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What's the lowest you've known some one paying for an engagement ring?


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size 6 is average right? She's a small girl but I know that has nothing to do with it lol

Rifle through her jewelry at home, the were will likely be some sort of ring in there.


Check out some antique shops for unique rings too, plus you might have better quality gems for the money if you went something different than a diamond.


I also agree with brian about throwing some money in a small savings account (kembas christmas account won't let you pull money out till christmas time without a hefty penalty, maybe try something like that?)


If you do go with an alternative gem, try to get a REAL gem, lab created is just a fancy word for cubic zirconia, and they can be had in your price range if you shop around a bit... I also like the idea of it as close to engagement ring looking as possible

(this is peridot and 118 at Kay)



Or you can go on Etsy and look for something unique

You don't have to support the chain stores who make a million of the same ring..


Edited by damreds
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The best deals I've seen on rings is always on used ones. Craigslist/eBay are good options with the proper paperwork. I helped a co-worker purchase one on eBay - paid $1,200 and the original price was close to $6,000.


Whatever you pick - I'm sure she will love it. The ring is just a reminder...

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Maybe you should have her propose to you.


Problem solved. :)

haha winning


if I ask she'll know what's coming and she's not a ring wearer atm. they can resize +2 -2 iirc

Take a few of her rings and take them to get the size.

here's the one I found that I think might work. Not a typical engagement ring I suppose but it could function as a ring for her other hand should she want something else.





not stupid my wifes is a tiffany band like that wi th a 4 post holding a small diamond In it. I just got home from the army from getting hurt so I was jobless and broke j think I spent lime 600 on the engagement ring.


Trust me if she loves u and its ment to be doesnt matter what's on her finger

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I think your idea is a good one with the diamond and birth stones, I'm sure she would appreciate the sentiment. Besides, she can always upgrade later if you guys want, but I bet the original will be kept if you do. It's like everyone says though, if she really loves you (and it sounds like she does), you could propose with a ring made of straw and it wouldn't matter.
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When I read she wanted to pick her own ring, I started getting pissed off. I don't care if you're broke or a stright up baller, she should like what you get her, what you felt was right and represented your loving her. I hate status bullshit. If you go to her with a gumball machine ring, and she loves you, it should not matter at all. So long as it's the nicest gumball ring you could reasonably afford in your relationship.



A friend of mine proposed to his girl with a $8,xxx ring, it was pretty sick. She said yes, but she wanted a different ring. A $14,xxx ring at that. I was like WTMF!!! I wanted to kill her for him. He had saved 8 months of military pay and used part of his bonus he got. He got a loan and they married. He has made pretty good money after getting out of the Marines and they were in a $500,000 house with all the high end things that go along with that. She was a royal pain in the ass snob for 15ish years. I just found out they divorced and she's tapping him for $2500 a month in support and he lives in an apartment.


Point being; gumball machine ring and a heart full of love would be fine if you both are on the same page.


Good luck

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I got married pretty young, and broke, so I spent like 700 bucks on the original, and thought I did well. When I was 26 and making a better income, we upgraded her original ring to the tune of about a grand, reusing the original stone in the new arrangement.


:Maybe you should have her propose to you.


^^ All of the above. Wife and I have been together for just over 23yrs and we didn't have a pot to piss in when we first exchanged rings. She proposed to me even and when while I ended up swapping my ring, her first was like $500-700, can't recall.


We've since upgraded both of ours twice over the years and even still, it's not the ring that matters but the meaning behind a ring.


I agree with Trish on alternatives. My wife isn't a huge Diamond nut, so all over hers have been very high quality Ruby's with Diamonds around it.

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When I got my ex one, I went to Jared's by tuttle mall. It had real diamonds, they weren't too big, but the way the white gold was around them, they looked much bigger. I think I paid $500ish. I didn't want to go too crazy because I was trying the whole turning a hoe into a housewife thing... it turned out that, in fact, you cannot do it. She remained a whore.
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speaking from experieance, only buy what you can afford you can upgrade later on your 10 year anniverssary or sooner if you want, but I got married at a young age (22) spent $5k on a ring we got married then divorced 3 years later(can't make a whore a house wife) and guess what your not gonna get back.


also a quick heads up most jewelry stores take gold in trade so if you have any old gold jewelry just sitting around you can use that to trade in but I would still stay within YOUR budget

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I spent like $600 for my wife's ring. Nothing fancy, soltaire princess cut, not a big rock at all. Which was fine for her as she isn't into gaudy jewelry at all. It's not anywhere near the nicest ring out there but I got a girl that couldn't care less. For her it's about what the ring symbolizes. Same with our wedding bands. White gold, small simple rings.
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her mom/sisters should know her ring size


Also, is she right or left handed? If she is right handed, the left ring finger would be 1/2 size smaller than the right. Dominant hand is usually 1/2 size larger. Good luck with everything. I think she would be more than happy with any ring you give her. It really shouldn't be about the ring, it should be about what the ring symbolizes. You guys have a kid together and been together for a while and she knows your financial situation. You can always upgrade later in life.

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Well since I got married at 19 I had no money or credit. She picked it out and financed it, sounds kinda lame but she loves me. She's still here 12 years later. Everybody is different, I felt like a schmuck but she was happy and thats what mattered.
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I've not been married nor have I proposed nor have I given either much thought, however, I've heard a couple rules that I plan to follow if/when I do find the "one".


1) Spend 2-3 months gross pay on the ring.


2) THAT you're popping the question should not be a surprise, WHEN you're popping it should be the surprise. Take her ring shopping. She should know that you plan to ask her to marry you, but the mystery should be in the timing and the ring. She knows your financial situation, and she can probably more effectively guide you to the price range she expects given your situation.


You're going to spend the rest of your lives making financial decisions together, why should the ring purchase be any different? Think of it as training for your future life.


EDIT: Don't listen to what she says when you're ring shopping. Watch her eyes, see where they go in the cases, see what settings or cuts or colors make her eyes light up.

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Buy a used ring or a certified lab diamond. real diamonds are a joke imho because the certified ones look BETTER then real.



I've looked at various Lab diamonds compared to my wifes VS Real diamond and they all have a better bling

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Buy a used ring or a certified lab diamond. real diamonds are a joke imho because the certified ones look BETTER then real.



I've looked at various Lab diamonds compared to my wifes VS Real diamond and they all have a better bling



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