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PreWorkout Diet and/ or Supplement Advice.


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Crossfit....where everybody does every lift they do incorrectly. GO FOR IT!!

Yeah, if you join a Crossfit-specific gym, take the advice of the people there with a grain of salt. They tend to practice with an any means necessary approach to completing the weight or task, often throwing form out the window and putting themselves at serious risk of injury. Specifically, I seem to remember seeing newbs under too much weight trying to do things like squats, deadlifts, clean and presses, etc. where bad form means fucking up you spine (Squats and DL), or snapping your wrists (Cleans). Youtube "Crossfit Injury" and then try to understand the proper form and technique for an exercise that you are unsure about.

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I hope you don't get super into cross-fit. It's 90% guaranteed to be a fad because this one friend of mine is into it right now that is always into the workout of the month. That means most of these gyms will be shutdown in the next year or two and you won't have a gym to go to. He can pretty much single-handedly kill any new type of workout. I really don't give a shit what you do, just find something that you like because that will keep you interested. But if we ever meet unless I ask you I don't want to hear about it and I can assure you I won't ask you about cross-fit.




12 years strong and growing.


I actually think the opposite. Sure, CrossFit is becoming increasingly popular, but the principals behind it are pretty solid, the workouts are scaleable to any fitness level, and you don't need any special equipment. It's something you could do in your garage or basement without having to buy expensive machines. I could forsee some gyms having difficulty staying open beause of this, but I think the community will continue to grow.


Way better than the other gyms I've joined where you have to get wallet raped by the staff and personal trainers for advice you can find with a simple google search. Urban Active/Lifestyle type of gyms...:dumb:.


Crossfit....where everybody dresses the same,does workouts named after girls,eats a retarded diet,and does every lift they do incorrectly. GO FOR IT!!


You're looking at the wrong gym if they're doing this.


Yeah, if you join a Crossfit-specific gym, take the advice of the people there with a grain of salt. They tend to practice with an any means necessary approach to completing the weight or task, often throwing form out the window and putting themselves at serious risk of injury. Specifically, I seem to remember seeing newbs under too much weight trying to do things like squats, deadlifts, clean and presses, etc. where bad form means fucking up you spine (Squats and DL), or snapping your wrists (Cleans). Youtube "Crossfit Injury" and then try to understand the proper form and technique for an exercise that you are unsure about.


Again, not at our gym. If that's truly going down I agree. Our instructors will have new people work form with PVC pipe before even hitting a bar.







Don't be gay, seriously.


Yes. Bettering yourself in a way that others don't like makes you a homosexual. Really hit the nail on the head there.

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Yeah, if you join a Crossfit-specific gym, take the advice of the people there with a grain of salt. They tend to practice with an any means necessary approach to completing the weight or task, often throwing form out the window and putting themselves at serious risk of injury. Specifically, I seem to remember seeing newbs under too much weight trying to do things like squats, deadlifts, clean and presses, etc. where bad form means fucking up you spine (Squats and DL), or snapping your wrists (Cleans). Youtube "Crossfit Injury" and then try to understand the proper form and technique for an exercise that you are unsure about.


Yeah, I was talking to a guy at work about it today and he was saying that there alot of injuries related to crossfit do to bad form. Maybe Ill just start out with running and see where that goes, Ive already got fucked up shoulders.

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Yeah, I was talking to a guy at work about it today and he was saying that there alot of injuries related to crossfit do to bad form. Maybe Ill just start out with running and see where that goes, Ive already got fucked up shoulders.


That sucks. Def a possibility for injury, but that can also come from going to any stagnant old school gym without a trainer and not knowing what you're doing.


If I heard of a gym, CrossFit or not, where injuries were occuring on the regular I'd avoid it at all costs. Something isn't right.

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Crossfit lol. I knew there were faggots here but damn. Almost out numbering the forever alone neck beards


LOL, Paul's being a troll. Again.


Yes, by the way you look, we all should pay very special attention to your opinions on workout routines and fitness. No, wait, no one should.

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crossfit = $155.00/Mo. for a workout you can do in your garage... no thanks; To each his own though. I personally think you need to do what works for you. Ask any professional athlete, bodybuilder, etc. everyone is different so your workout should be modeled around you. Sure you'll make mistakes along the way but you'll get there.
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You lift alot dont you? What is your typical pre-workout routine? Is there any certain foods I should be eating before hand and if so, how long before?


Pre-workout varies by the month. Currently im using No-pumped by abb, if you need a lot of energy pick up hyde it will make you not want to stop working out... or die whichever comes first. Lunch usually consists of 2 chicken breasts, broccoli and a sweet potato. This is my pre workout meal. I typically drink 1/2 of my pre workout drink on the way to the gym and sip on the rest throughout my workout.

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crossfit = $155.00/Mo. for a workout you can do in your garage... no thanks; To each his own though. I personally think you need to do what works for you. Ask any professional athlete, bodybuilder, etc. everyone is different so your workout should be modeled around you. Sure you'll make mistakes along the way but you'll get there.


Good advice here. Gotta work at it, stick with it, and find YOUR workout.


Also, that's more than I pay and we get Krav classes included.

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crossfit = $155.00/Mo. for a workout you can do in your garage... no thanks; To each his own though. I personally think you need to do what works for you. Ask any professional athlete, bodybuilder, etc. everyone is different so your workout should be modeled around you. Sure you'll make mistakes along the way but you'll get there.


IMHO jumping into a crossfit atmopshere will set you back when it comes to ROM and proper technique.

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LOL, Paul's being a troll. Again.


Yes, by the way you look, we all should pay very special attention to your opinions on workout routines and fitness. No, wait, no one should.


:lolguy: Is this a serious comment? Anytime you wanna do a pose down let me know fella. In fact we should have a cr pose down day to weed out all the keyboard lifters in here. That would be a day of days. A bunch of smeagol lookin dudes in here combined with a handful of fatties

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