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ex-LA cop wages "unconventional and asymmetrical" warfare against police

Das Borgen

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Wow.. if this dude is still on the loose, then he's making the L.A.P.D and everyone else in pursuit of him look foolish. I'm not sure if all I've heard about this story is true, but didn't some woman get shot by the cops who though they were chasing this Dorner? Now they set fire to a house that they have surrounded only to find out the person they were shooting at wasn’t inside... And the charred body is now female.


I’m not rooting for this Dorner guy, he’s obviously fucked in the head and needs to be stopped. It's never acceptable to kill people. I do find this story to be... what’s the word… maybe little humorous or ironic. Now that the police are all over the media talking about how scared they are. It just points out the complete and udder incompetency of most law enforcement. It’s sad to me that some people believe the police are meant to protect them. And that we allow these “mightier than thou” cops to exist. IMO and experience, they’re just judgmental “bullies” with a badge. And now that there is a bigger meaner bully on the loose, judging them and dictating their freedoms we’re supposed to feel bad for them, or call them heroes.?!


Either way, it’s a horrible thing that’s going on for everyone involved. Makes me wish we could all at least respect one another enough to not kill or want to continuously shove our own views and beliefs down others’ throats… LOVE!

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I’m not rooting for this Dorner guy, he’s obviously fucked in the head and needs to be stopped. It's never acceptable to kill people. I do find this story to be... what’s the word… maybe little humorous or ironic. Now that the police are all over the media talking about how scared they are. It just points out the complete and udder incompetency of most law enforcement. It’s sad to me that some people believe the police are meant to protect them. And that we allow these “mightier than thou” cops to exist. IMO and experience, they’re just judgmental “bullies” with a badge. And now that there is a bigger meaner bully on the loose, judging them and dictating their freedoms we’re supposed to feel bad for them, or call them heroes.?!


Either way, it’s a horrible thing that’s going on for everyone involved. Makes me wish we could all at least respect one another enough to not kill or want to continuously shove our own views and beliefs down others’ throats… LOVE!


Well said.


I think it comes down to the fact that in this day and age, the police rarely if ever have to deal with someone who can take them down. We saw it to a much lesser degree in the past few years with legal arguments over citizens filming police actions which most courts rightfully decided is within our rights, as police have no reasonable expectation of privacy, nor should privacy matter when they're carrying out their duties as officers of the law.


While Dorner is a murderer, he is someone who could take them down by creating a demand for more stringent civilian oversight of police actions. The call to action may be a direct result of his deplorable actions, but while the ends will never justify the means, we may find that his actions led to noble ends. It's a moral issue that IMO no one should feel comfortable making concrete assertions about, and anyone who finds themselves unquestionably on one side or another (i.e. police did nothing wrong, Dorner was a nutjob OR Dorner did nothing wrong, police had it coming) should be treated with some measure of suspicion.

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Until there is more legitimate information, we have only this:




and then we found out that the fired cop that the fired on cops thought they set on fire wasn't the fired cop then some cops got fired.



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"Let's go ahead with the burn"......."we didn't intentionally set the cabin on fire"....."the term burn means engage tear gas"..


Lmao....sure it fucking does.



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I can't believe anything that's been said. I probably won't allow myself for a few months since it seems to take that long for the truth to surface! My initial thought yesterday about the burned body and ID is this: If I spent my entire day plotting on the LAPD I would not have my ID on me across the street from their stronghold. Now to leave my ID on someone else, that's a different story...


I think any trained individual that has entire days to dedicate to planning is going to go out a lot better than burning to death in a cabin, next to the police and their meeting spot with his ID next to him. The media loves to insult the intelligence of their viewers. Maybe it's the Farva's working for the LAPD that do I don't know.

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