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Monica Durban is still trying to pass this street racing bill


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1)George Staton decides on a cold January night to take his GTO out to the west side for a few drinks (did I mention it was cold and rainy, aw fuc% its always cold in january)


2)George decides that it may be fun to go fast with his GTO on public roadways (keep in mind this is a built large cube LS engine with I believe nitrous, you know that chemical that Lee Durban the father of Monica petitioning to ban)


3) With temperatures not much above freezing and and roadway slightly wet, and a higher horsepower car with drag radials or less than adequate for temperature tires, George heads out onto interstate 70. This would be after George has consumed enough alcohol to deem him legally intoxicated.


4) At the same time Monica Durban is travelling home from work, late night, and unfortunately for everyone involved, is about to cross paths with George


5) George, travelling down Eastbound I70 apparently decides that with all of the above mentioned factors (cold, wet, intoxicated, drag radials etc) that it would be a good time to exercise his right foot. Sounds like a great idea huh?


6) George Staton, with all of these factors, somehow loses control of his car, crosses center line and you know the rest of the story, Well maybe



A few days later after this horrible tragedy, some people representing an internet forum called Columbus Racing had a rally of sorts, a cruise in they called it, for their fallen brother George Staton, which in all of their wisdom was broadcast on the news at 6pm. I believe that there were some interviews of these band of brothers showing their respect for their fallen bretheren,.


I wonder how is it possible that street racing and nitrous oxide ever got dragged into this. This will always be one of the many mysteries of my life?

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If they are cracking down on street racing even then they need to crack down on texting and driving a lot more as well IMO. Sitting at a stop light and sending one is one thing, but going 75-80 MPH down the freeway in thick traffic, and then coming up on stopped traffic out of nowhere (which seems to be everywhere) is a good way to get people hurt or killed. I'm sure there are more accidents related to texting and driving than street racing. I'm unaware of the current penalty for texting while driving, but I'm gonna assume it doesn't involve a suspension, and likely isn't anything more than 2 points.
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I bet if you look hard enough you will find other people trying to push all kinds of things. If George would have been on his cell phone then what do you think Monicas dad would be doing instead of going after street racers. He may not have been racing at the time, but when you are running around with bigs, littles, and nitrous iin a high impact crash people will assume. I do agree drunk driving needs stricter punishments as well, but again money plays a part in that. Cell phone penalties have had more focus than racing when you look at it big picture. Many states are actually getting things approved rather than being stuck in the planning stage.
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Mostly true, but not in the entirety.


Also not one of CR's brightest moments looking in hindsight.


True enough, and not lacking any substantially mitigating details to the context of this debate, save for the fact that there were 2 other cars; the one he may or may not have been racing as the police report concluded, and a 3rd car behind the incident which had his wife riding along.

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I wonder how is it possible that street racing and nitrous oxide ever got dragged into this. This will always be one of the many mysteries of my life?


because initial reports show quotes from both George's wife and neighbor. there's really no need to re-hash a thread from 4 yrs ago. just because there wasn't enough evidence or however cases like this are finally closed out (all public record) the underlying reality won't go away and does need addressed.


Staton's wife and neighbor told investigators that the other man called Staton and challenged him to a race. When asked about the race the driver told police that his car "started breaking loose, so (he) let off the gas," allowing Staton to speed past him.

Staton's neighbor, who was following behind with Staton's wife, said that "after the race was over they both hit their brakes to slow down." The neighbor said it was "5 or 10 seconds later" that Staton lost control and crossed the median.
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If they are cracking down on street racing even then they need to crack down on texting and driving a lot more as well IMO. Sitting at a stop light and sending one is one thing, but going 75-80 MPH down the freeway in thick traffic, and then coming up on stopped traffic out of nowhere (which seems to be everywhere) is a good way to get people hurt or killed. I'm sure there are more accidents related to texting and driving than street racing. I'm unaware of the current penalty for texting while driving, but I'm gonna assume it doesn't involve a suspension, and likely isn't anything more than 2 points.


I won't disagree. In terms of "they" which seems to be law enforcement, they are cracking down and laws have been changed. If the opinion is texting or DUI penalties aren't severe enough, the good thing about our system is anyone anyone is free to pursue changing the law as is being done by Monica and her family with regards to Street Racing.

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