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27 dead (20 children, 6 adults and shooter) in an elem school in CT


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Good article. I have a hard time understanding parents that say stuff like this...



"I love my son," she said of her 13-year-old. "But he terrifies me."


Because they don't know how to be a parent rather than a friend?


My sister called my mother a bitch when she was like 11 to this day I will never forget what my mother said: "I am not a bitch, I am the bitch and you will do exactly what this bitch says or else"


Sister never gave my mom any real problems after that going forward.


I think this thread has about run it's course...

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He somehow heard about what we was doing out in LA on their news. Honestly I am in disbelief right now. I never in my wildest dreams thought I would be part of something like this. I really anticipated taking a few bears for family and friends. Now I feel we are taking for our entire community and I have no problem with that. The only conflicting thoughts/feelings I am having is, I wish this was for a different reason....
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Hey guys the issue is this noun. Real talk. We should regulate and ban noun so it will stop these tragedies from happening at the source, noun! Criminals will surely follow the laws we make for banning noun because that is what they do, follow laws :gabe:


Someone in here is a special kind of stupid.

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If I hear, "It's time for 'meaningful' talks" one more god damn time...


Seriously? What exactly is a 'meaningful' talk? Are those the things I have with anti-gun people where I blow holes in every-single-one of their counterpoints until they get so frustrated that they resort to name calling and insults before they get up from the table and stomp away kicking and screaming? Those kind of meaningful talks? I'm all for some more of those.

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Do you even know what the 2A means? I am pretty sure you don't have a clue. The 2A is not to protect us from foreign invaders or zombies. There is a hint for ya, mabey you need to go back to history class and learn what the 2A was really intended for.


Yes, I do.


"That the People have a right to keep and bear Arms; that a well regulated Militia, including the body of the People capable of bearing Arms, is the proper, natural and safe defence of a free State; That the Militia should not be subject to Martial Law except in time of War, Rebellion or Insurrection. That Standing Armies in time of Peace are dangerous to Liberty, and ought not to be kept up, except in Cases of necessity; and that at all times, the Military should be under strict Subordination to the civil Power.



Again, like I said-I think EVERYONE should have a CCW. Should be able, trained, and LICESNED to have it. But if you require more than one hand gun to defend yourself, you have other, varied problems.


You are what is wrong with society. Blaming video games and guns for what happen. I hope you are never a parent because from what I can tell, taking responsibilty isn't your thing. You need to take educate your self before you make ignorant assumptions.



At no point in time did I "blame" video games. But, you cant with a straight face argue that doing anything with repetition makes you more comfortable to that action or situation. 1000's of tests from lab rats to humans in varying circumstanced prove this. No, you are not the issue, or the other millions of people that play COD or similar games with ultra-realistic 1st person human death, but the fact that people think that someone who has been virtually killing for 10,15,20 years would not be more verse or numb to actually killing someone shows how warped our society is. If you have a kid that has mental issues-then don’t let him play these games, period. I think at the end of the day, mom screwed up here. As usual, it all starts at home, but you can’t argue about known, tested, and proven facts about human behavior.



Thanks for saying the government that you entrust to protect you should violate the Constitution. And you might want to stick to making cars go fast, that you are very good at. Everything above is garbage. It's not the people with background check and legal guns doing this shit!!! So you're for limiting the person who has been back ground checked to only having one hand gun. Because that's what YOU think is enough for the 2 seconds of thought you put into this. Can you even tell the differance between the action and function of what you think is an assult rifle? It's a good thing you are leaving it to your armed forces to protect you. You need that protection. Your way of thinking is toxic and will get people hurt.



No-Your not reading. I agree with a CCW-train everyone, let them legally bear arms. That is fine. I don’t think that anyone should have, or need, anything more than that unless you are a licensed hunter. And in that case-keep it a single shot weapon.



Really? Let me fix that for you. A mentally handicapped person with money can walk into a gun store and will be denied from buying a gun. What's your point? For starters, you shouldn't be calling mentally challenged people retards. You really could use some sensitivity training.


Sensitivity training? Its CR you faggot. The kid was one screw short of as FULL FUCKING RETARD. Leave your sandy gun loving Vagina at home.



I am all for NHRA licensing, the whole 9 yards - ONE dedicated TRACK purposed car is fine - there is ABSOLUTELY no need for civilians to have 10 second cars,period. People should not be allowed to have anything more than one caged slicked car for track purposes ONLY. Thats it. If you have an NHRA license, then you can have a race car- other wise there is simply no f'in need. Don't give me that freedom crap. We have other countries that are allowed to race if you want to watch them. If you don't like it then LEAVE. Go hide in Mexico and make youtube videos.



