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Gift ideas for kids, I'm stuck. Little help?


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I have a Niece (10yrs) and Nephew (6yrs) and I need a little help on what to get them for Xmas. Frankly, they are spoiled and it is starting to show pretty bad. In the past I bought them a XBOX w/ Kinect so I could play the games with them and hang out through LIVE. They live in Vermont. I have bought all the leap Frog stuff. I have bought programs to help excelerate their learning. I just can't bring myself to send up Furbies and other crap.


She is into Justin Bieber and things that glitter. She doens't play sports


He is a gear head in the making. Crash it up, throw it and hope it makes a lot of noise. But, he has too much of that already and I'm sure he will get more for Xmas.


Both kids have been closer to naughty than nice this year, with attitudes and not listening. They know Uncle Joe gets pissed when they are like that and it cost them not going to the water park when I was there to visit. Doing that devistated them. They couldn't believe I said they didn't deserve it. Hell, I wanted to go to the park more than they did probably. My Sister and Brother in-law work hard and the kids don't see it.


I tell you those things because I want something fitting. Not something to brag about. Something they can learn from. I have looked at things they NEED, but they have everything. I thought about getting models for him to put together, but he is still smashing things and being wasteful.


Any ideas would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Edited by Mojoe
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If your nephew is a gearhead in the making, Smithsonian offers a model engine that you build and is battery operated. The block and head are clear so you can see inside of it and all the parts actually function. I only know this because my dad just picked one up for my son lol. I think it cost him around $30 and he got it at Wal-Mart
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Models are always cool. I used to love them. What about some of those simpler wood airplane models or the like? Might be easier and less meticulous. If they destroy 'em, so-be-it lol


edit: The engine thing mentioned above sounds saweet


Build a real working battery powered 4-cylinder model engine with real lights and sound. Watch the spark plugs fire and the valves open and close. See how the pistons fire and watch the belts and fan turn. Includes: Over 100 parts that screw together easily, and detailed instructions. Requires two AA batteries (Not included).



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Loving the clear engine idea. Doing this. I freaking love it. Thanks


I was heading the airplane route too. I think next year may be better for him with that. I want him to build it and then it can be hung from the ceiling over his bed.


Now how about my Niece, any ideas?

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Models are always cool. I used to love them. What about some of those simpler wood airplane models or the like? Might be easier and less meticulous. If they destroy 'em, so-be-it lol


edit: The engine thing mentioned above sounds saweet







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My nephew is 10 and my neice is 8, i usually ask them what they're into or what they want but occassionally i'll have a good idea. This year Michael is starting baseball so im going to buy him a new mitt and bat (he has been using his dads) instead of the video game he wanted, which im sure my sister will buy him anyway. Last year i got him football gloves and a new football and some small stuff.


The point i like to drive home whenever i buy him stuff like this, is that regardless of how nice or new or fancy your equipment is nothing replaces hard work. If he want's to be good at baseball it wont matter if he has the newest, nicest glove or bat if he doesnt put in the time and work.


As for Makayla, she usually ask's for dolls or girly crap. All of which i just have my sister order what she wants and i pay for it then wrap it. That being said they are pretty well behaved kids and don't act out a lot so i don't mind spoiling them for xmas. Now that I think about it i should probably tell them that.


EDIT: That model motor is awesome, I might have to scratch the baseball idea or let my brother buy those. My brother-in-law is an engineer and my nephew is very technical I can see him really enjoying that.

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The motor will keep them entertained for atleast an hr putting it together (thats how long it took me haha). I wanted it together and ready to go so we could turn it on for our son to see, mind you he is 2 so the lights and moving parts will be enough to keep his attention. It kept me and my buddies attention the entire time we was putting it together and tearing it back apart (put the head on backwards lol). It would definitley be a great father/son type deal.


As for a 10 year old girl goes, makeup (if she's allowed to have it), nail kits (again if she's allowed) and or gift cards (universal visa). I have learned the last 2 years through the toy drive we do tha most people have no idea what to buy girls 10+, the younger ones are simple as they still play with baby dolls and barbies.

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Spoiled or not, little girls LOVE crafts. Seriously.

Friendship Bracelet kits, Necklace beads, Anything they can make and do with their friends. Girls start to rely on their female friendships hard at 10-11. So "group" crafts are always a bonus.

This is also the age that vanity starts to come into play. She will be probably wanting new "girly" things for her bedroom, start reading teeny bopper magazines (wanna irk your siblings, get them a magazine subscription to one of them)


Lib Balm Kits


Fashion Design Kits


Friendship Braclet Kit



Six year old boys are super easy.. Any techie starter gifts, remote control cars, STAR WARS... Easy Peasy.. I could shop for my nephew all day and never run out of ideas for him..


My neices are much more tricky.


At Ages 10 a girl will also start blossoming into some harder reading books.

Something that may humble her and are GREAT coming of age books are the LIttle House Books

(you know, little house ont he praire?)

Also Anne of Green Gables..

Other Books for girls that age

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I like the above mentioned things. I will look into them, thanks.


Savage rascal, pink stock for the girl black stock for the boy. It's the stuff I asked for as a kid.




If I was up there with them to shoot more often, I would be all over this. Maybe in another year or two.

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One of those 3 would probably be best, since they look to have the most realistic parts and the amount of them. (IE Alternator, Water Pump, Headers that bolt on ETC)


Heres another link with a bunch of good ones



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Mine a little younger but ten 1dollar bills or some cash is pretty cool. They get to go to the store and pick out what they want. Also the 529 is a great idea. I ask our relitives to do contributions every year instead of more stupid shit that makes noise or breaks after 5 min.
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Be different and tell them you decided to donate their money to some poor kids that do not have any heat and water.


My family does this when the children are young. My nephew is 8 months and i plan on buying in a small toy (he definitely doesn't need clothes or toys) and then donating the rest to his 529. When they're that young they don't care what they get and will more often than not play with anything anyway.

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Is the little girl into art or drawing at all? A nice sketch book, pencil sets, blenders, ect. could be a good gift.


I always enjoyed those things, but that's why I'm now an architect lol



We are leaning more toward something like this.


The 529 always gets some for Birthdays and Xmas. All good point made with about that though.

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