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Opinions on dining and lodging near new casino.


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Agreed. Everything else around the casino isn't all the impressive. There are a few nice restruants in Hilliard. If you like Italian there is a place called carabos ( spelling? ) over off of Truman blvd. little pricey but good. Few in old Hilliard as well.


But those are all equally as close as downtown? If im out at the Casino and I have to pick between a 12min drive to Mill run and a 12 min drive to downtown it's almost a no-brainer. Plus once you get into Hilliard you have to deal with suburb cop bullshit, fuck that.

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Didn't the business owners in the arena district throw a bitch fit when the city planned on putting the casino down there? I too thought putting it around everything else was a better idea than over on the west side. My dad does a lot of work over there and told me someone mentioned putting a shopping center such as Easton there called Weston? I imagine as others have suggested that in time more stuff will pop up over there.


Now that I think about it I believe the dispatch owned the property where the casino was supposed to go in and maybe they had a say in things. This all was years ago though, perhaps (well most likely) someone on here can refresh my memory.


Residents around the arena district didn't want it because of constant traffic (grandview, italian village, victorian village, harrison west and actual arena district) so Franklin County had a public vote for it, and the public voted to move it to the west side.


The site in the arena district was IMO awful and the 670-neil exit would need a major overhaul, but it's landlocked on 3 sides. It needed more planning than what they were willing to give it

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face it there's NO fine dinning around the casino, its in the middle of a shit hole hte only reason they put it there was an attempt to better the buisness on that side of town(I thought I heard on the radio that the Casino were already in trouble for something), the food in the casino isn't the greatest for what your gonna pay, hell the buffet is $25 a person at dinner time, as far as people go, remember your in Columbus Ohio there's no celebrities in there, its mixed with all working class people but mostly middle class, scum of the earth and poor people
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This review is coming from the same guys who rated Old Bag and Ohio Deli as top notch restaurants... I'll stick to the professionals.


Their ratings are based on overall value, not quality while disregarding price.

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