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Cadillac ELR


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I think this is one of the most attractive production car designs of the last 10-15 years. Amazing looking car.


Now, the sad news is it's a FWD electric-car automatic failtrain...but that aside I give it :thumbup::thumbup:

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This whole electric car thing is gay as fuck, the technology to make them any kind of feasable purchase just isn't there yet. That thing looks nice'ish, sure, but the only people I see buying some slowasfuckmobile like that are the same smug rich people who believe organic food is better for you
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Jesus, could they find the biggest fucking hippes in the world to represent one side of the argument?


I'm not going to turn this into an organic vs. non-orgainic argument thread, and clearly you didn't read into my sarcasm of playing into the electric/hybrid car owner role.



I don't buy organic, however I would be careful of the statement "there is no scientific evidence of..." In this case there is no scientific evidence of pesticides being harmful to health or cancer causing because there has never been a comprehensive study conducted. There is no evidence because there is no data. Even the latest study that came out a few months ago said that there was no difference found in nutritional content of organic and non-organic vegetables, however there were higher levels of pesticides found on the non-organinc veges. But there is currently no scientific evidence (meaning a peer-reviewed comprehensive study of long duration) that says these chemicals are harmful to your health.

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I am with you Clay, I love the styling. I see the Civic references but the Cadillac turns up the style in all the right places. I have no interest in a hybrid, or FWD for that matter but hell if Lexus can sell that fugly version of the Prius Cadillac should be able to sell these.
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hell if Lexus can sell that fugly version of the Prius Cadillac should be able to sell these.


IIRC Lexus ditched that car though.


Caddy is nice looking but 4,000lbs is crazy stupid. IMO no one paying Caddy prices gives a shit about economy and the car itself is far from Green. Nice political try at it though. Interior is nice.

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