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sadly one will come up missing and the other on a boat to go back home and never allowed to step foot on Obama land again

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Dude has balls. We need more people like him.


I wouldn't say it takes balls, it just takes some fucking doing. Not enough people stand up and speak the truth about what they believe. What he said isn't difficult to share as it's true and irrefutable. The hard part is getting more people off their butts to do so.


I like what this guy had to say.



:confused::confused: So you support banning a "military assult rifle" ? Really? An AR-15 is among the "most powerful" weapons out there? Really? You also support me having to register my guns? Are you kidding me? Me....I shouldn't have to report that. Fuck uncle Obama and his big brother tactics. They want to charge me to register my gun and then take it from my family when I die? NO FUCKING THANK YOU.

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