pay for it... yes(imo).. but will I see a great profit increase if its $10 less, not really.

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