I get it-it’s a hobby for some. And for most its safe- and controlled, but then 85% of ALL homicides for kids aged 15-19 are gun related!! That should be pretty alarming to hear. http://articles.courant.com/2012-12-17/news/hc-op-oneill-sandy-hook-gun-violence-public-health-20121217_1_gun-violence-mental-health-firearms . Again, I blame the mother, she is the root of this kid getting out of hand-but a small percentage of me does blame society and our new found comfort level with weaponization of civilians an paranoia of needed self defense. It’s a problem that has solutions no one want to hear or deal with.

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He somehow heard about what we was doing out in LA on their news. Honestly I am in disbelief right now. I never in my wildest dreams thought I would be part of something like this. I really anticipated taking a few bears for family and friends. Now I feel we are taking for our entire community and I have no problem with that. The only conflicting thoughts/feelings I am having is, I wish this was for a different reason....



You are the MAN by the way. Kudos to you!


My company just send a Uhaul full of donations out there as well.

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And again-if I have not stated it clear enough-I AGREE with CCW. I agree with GIVING EVERYONE a HANDGUN even! Why not? Self defense is everyone’s right. I agree with it. All of you second amendment wieners can quit crying whenever you like.


The 2A isn't about CCW or hunting. AT ALL.


It's the big brother to the 1A. If little brother gets picked on, big brother steps in to kick the ass of whoever is messing with the little guy. It's the American citizen's contingency plan.


1A = You can run your mouth to your .gov to get what you want. If they try to take that right away from you, you move onto step 2.


2A = You shoot your .gov in the face. In order for this to be effective, the American citizens should obviously be as well armed as the .gov. It's hard to fight back a government that can straight mow you over if all you have is a single low cap handgun.



Why is this so hard to understand for people? I hear people say, "This is the US, it'll never happen!" Do you all really trust your politicians in the least? Almost every American agrees that you can't trust them with your money, so why would should we trust them to do what's right when we have absolutely no way to defend ourselves? Take a look at history. This shit happens all the time. It's exactly what happened when this country came into existence, hence, why it is #2 (!) on the list of important shit we have a right to in this country. #2!!!!! out of 27, it's #2.



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The 2A isn't about CCW or hunting. AT ALL.


It's the big brother to the 1A. If little brother gets picked on, big brother steps in to kick the ass of whoever is messing with the little guy. It's the American citizen's contingency plan.


1A = You can run your mouth to your .gov to get what you want. If they try to take that right away from you, you move onto step 2.


2A = You shoot your .gov in the face. In order for this to be effective, the American citizens should obviously be as well armed as the .gov. It's hard to fight back a government that can straight mow you over if all you have is a single low cap handgun.



Why is this so hard to understand for people? I hear people say, "This is the US, it'll never happen!" Do you all really trust your politicians in the least? Almost every American agrees that you can't trust them with your money, so why would should we trust them to do what's right when we have absolutely no way to defend ourselves? Take a look at history. This shit happens all the time. It's exactly what happened when this country came into existence, hence, why it is #2 (!) on the list of important shit we have a right to in this country. #2!!!!! out of 27, it's #2.




Austin for president

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Why is this so hard to understand for people? I hear people say, "This is the US, it'll never happen!" Do you all really trust your politicians in the least? Almost every American agrees that you can't trust them with your money, so why would should we trust them to do what's right when we have absolutely no way to defend ourselves? Take a look at history. This shit happens all the time. It's exactly what happened when this country came into existence, hence, why it is #2 (!) on the list of important shit we have a right to in this country. #2!!!!! out of 27, it's #2.




Yes, it was very improtant- in 1791! :lolguy:

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JP, my advice would be to either make a thread in the Kitchen to debate the gun stuff, or just not say anything at all. Gun control is one of those few topics that makes CR go absolutely fucking bananas.


I really don’t care enough to debate it. My post came from a email reply to a chain started by a mail room clerk who makes 28k to spend on his gun collection (living in him moms house, mind you) who I consider a weirdo, may not be employed come Friday at this point. There is not one person I that has a LARGE gun collection, including AR’s, AK’s M 16’s…ect. That is not a fucking weirdo. THAT’S what’s scary, the only people they seem really up in arms about owning multiple assault rifles are the only people that have no business OWNING MULTIPLE ASSULT RIFFLES.


But like I said-my post was copy-paste. That’s about how much I really care. ;)

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