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Photography locations

Wes Stone

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I've been searching for awhile now and have a few places. Just wondering if anyone had a specific place they really enjoyed taking photo's of people.


Basically I'm going to take photo's for my sister for her senior pics. Mom doesn't want to spend the $$$ on getting them done.


So far I was thinking downtown, german village, maybe some parks down in that area. Any suggestions would be great



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Bucky i'll play and i'll deal with the comments lol i've done it on CGP can't be any worse on here lol


Also if you'd like me to snap some photo's i'd be more than happy.


Sister makes a great candidate for pictures. She's easy to photograph.



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Bucky i'll play and i'll deal with the comments lol i've done it on CGP can't be any worse on here lol


Also if you'd like me to snap some photo's i'd be more than happy.


Sister makes a great candidate for pictures. She's easy to photograph.




Hah you're a dumbass if you posted that up on CGP. haha.


Anyways. hit me up if you're free bored. We can run down to Creekside a mile down the road from me.

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haha, it wasn't that photo in particular but i needed votes for her for a pageant she was in. I got A LOT of votes lol


you wanna wait till spring or what?



Depending on the weather.. this year. So we can send out some Christmas pics and crap.

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