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Words from Paul Howe


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He has good words about a situation in which someone comes to your door to take your gun. I am not afraid of that happening. It won't happen like that.


Anti-gunners will peck away at one thing after another, one small incremental ban after another, one more fee or registration after the other, until you won't recognize the gun culture. At least, that is the more realistic scenario I want to fight.


It isn't the 21 year old kid in an Army uniform I fear; it's the lifelong liberal that sees herself in a powerful Washington position that scares the shit out of me.

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They aren't going to come confiscate weapons, but they can pass laws to make you a felon if you don't comply (registration, no transfers, whatever).


Re-classification of firearms has happened several times and could certainly happen again.


Write your government representatives NOW! What have you got to lose?

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