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Who's been to a Rally America event?


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I've been offered a ride to Missouri with some college friends to watch the Rally America event in the 100 Acre Wood this weekend, and I'm thinking I'll go. I've never been to a rally event, so can anyone here chime in on the experience? All I know is we're camping in campgrounds, then I believe we're allowed to go basically anywhere within the stages and photograph/watch the cars go through, is this true? I'm pretty excited with this being relatively close, in Missouri, and hope it'll be good!
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Patrick (thats his username too) and I go to STPR every year, and we have gone to Sno Drift once. My dad was also a rally driver in the SCCA days (before they got divorced and became Rally America). I have lots of videos on my youtube channel, but here is one that gives a good idea of what to expect. 100 Acre Wood is arguably the fastest event in the series as well, so its a good one to go to.


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Patrick (thats his username too) and I go to STPR every year, and we have gone to Sno Drift once. My dad was also a rally driver in the SCCA days (before they got divorced and became Rally America). I have lots of videos on my youtube channel, but here is one that gives a good idea of what to expect. 100 Acre Wood is arguably the fastest event in the series as well, so its a good one to go to.



Great! My only concern is working 8 am sunday morning (planning to leave the rally around 6 or 7 on saturday and drive back to Columbus afterward), but I think the trip will prove to be worth it! Is there shuttling or something to get from one stage to the next, during the rally?

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Great! My only concern is working 8 am sunday morning (planning to leave the rally around 6 or 7 on saturday and drive back to Columbus afterward), but I think the trip will prove to be worth it! Is there shuttling or something to get from one stage to the next, during the rally?


It varies from event to event. "Rarely" is my experience with that, STPR had VIP shuttling to some of their stages. Parking at rallies tends to be the same for everyone: drive up a dirt road, turn around (to face the direction you will be going when you exit) and park on the side of the road. Also leave a few cars before the last one on stage, or else traffic will be a nightmare. Also, you go to every other stage or every second stage, it is physically impossible to see the stages one after another.

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It varies from event to event. "Rarely" is my experience with that, STPR had VIP shuttling to some of their stages. Parking at rallies tends to be the same for everyone: drive up a dirt road, turn around (to face the direction you will be going when you exit) and park on the side of the road. Also leave a few cars before the last one on stage, or else traffic will be a nightmare. Also, you go to every other stage or every second stage, it is physically impossible to see the stages one after another.


So you drive stage-to-stage? Seems pretty good, are each of the stages a pretty decent amount of time each?

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So you drive stage-to-stage? Seems pretty good, are each of the stages a pretty decent amount of time each?


Depends on the number of entrants and how much you can see from the spectator areas. Usually 3 minutes between the top 4 cars (allow the dust to settle), then one minute between the rest of the cars, sometimes 2 or 3 minutes if its a really dusty event.

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if its a really dusty event.


STPR. Christ.



All videos I've seen of 100 acre wood indicate awesome. They seem to have some oddball cars show up, you will be impressed with the pace of otherwise pos vehicles. The Fiestas...the Fiestas.


You will enjoy yourself, it is a completely different experience from all other racing events. Most everyone is very friendly, and willing to chat about the cars, race, anything.

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