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Westside CCW Father With Toddler Shoots Armed Robber


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I Think There Might Be Something A Little Off About The Guy's Story.. Like The Part Where The Robber Started Walking Away Then Turned Back Around To Attack Again


I could care less if the robber turned back around or what, he deserved to get shot and the robber is lucky he's not dead. Fuck the stupid low life theif. It sounds like the cops beleived his story, no fucks given.

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I Think There Might Be Something A Little Off About The Guy's Story.. Like The Part Where The Robber Started Walking Away Then Turned Back Around To Attack Again


Stop capitalizing like that...

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"suspect walks away, victim draws weapon and yells hey, suspect turns and victim fires, clean shot, no fucks givin'"


I love stories like this, I try to think how the crime rate might tend to lower itself more if criminals had harsher concequences than 3hots, and a cot!!!!!!!

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No one said it was great news. They said it was excellent news. ;) Also, since when is a two month old, a toddler? Lastly, armed robbers deserve to be shot, so even though the situation is horrible, and it is much preferred for the father and child to never have gone through such a terrible ordeal, a person willing to point a firearm at another human being for money or property was shot, and I could give two fucks if it was in the back, the back of his head, or both knees and one in the gut, I only hope that if the alleged victim's story is true, that there are no legal woes coming his way.
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No one said it was great news. They said it was excellent news. ;) Also, since when is a two month old, a toddler? Lastly, armed robbers deserve to be shot, so even though the situation is horrible, and it is much preferred for the father and child to never have gone through such a terrible ordeal, a person willing to point a firearm at another human being for money or property was shot, and I could give two fucks if it was in the back, the back of his head, or both knees and one in the gut, I only hope that if the alleged victim's story is true, that there are no legal woes coming his way.


Yep, one less person clogging the legal system.

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I said Excellent, not great. Too many storys saying guns are bad. There needs to be equal press where guns save lives.


What there needs to be are stories indicating whethert simply locking their door or improving their home security in the first place may've stopped the intruder from ever entering.


I'm betting you'll find that's the case more often than not. Proper security will nearly negate the need for a firearm and a possibly bad outcome leaving the use of a firearm as an absolute last choice.


Don't know what the actual case here is, I'm just speaking in general terms.

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I said Excellent, not great. Too many storys saying guns are bad. There needs to be equal press where guns save lives.


There needs to be ACCURATE press when guns save lives.


To me there are 2 possibilities in this scenario.


1) Robber actually did turn around, victim's and son's life were in danger, and proper use of a firearm did indeed save their lives. Case closed, guns do serve a purpose when used by trained coherent people.


2) Robber didn't turn around, and the shooting was vindictive. This is NOT an example of guns saving lives, and instead will have the opposite of the intended effect of showing that guns are helpful. Instead, it will continue to worry people like me who are gun supporters but don't like the idea of our country becoming like the wild west, where justice is dispensed by individuals a few grams of lead at a time.


Remember, the Constitution that protects your right to bear arms also protects everyone's right to a fair and impartial trial by a jury of your peers.

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Great News!

Guy got mugged by armed POS then shot the suspect while defending his son and himself.




Excellent news!


No one said it was great news.


Yes, the OP did.


I said Excellent, not great.


I know.




Guy getting assaulted? Person killed? Child possibly traumatized? Possible illegal use of firearm to take a life?


Which one is great (or excellent) news?

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Yes, the OP did.




I know.




Guy getting assaulted? Person killed? Child possibly traumatized? Possible illegal use of firearm to take a life?


Which one is great (or excellent) news?

Child traumatized? Please, do tell me more about what you remember when you were 2 months old.

Illegal use? In my eyes if the idiot who robbed him had a weapon, his intent may have been to use it, even after the fact of robbing someone. Why are we taking the side of the criminal? IF YOU DON'T WANT KILLED, DON'T TRY AND ROB SOMEONE!!! It's not rocket science lol.


It's excellent because in 2007 the total number of inmates in 2007 in federal, state, and local lockups was 2,419,241. Around $74 billion was spent on corrections. That's around $30,600 per inmate. I'm certain these costs have gone up. I'm sure you'd rather see that $30,600 tacked onto the debt, right?


EDIT: Even if the victim did say "Hey" to get the robber to turn around, then shot him, in my eyes that's what he gets. As the saying goes, "If you can't do the time, don't do the crime." The dumbshit took the chance, and became a statistic. One bullet saved two lives. Simple math. I guess he could have fled, and called 911, and hoped that the police showed up in time to save him.

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I Think There Might Be Something A Little Off About The Guy's Story.. Like The Part Where The Robber Started Walking Away Then Turned Back Around To Attack Again


These types of stories are what fuel anti-gun activists. Shit happened all the time in Florida. If you're going to pull a weapon please be 100% sure you are justified in using it.

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Child traumatized? Please, do tell me more about what you remember when you were 2 months old.

Illegal use? In my eyes if the idiot who robbed him had a weapon, his intent may have been to use it, even after the fact of robbing someone. Why are we taking the side of the criminal? IF YOU DON'T WANT KILLED, DON'T TRY AND ROB SOMEONE!!! It's not rocket science lol.


It's excellent because in 2007 the total number of inmates in 2007 in federal, state, and local lockups was 2,419,241. Around $74 billion was spent on corrections. That's around $30,600 per inmate. I'm certain these costs have gone up. I'm sure you'd rather see that $30,600 tacked onto the debt, right?


EDIT: Even if the victim did say "Hey" to get the robber to turn around, then shot him, in my eyes that's what he gets. As the saying goes, "If you can't do the time, don't do the crime." The dumbshit took the chance, and became a statistic. One bullet saved two lives. Simple math. I guess he could have fled, and called 911, and hoped that the police showed up in time to save him.


Ohio law states - "The people have the right to bear arms for their defense and security; but standing armies, in time of peace, are dangerous to liberty, and shall not be kept up; and the military shall be in strict subordination to the civil power.


If he used the gun when the person was no longer a threat, and the person was no longer committing a crime, then he is a murderer, and wasn't defending SHIT. IT'S NOT ROCKET SCIENCE LOL


And yes, if the person committed a crime then that cost to house them needs to be added to whatever budget that comes out of, since those criminals are also guaranteed the right to trial by due process.


Everyone here who values their rights should understand why we have them, and not be happy when someone abuses the law using the rights we hold dear (which should be ALL of them).


Edit:If the guy is still alive, then remove 'murder' and what not and replace it with whatever applies. :)

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