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Bill O'Riley actually gets it right for once


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This money stuff is scarey as shit to me. What can I do? I balance my own life, how do we get the feds to do that? I will go to rallies, sign things, whatever, I just don't know about anything. I am ignorant and just get pissed listening to NPR and other news.
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This money stuff is scarey as shit to me. What can I do? I balance my own life, how do we get the feds to do that? I will go to rallies, sign things, whatever, I just don't know about anything. I am ignorant and just get pissed listening to NPR and other news.


There is nothing you can do, they have their own agenda. The feds are more interested in things like gun control and what happenes in shithole countries rather than addressing the fact we are fucked.

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