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the stupid 1 msg per 720min rule


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the newb has spunk.

but whodey has alot more power than you think. ;)


whenever you become a new member to a site, it's usually wise to stay on mods and admins good side...they can do things...


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the newb has spunk.

but whodey has alot more power than you think. ;)

lol well i look forward to seeing some of this so called power... u know what whodey's got to offer... im still a newb remember.... im playing nice right now... lol

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whenever you become a new member to a site, it's usually wise to stay on mods and admins good side...they can do things...


lol i didnt even say anything... ive been nice for the entire day ive been a member... but noooooo... gotta pick on the newb!

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... actually whodey seems to be a cool kid... what did you do?? lol

lol, i didnt do anything.... i asked a simple question last night and i log in today and apparently whodey is upset that i asked that question... just read the entire thread.

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lol i didnt even say anything... ive been nice for the entire day ive been a member... but noooooo... gotta pick on the newb!

it's the way of the world...accept it, move on, and once you get some time in, you can haze the newbs a bit...

all in fun

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lol fuck u all... THE DUDE all i ever hear u do is complain about every1 else complaining!!! kind of hypocritical dont u think? whodey what ever man! lol, it was a simple freakin question... dont worry ill b sure to keep in mind that ur ego gets hurt really easily over something nobody was even talking to u about... for everyone else out there, my understanding was that the 50post rule was to prevent spamers from PMing all the members... so i get the 50 post and 30 day thing but it would make sense to have either or... not both... but what ever im over it really... ill pay the $10... i was gonna donate some money anyways so its not tht big of a deal... so whodey hows it going to feel when a newb like me will get the same rights and privelages that u have "earned"... havent even been a member for 2 days yet and i can already almost do everything u can.... i cant imagine that feeling very good! but if u need a shoulder to cry on just let me know ok there buddy?


You've been here two days and you're already making fun of a moderator. You definitely won't have the same rights and privileges as him.

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lol, i didnt do anything.... i asked a simple question last night and i log in today and apparently whodey is upset that i asked that question... just read the entire thread.

thats the thing....... we are just picking on you. no biggie dude

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it's the way of the world...accept it, move on, and once you get some time in, you can haze the newbs a bit...

all in fun

lol i get it... im not upset... i just had something to get of my chest... lol, ur all making it sound like im super mad and now hate everyone that is giving me a hard time... not at all... im just playing the lil game lol...


You've been here two days and you're already making fun of a moderator. You definitely won't have the same rights and privileges as him.

lol, read above.... but i was only making fun of him coz he was giving me a hard time... i would that he understood i didnt mean anything personal by it just like im sure hes just fucking with me n doesnt mean anything by his statements lol

thats the thing....... we are just picking on you. no biggie dude

and KK i know man! lol, im just picking back now! im seriously not the slightest bit upset or even phased by any of this.... its all in good spirit! i was just playing and i know u guys r too.

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i think only admins can change names. could be wrong.

also, consider that they could change it to whatever they wanted and not necessarily something harmless like "new guy"

perhaps they'll change it to something less tongue in cheek and more... dick in cheek. think of the possibilities.

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