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27 dead (20 children, 6 adults and shooter) in an elem school in CT


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I'm at a loss for words but this situation is FUBAR! if the gun men are still alive they wont be for long, hell I couldn't imagine what was going through the children's head giving the time of year it is :(


My opinion is schools need to be locked down and for any reason someone needs to go in they need a police officer to escort them in and back out

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While I see where you are going with this, a couple things about this stat; One, there are, most likely, less airplanes flying around at any one time than there are classrooms full of children in America. Second, a plane is, by definition, a higher risk environment than a classroom (unless that classroom happens to be a mechanically powered one that is currently situated 30,000 feet above terra firma and not resting on any type of landmass) and also easily converted into an actual weapon (see: 9/11/01). Thusly, it is both logical and understandable that a plane would be a more well guarded environment than a classroom.


I'd like to see the statistics, but at this point I'm willing to wager at least a small amount of money that you are as likely to be killed in a school shooting as you are to be killed in a airplane crash, let alone an act of terrorism involving an airplane. If so, then the statistics would dictate that classrooms be afforded as much, if not more, security than airplanes.


(Note: I realize you and I are having a discussion that is, most likely, purely academic.)

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I don't think there is a realistic fix for this. Zooming out you'd have to change society as a whole, instilling fear and respect back into kids. I wasn't exactly a poster child but I still grew up calling every adult sir/ma'am and "wait till I tell your father" was the last thing I ever wanted to hear. I don't have any pie charts or sources but somewhere over the past few decades I feel that's all been lost.
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I don't think there is a realistic fix for this. Zooming out you'd have to change society as a whole, instilling fear and respect back into kids. I wasn't exactly a poster child but I still grew up calling every adult sir/ma'am and "wait till I tell your father" was the last thing I ever wanted to hear. I don't have any pie charts or sources but somewhere over the past few decades I feel that's all been lost.


With or without the charts this is well put.


Im over here holding back tears. I couldnt imagine getting a call that one of my kids was killed.

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I don't think there is a realistic fix for this. Zooming out you'd have to change society as a whole, instilling fear and respect back into kids. I wasn't exactly a poster child but I still grew up calling every adult sir/ma'am and "wait till I tell your father" was the last thing I ever wanted to hear. I don't have any pie charts or sources but somewhere over the past few decades I feel that's all been lost.


I don't think there is a realistic fix for this. Zooming out you'd have to change society as a whole, instilling fear and respect back into kids. I wasn't exactly a poster child but I still grew up calling every adult sir/ma'am and "wait till I tell your father" was the last thing I ever wanted to hear. I don't have any pie charts or sources but somewhere over the past few decades I feel that's all been lost.



This needed to be quoted twice

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I don't think there is a realistic fix for this. Zooming out you'd have to change society as a whole, instilling fear and respect back into kids. I wasn't exactly a poster child but I still grew up calling every adult sir/ma'am and "wait till I tell your father" was the last thing I ever wanted to hear. I don't have any pie charts or sources but somewhere over the past few decades I feel that's all been lost.


Agreed, I still to this day remember the manners I was taught by my family. I think we are too relaxed on finding some of these mentally sick individuals actual help instead of giving them meds they administer to themselves, what that solution is I do not know.

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I don't care what is said or thought about me, I am fighting back tears as I sit at my desk. I can't think of any worse pain than these parents feel right now. Amazing how having children changes you. So mad at this person, I want to rip him apart, and I feel sick he is dead and nobody can do anything to him. So angry....
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I don't care what is said or thought about me, I am fighting back tears as I sit at my desk. I can't think of any worse pain than these parents feel right now. Amazing how having children changes you. So mad at this person, I want to rip him apart, and I feel sick he is dead and nobody can do anything to him. So angry....


Ive got this empty feeling and escalating rage building up. I feel so sorry for them. Its not fucking fair

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I don't think there is a realistic fix for this. Zooming out you'd have to change society as a whole, instilling fear and respect back into kids. I wasn't exactly a poster child but I still grew up calling every adult sir/ma'am and "wait till I tell your father" was the last thing I ever wanted to hear. I don't have any pie charts or sources but somewhere over the past few decades I feel that's all been lost.


amen...same thing here from when I grew up

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My mom was a first grade teacher for 25 years, to think that this could have happened her school is just crazy. When I read about it my heart dropped, the world is just tearing itself apart piece by piece. My thoughts and prayers go out to all the kids there, as things will never be right. Seeing your friends gunned down at a young age will forever haunt the ones that survived. No kid should have to go though that. Parents should never have to worry about their kids in school either.. God help the ones that didnt make it :(
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Cleaned the thread up.


Now is not the time to be discussing gun control, right to carry, constitution and all the other nonsense.


Children were killed. Innocent, young, helpless children.


I suggest that anyone who thinks THIS is the case to bring up such issues should kindly take a few steps back and shove a sock in their mouths.


There is enough tragedy in the world, enough misery. This is the last thing anyone ever wants to hear about.


Do you think the parents of those that were killed and wounded give a damn about any of that? No. They either lost or will lose or just barely hung onto their children.


Don't politicize this. Politics don't even fit.


But it's futile to say because most will anyway :(



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As shown, evil exists. There's no clear cut solution to this tragedy. It was a plain and simple evil act, by an evil person. All that can be done for the future, is to stay vigilant, and prepare for those kinds of evil. We should all pray nothing like this happens again, especially those defenseless and innocent children. This should be a call to family and religion, and not time for political sewage.
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Facts as far as I can tell:


1 shooter Ryan Lanza, 24 years old, went into the school to kill his mother, a kindergarten teacher among others. He was from the area. They investigated his home in Hoboken, NJ and found his father dead there. 20 kids killed, 7 adults including the shooter. Not sure if shooter's death was self-inflicted or not. Doesn't really matter.


I'm heartbroken for all the families affected by this. Today no one is pro gun or anti gun control. We're not pro-homeschool or pro-school security. We are all parents, brothers, sisters, or children. We will all struggle tonight as we lie down and try to imagine life if this had happened to our family, and my only hope is that we will all wake up tomorrow morning and, instead of trusting our neighbors and coworkers and friends less, that we might reach out to one another in the hopes that a little kindness will prevent this kind of stuff in the future.


EDIT: Father, not brother dead in hoboken

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As shown, evil exists. There's no clear cut solution to this tragedy. It was a plain and simple evil act, by an evil person. All that can be done for the future, is to stay vigilant, and prepare for those kinds of evil. We should all pray nothing like this happens again, especially those defenseless and innocent children. This should be a call to family and religion, and not time for political sewage.


Scott, with probably the most accurate thing ever. Bravo.

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I don't have kids but I feel for everyone. I can't imagine the individual that would turn his weapon on his own mother and innocent children. Something about that brings me a great deal of sorrow. I would press for armed patrol units in schools. Maybe even teachers. However, we've seen them do ignorant things too. If I were a parent picking my child up from school I would have shot that young man and stood before God standing tall.
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