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Any fans of the 1994 Killer Instinct Arcade Game?

DTM Brian

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I have been playing it the last couple nights along with some of my favorite SNES games. Brings back memories of staying up all night playing these games. Feels good to not think about cars and travel back in time.


Favorite SNES games that I have been playing are Castlevania and Donkey Kong Country.


If someone would have told me I could have all the games I played as kid on my computer. I would have thought they were crazy.

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I love the SNES version of Mario Kart and still play it with my daughter. She has played and beaten most of the Zelda games from old NES, SNES, N64, on up to her Wii and DS. I don't know what that makes her seeing as how none of her friends know what these old systems are, but she is an honor roll student so she can play all the video games she wants.
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just curious why not emulate ?


Not everyone wants to be a technerd. I really like the idea of doing just the same way we did as kids. An emulater just takes a certain nostalgia out of it. Hence why he refers to it as a "retro" gaming center, same reason he's using a CRT TV.

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I need to find a SNES, I have been looking for one that has no yellowing :( I have a retro gaming center set up with my NES, Genesis and N64 all on a CRT tv.


I have two SNES. Funny part is one of them yellowed on one half of the parts and the other which has been in a box turned yellow on the opposite parts. I could take the two of them apart and make one all yellow unit and one all the original color. LOL



Pretty sure Cordell has seen my entire collection.

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just curious why not emulate ?


Not everyone wants to be a technerd. I really like the idea of doing just the same way we did as kids. An emulater just takes a certain nostalgia out of it. Hence why he refers to it as a "retro" gaming center, same reason he's using a CRT TV.


Pretty much spot on, I like the actual systems that I have had since I was a kid. I have used emulators its just not the same as looking though all the cartridges, blowing on them, and flipping on the on switch and just turning your mind off for a bit. I just like collecting all the old games as well. Sure it costs a lot but can be enjoyed all the time. I have spent time collecting the games I want and getting a nice CRT tv. Just a hobby and a way to kick back

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This is my current set-up...




The kids and their friends play them way more than I do. Did it to just say I can. The one in the middle and the one on the right are both MAME emus in modified arcade cabinets, the left one is actual Bad Dudes vs. Dragon Ninja

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This is my current set-up...




The kids and their friends play them way more than I do. Did it to just say I can. The one in the middle and the one on the right are both MAME emus in modified arcade cabinets, the left one is actual Bad Dudes vs. Dragon Ninja


Awesome!!!! I still have bad dudes for nes lol.

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