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I workout because I love it. Sure, I look at strength gains but it isn't my #1 concern. Lifting, dieting and supplementing have become a major part of my life. I am currently 6'1 198 and would like to be a solid 205-210. I'm content with being that big. Obviously keeping body fat between 8-12%.


I hope you know that you are not 12% body fat but closer to 18%, not trying to put you down, but you are a lot higher, or is that your goal. Im not trying to be a douche, but a lot of people under estimate their BF.

wasnt sure if you were saying that you were 12% or trying to get there, so I apologize if i misunderstood

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I hope you know that you are not 12% body fat but closer to 18%, not trying to put you down, but you are a lot higher, or is that your goal. Im not trying to be a douche, but a lot of people under estimate their BF.

wasnt sure if you were saying that you were 12% or trying to get there, so I apologize if i misunderstood


I'm around 15% currently. My goal is 8-12%. I do have visible abs fyi...

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I've been lifting for 21 years. It is apart of my life, I enjoy competing in powerlifting as it gives me goals.

I keep lean for my mate or future mate, and to be healthy.

Obviously I like being mobile playing around running jumping, being athletic so I keep myself flexible.

While my friends think I am big I don't, as I lift with big 300+ pounders at the gym. I am 5'8" and currently 200lbs at around 14% which is the result of me bulking the past 4 months to get up to the 198lb class try try and gain some strength to hit a PL raw total goal. I am going to lean down for summer to 8% hopefully around 190ish. But I don't see myself getting much above 200 lean unless I take some special sauce.

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I'm around 15% currently. My goal is 8-12%. I do have visible abs fyi...


i was just saying, your arms look more like 18%


I am 14% here (don't mind the stupid leg press my friend made me do it.=)

So 1% BF isnt that much as you are holding on your arms.

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i was just saying, your arms look more like 18%


I am 14% here (don't mind the stupid leg press my friend made me do it.=)

So 1% BF isnt that much as you are holding on your arms.


I'll try and post a flexing pic later today (no homo). That's my right (injured) arm. The tricep hasn't formed properly so there isn't much definition in that arm.

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I lift to impress strangers on the internet and make call out threads. Really though, people look at me like I'm diseased when I say that I genuinely enjoy the time I spend training, even if I leave the gym feeling like I am going to die.
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Enough will never be enough for me. I know I will never be that big but seeing strength and size gains is an accomplishment to me and I enjoy it. I have been injured a few times and its just like anything else. You heal and come back at it. That part is discouraging but hard work pays off and gets you past that.
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So Gent's, what are the goals? When will enough be enough? At what point are you maintaining? Does it take an injury, or seven to determine if its still fun or worth it?


For me its achieving and maintaining a "healthy" body weight and enough strength/ stamina to get through a full day of work and not be exhausted. I was at one point 160lbs at roughly 6'1". My goal was to get to about 180 and just maintain but, now that Im there Im thinking why not 190? So its likely to turn into a never ending cycle of new goals for myself but, I have NO intention of taking it too serious or competetive. Its just for me to feel better about myself. Plus, working out hard and blocking out the rest of the world for an hour or two is a great stress release.

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This guy knows. :)


So Gent's, what are the goals? When will enough be enough? At what point are you maintaining? Does it take an injury, or seven to determine if its still fun or worth it?


"More". More fit. Healthier. Better.

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And you were a trainer? Srs?


yes, I'm serious.....


squats and leg press are a great way to reduce a waistline, and burn fat(not to mention build stronger legs)....your quads are one of the biggest muscle in your body - working largest muscle groups = burning the most amount of fat (when it comes to weight training)....


...so what am I missing?

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So Gent's, what are the goals? When will enough be enough? At what point are you maintaining? Does it take an injury, or seven to determine if its still fun or worth it?


I don't body build, I have no desire to, nor do I want that look. I do some lifting for strength training and flexibility, but do a lot of cardio at the gym. I lost over 90 pounds a few years ago and really got my physical well being back in order. My goals are to stay at the level I'm at, and really I use the gym to keep me in shape for ice hockey. A few guys on this board have played with me, they can vouch that I'm no slouch, and when you routinely play against guys 15-20 years younger than you, you need to keep yourself in great shape.


However maintaining a good level becomes increasingly difficult with a full time job, being a parent to small children, and as you get older, it just gets tougher. You have to do a little bit more each year to keep going. But, I enjoy the results on the ice, so I do keep going... :)

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So how does someone balance all these things? It's on you for that. What do you like? What do you see yourself wanting to do or get better at? Try to find a balance of strong fit, medium + build, with some form of fighting technique, combined those things with weapons training (not just guns). That combination is the warrior. Is that what you are after subconsciously or consciously? Or are you just trying to get chicks and have a status on the sceen?


I asked more questions than I gave aswers. What's CR's take?


Does it really matter what other people think? Just because someone wants to be 310lbs 3% bodyfat and only benching 300lbs who am I to judge? Its their decision, its what they like, good for them. We are all too quick to judge others, if you are working out for the reason you like, more power to you as long as youre not being a douche at the gym. Culture changes over the past decade bodybuilding went from taboo to mainstream. Now the culture is shifting to "fit" body types.


Personally I like the challenge of putting more weight on the bar. Decreasing my run times and maintaining overall general fitness. While I admire people who can bench 450+, squat the world, etc. its not what I'm into but I think its great theres people out there that love that stuff.

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Wease, I have read some of your progress that you have posted. I like seeing change and glad you have enjoyed it.


Big Chief201, I've not passed jusgement on anyones posts. I know some have confronted each other here though. I asked that this thread be a discussion and posed a few provoking approaches to health, fitness and dabbled in the mind set of how people go about it and why.

There are extreams to some and the norm to othersThere's no way everyone will be on the same page. But I think it's good to see how some people view things.

Edited by Mojoe
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yes, I'm serious.....


squats and leg press are a great way to reduce a waistline, and burn fat(not to mention build stronger legs)....your quads are one of the biggest muscle in your body - working largest muscle groups = burning the most amount of fat (when it comes to weight training)....


...so what am I missing?


Leg press is good supplemental work and that's it. What I'm getting at along with smokinhawk is that yes leg press is good but it does matter the weight in the sleep because its an irrational number. Who cares if you can leg press 1000+ lbs if you can't squat it deadlift shit. The fact is it helps but it doesn't carry over.

Brb all I do is leg press-back/abs weak as fuck

Brb leg press 1200lbs (half rep) can't parallel squat 135

Brb all I do is leg press-i on that phaggy time


I'd rather have dat dere deadlift of peace (a real functional lift) that some bullshit leg press number that has 0 real world strength.

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