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Lost my "Baby Girl" today- the passing of my dog.


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15 years ago, i acquired my first dog as an independent adult, i was barely 19. Mazey has been with me through so much. She's led a blessed life, and at times exciting life.

She was diagnosed with a tumor at the beginning of the year and the vet told us it could be days or weeks. Today she started acting weird a few hours after her vet checkup.. we went right back and found out she was bleeding internally likely from the tumor.


We put her down at 445 today.

This is the second pet we have had to put down the day before valentines day. I hate valentines day.


She spent her last days eating whatever i could get her to eat, which included bacon, eggs, baby food, wendys burgers, shredded chicken.. really anything her little tummy would let her eat.


Mazeys life story is below this photo, i don't expect you to read it, but if you are interested.. have at it its a little convoluted.



Mazey by Lucky Lola Studios, on Flickr



In early 1998, I had picked up my boyfriend after work (around 1am) and we headed to downtown Dayton to stop in and see his brother and sister in law so he could help them fix something.


I was sitting in the car, waiting for him to come back out, when my life changed forever.


As I was sitting there, parked on 2nd street, I saw something furry and small plodding along. It was so tiny, to small to be wandering the streets at 1am all alone.


I got out of the car and kneeled down and this little tiny puppy came running right over to me. I picked her up and she licked my nose and face and was pretty skinny. I immediately went to the back seat and pulled out the chicken wings the boyfriend had brought home from work, and began feeding them to her.


She ate so hungrily. I kept feeding her more and more, till the boyfriend came out. He asked me where she came from, and I told him I found her running down the middle of the street. So we took her home and she fell asleep curled up next to me while I drove home.


When I got back to my Dads house, I was worried that KoKo, the family Australian Shepherd, would adjust to another dog. She hadn’t really been around others. It was a risk, but I felt like the puppy would push through and warm her heart. I of course was right.


My dad flipped out the next morning when he came out and found another dog in the house. He eventually warmed to her, and came to love this silly little puppy.

She made funny noises, had cute faces and kept us smiling.


Eventually the boyfriend and I broke up, and I knew he wanted to take her as well when he left, but I wouldn’t budge. She was my baby. My first dog as an adult. She wasn’t leaving my side.


She’s been my constant friend, she loved her kitties when we got them, despised Lola when she arrived, but has always been a funny dog with a pension for food, and a love like no other for cheese.


Mazey hasn’t been without issues. Mazey is an explorer. A fence never kept her in. I have hunted her down blocks away, chased her as she jumped the fence right in front of me, and rescued her from her own nose. I have bailed her out of jail, held her when a car hit her and I had no money to take her to the vet, praying she wouldn’t die in my arms.



When she lived with my dad for a short period while I moved to Columbus for the first time.


When I met Nathan, he was a little overwhelmed with my big 4 legged family. One of our first few dates, we went back to my dads house to take the dogs out before going somewhere. While we were standing at the top of the hill watching the dogs, Mazey just ran and jumped right over the fence.. RIGHT IN FRONT OF US! I ran down that hill so fast and jumped the fence to chase her down.. Poor guy had no clue what he was in for.


Mazey has grown to love Nathan in a different way than anyone else. She became his constant door greeter. No care if I was coming inside, just him. They shared a love for spicy foods, and popcorn.


Mazey has taken her adult life at a slow and easy pace though. She has taken to having a large 5ft fenced in yard. We made sure to have it made for her, with slats to look through. She watches other dogs on walks, and runners and her neighborhood rolling past her.


She loves it. Mazey patrols the yard happily, watching the world go by.

We recently got a dog door, and she used it to its fullest extent. She could easily be out side 2-3 times an hour. She loves the squirrels, the dog walkers and our neighbors who will happily greet her though the fence.



Mazeys last few days have been filled with Wendys Burgers, shredded chicken, eggs, cheese and bacon. She’s sleeping a lot and losing strength in her back legs, but managed one last final photoshoot with her momma.


Ill miss this dog when she goes. I know it’s coming, and I know its breaking my heart.

Mazey just turned 15.

She isn’t in pain. She will go out as peacefully as I can let her.


February 6, 2013


Rest in Peace my little furry beast.


February 13, 2013

We got our first place in 99 and i got my first kittens. Mazey loved her little fur babies. They followed her around and loved on her.

Mazey, i learned was an escape artist.. and truley an artist about it. She didnt leap the fence.. She literally scaled it. Chainlink fences didnt keep this dog in. She had a beagle nose and knew how to use it.


She happily greeted Nathan eveyr single day of her life with him, with a wag of the tail and a plop on the floor waiting for her daily chest rub before she ran off to do her own thing.


She was perfectly content to be by herself, but loved a good rub down and a walk, or a chase of the squirrels. Mazey was a talker in her day, she could roo like no other. She alerted lola to things that needed the "big dog" bark, and she loved to give kisses.


She's been in jail because of her escape artistry, she was hit by a car, she'd gotten lost and found.. Many adventures.

Her skills weren’t just limited to climbing fences though. She used to dance for her treats, she could roll over, and she learned tricks very quickly.


Her biggest trick was she was a Trash Ninja. When we had crates for the dogs, i would clean out thier cages once a month with fresh blankets, and empty out mazeys bedding of all the things she had pulledout of trash cans, off tables, or off my desk and hid in her bed.


Mazey has been to the beach, she learned how to swim the hard way (She fell into a pool when running across a yard not knowing what a pool was) She's been to Branson, shhe's been camping. She's been my constant companion for the last 15 years, and i will miss her.

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Our Shelty is 13, and that's about the life expectancy. It's gonna be hard for the kids, I don't think my daughter quite gets that she can never see her Grandpa in Arizona anymore. This will be different.


My mom's cat is 22 and still going. We were expecting the move to our old house to kill her, then for sure the move to the apartment, ok the move to the house 100 days later would surely be too much stress. Nope still going.

Edited by Benjamin
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Sorry. :(


I had my shepherd for 17 (ages 2-19) years and the day we had to put him down sucked. He was a brother to me. A loyal friend. Someone I could always rely on to treat me without judgement of any sort. They are truly more than "just animals". They are family.

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Very sorry to hear that. :( I too had one of my dogs pass back in November. I had two Labs, sisters from the same litter, and one of them had a stroke, probably from a brain tumor. She went downhill really quick within 4 days. She was so healthy up until that point. It really tore me up. Her sister is still around and will turn 13 next month. I hate losing dogs... :(
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Im so sorry for your loss. I recently had to put my beagle down at 16. She was like a sister to me. She had the same as yor dog. Just remember they are running around having fun and probably avoiding random pools up there and you will get to see them again one day and enjoy that lick of the face from your bestfriend again.
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A good dog beats most people in terms of loyalty and unconditional love most days.




My heart breaks when i see stuff like this, idk how im going to do when any one of our dogs goes. They become a family member and not just a dog or a pet. The best feeling is coming home to your dog(s) and them being as excited to see you as they are. Unconditional love is rare, you and your family will be in my prayers tonight

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sorry to hear about you losing your dog. They really do become family. I've had a lot of dogs in my life....some good...some bad....but I remember every one of them. The last one I had lived to be 13 and was probably the best dog I've ever owned. I put him down 3 years ago and I still think about him on a regular basis....I miss that guy. Edited by xlr8tn
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