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Finished with the National Guard


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Welp, just got home from my last Drill weekend in the National Guard. Its been a very long 6 years for sure. Im just disappointed that it wasnt everything i thought it would be. Besides that though, i did get to serve with some good guys............some bad ones too though. Regardless, im done now, and it feels good. That is all.
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Congrats. Be sure you don't rule out going back. There are plenty of non-deployable jobs, especially in the Air guard. I know a bunch of guys that wish they stuck it out for 20. I'm at 13 years myself.


This, I wish I would have joined. So far I've put in +15yrs in private sector and it can't be any worse than a military job. I just didn't think about it when I was younger.

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I finished up my eight years in 2008 and kinda wish I stayed in, since right now I'd have 13 years under my belt. The stupidity was growing too strong for me though. Having to salute 25 year old butter-bars fresh out of college and E6 weekend warriors "leading the way" pretty much forced me out of the Army. I can't say I've become better friends with anyone outside of my times overseas, but the bad outweighed the good. Like high school, I miss it a lot and will think about it almost every day the rest of my life, but to live one more day in the shoes of my past would quickly remind me why I didn't re-enlist.


Oh and yeah, definitely go to school.

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Congrats. Be sure you don't rule out going back. There are plenty of non-deployable jobs, especially in the Air guard. I know a bunch of guys that wish they stuck it out for 20. I'm at 13 years myself.


Im not completely ruling out never re-enlisting, its just that what i want is hard to find/get. I was looking for a Flight Medic slot but theres really no Air Ambulance Unit in or even around Ohio. Ive heard rumors of one coming to the Akron area but couldnt get anything confirmed, and im not staying in just for rumors.


What were you expecting from the National Guard?


I was expecting to get some good training and better missions. Didnt happen that way. Drill weekends consisted of sitting around doing nothing and deployment seemed like a waste of skills.


I re elisted a few months back. In my opinion, if you can get through the first 6 years, it will only get easier every year after.


I thought of it like that, but then realized there will always be some ate up dick head above you anyways lol.


I finished up my eight years in 2008 and kinda wish I stayed in, since right now I'd have 13 years under my belt. The stupidity was growing too strong for me though. Having to salute 25 year old butter-bars fresh out of college and E6 weekend warriors "leading the way" pretty much forced me out of the Army. I can't say I've become better friends with anyone outside of my times overseas, but the bad outweighed the good. Like high school, I miss it a lot and will think about it almost every day the rest of my life, but to live one more day in the shoes of my past would quickly remind me why I didn't re-enlist.


Oh and yeah, definitely go to school.


I agree with the stupidity and bad times outweighing the few good times. This is the main reason for getting out, just not worth it. Drive from Columbus to Toledo every month to do nothing just isnt worth it. I did make some good friends on deployment, but i still see them outside of drill weekend. And as for scool, im already in Paramedic school now. Its been put on hold for a while now because of Army interference so its nice to finally be on track with it.


Thanks fellas.

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Im not completely ruling out never re-enlisting, its just that what i want is hard to find/get. I was looking for a Flight Medic slot but theres really no Air Ambulance Unit in or even around Ohio. Ive heard rumors of one coming to the Akron area but couldnt get anything confirmed, and im not staying in just for rumors.


Not sure if its the same or similar, but a buddy of mine re-enlisted with the 445th at Wright-patt as a flight nurse. Working with the army in the past, Air Reserves/Guard is the only way to go.


You gotta take the good with the bad. At this point, I'm looking at the retirement benefits. If I were to retire today, I would be getting a $960 check every month and free(-ish) healthcare when I turn 58.


Oh, and when selecting a school, pick a degree that you can use in real life.

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Of anyone thinks they might want to get back in later or wishes they had stayed in, I can tell you it is getting harder and harder to get back in. Which you would think it should be easier to get a trained person back in boots.


Hahn and Brian, I get the frustrations. I'm still dealing with them, and have decided I'm the one who has to make the change in how things are done. There is a sloppy element in the military from time to time. I'm sorry the leadership around you blew out your candle.


