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disc golf people, please read.


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My mom wants to buy my brother a "set" of frisbees to disc golf. I have never played, but i know a bunch of you do. I dont know what a set consists of, but i regularly sew people at hoover with bags full. I dont know what they go for, but she said she wants to spend "about $25". Can someone give me an idea i can pass on? I don't know how much each of these things are, and if she's only going to be able to get a couple or a few... I have no idea
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My mom wants to buy my brother a "set" of frisbees to disc golf. I have never played, but i know a bunch of you do. I dont know what a set consists of, but i regularly sew people at hoover with bags full. I dont know what they go for, but she said she wants to spend "about $25". Can someone give me an idea i can pass on? I don't know how much each of these things are, and if she's only going to be able to get a couple or a few... I have no idea


meijer and wallmart has the stater kits that come with a driver mid ranger and a putter. Its a ncie starter set. Is he new?

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From what I've seen that would get you about 2 discs, maybe. I would look for some used ones. I bought 5 off of a member here for 20, that was enough for me to start. I didn't even know what discs I would like to throw at first.


I would suggest going this route in the beginning.

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The starter kit is fine for a beginner. For years before the sport became what it is today users only used a single disc and it was good. The starter set with multiple discs will allow for different feel for several discs and if he chooses to play he can gauge what he wants based on the types in the kit.
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meijer and wallmart has the stater kits that come with a driver mid ranger and a putter. Its a ncie starter set. Is he new?


If it's the Innova set, great starter set, when you first play it doesn't matter what you throw, the more expensive drivers are bad for beginners. You have to throw pretty far to really use the sharp drivers.

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nice. love playing some disc golf. been plahing two seasons.. i blow donkey balls because my back cant twist so i dont throw right but its still fun, cheap entertainment and great excercise...especially if you play at hoover ... holy long walks :lol:


I bet I have played more than 5000 rounds there, and I helped install that track in 1990. :) I am always up to play and teach or advise for free. Been playing professionally since 1993.

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your old.... i was 4 when u did that :gabe:





cr frolf day 2013?


You guys name a day and I will try to be there. I'm not far from Hoover or Blendon. We put in a kick ass course in Pickerington a couple of years ago, if you have never played it, you should.

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nice. love playing some disc golf. been plahing two seasons.. i blow donkey balls because my back cant twist so i dont throw right but its still fun, cheap entertainment and great excercise...especially if you play at hoover ... holy long walks :lol:


I played a course in Tenn. when i was down visiting my mother, the shortest drive was over 400ft with some 600ft holes, long long course.

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