Should you decide you want back in and maybe go with a different unit or MOS, let me know and I'll help however I can.

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I was expecting to get some good training and better missions. Didnt happen that way. Drill weekends consisted of sitting around doing nothing and deployment seemed like a waste of skills.


What MOS? Unfortunately the military is losing it's man power budget by the day so schools are becoming scarce. You may have been in a shitty unit, or been a bad soldier. There are plenty of factors that can play into your experience in the military. I will give you one thing, you do kind of have to be in the right place at the right time. I have always been in my chain of commands ear about attending anything and everything for training. You have to kind of become that guy so when a school comes down to your unit and they can afford to send someone, you're the first person they think of. You get exactly what you put into it.

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What were you expecting from the National Guard?


Every branch has someone not happy and people who don't reflect them well. Saying a comment like that is empty and an on going dick measuring contest. The Guard of the 1980s is long gone and has been pretty impressive for a part time force.


I re elisted a few months back. In my opinion, if you can get through the first 6 years, it will only get easier every year after.


I agree, and glad to see you come back in. I think the leadership needs to make the decision to be the example. Do the extra needed to be thorough. And care enough to make corrections and hold the standards. I could stay on that soap box all day.

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Every branch has someone not happy and people who don't reflect them well. Saying a comment like that is empty and an on going dick measuring contest. The Guard of the 1980s is long gone and has been pretty impressive for a part time force.


Apparently you assumed my question to be a "dick measuring contest" but I was simply asking what his expectations were from the Guard. I'd have asked the same of someone who was bitching about any branch or service. I'm the first person to recommend the Guard to people, as there budget is generally better and they have ability to backdoor soldiers in to Special Operations. I am well aware of the transition/transformation of both the Guard and Reserves over the last decade.

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Not sure if its the same or similar, but a buddy of mine re-enlisted with the 445th at Wright-patt as a flight nurse. Working with the army in the past, Air Reserves/Guard is the only way to go.


You gotta take the good with the bad. At this point, I'm looking at the retirement benefits. If I were to retire today, I would be getting a $960 check every month and free(-ish) healthcare when I turn 58.


Oh, and when selecting a school, pick a degree that you can use in real life.


Air Guard might have flight nurses but i know that there "flight medics" are primarily medics used on planes not choppers, so not really what im looking for. Plus i already looked into the Air Guard and theyre not really taking anybody. And as far as a school degree, im in the process of getting my Paramedic certification, then need one more semester at CSCC for my Assoc. in EMS/Fire Science.


Of anyone thinks they might want to get back in later or wishes they had stayed in, I can tell you it is getting harder and harder to get back in. Which you would think it should be easier to get a trained person back in boots.


Hahn and Brian, I get the frustrations. I'm still dealing with them, and have decided I'm the one who has to make the change in how things are done. There is a sloppy element in the military from time to time. I'm sorry the leadership around you blew out your candle.


Should you decide you want back in and maybe go with a different unit or MOS, let me know and I'll help however I can.


If you can find a Flight medic slot let me know. My chain of command pretty much did nothing for me when i mentioned it, had to do the research myself and found nothing.


What MOS? Unfortunately the military is losing it's man power budget by the day so schools are becoming scarce. You may have been in a shitty unit, or been a bad soldier. There are plenty of factors that can play into your experience in the military. I will give you one thing, you do kind of have to be in the right place at the right time. I have always been in my chain of commands ear about attending anything and everything for training. You have to kind of become that guy so when a school comes down to your unit and they can afford to send someone, you're the first person they think of. You get exactly what you put into it.


Im a 68W (medic). And when i say training, im not talking being sent to schools, im saying we didnt even train at the unit level.


The military will always be a stepping stone to the next phase of your life. Have multiple plans and options and don't only follow one track because the only thing certain is change.


Enjoyed my time in, got out, and wouldn't change a thing. Living the dream!


I deff can see it as a stepping stone and i will deff enjoy my freedom out. I just wish i couldve got more out of it.

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