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Zero fucks given.


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This dude is my hero!!! You have no idea how many times I've wanted to do this in my truck when people cut me off like that, if this happened more often people would give these vehicles far more space as they're just doing their jobs and get treated like they're supposed to just make way for everybody else.
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Top Gear made me realize that cutting off a truck/bus wastes A LOT OF FUEL, because the trucker needs to slow down and then blow through more diesel getting back up to speed.


Respekt the working truck driver. :thumbup:


Doesn't really matter to the driver, you and I pay for it in higher prices for everything.:dumb:

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This dude is my hero!!! You have no idea how many times I've wanted to do this in my truck when people cut me off like that, if this happened more often people would give these vehicles far more space as they're just doing their jobs and get treated like they're supposed to just make way for everybody else.


I thought of you while I was watching this.




Like a bus.



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I saw this a couple weeks ago......my hero. There isn't a single one of those people that didn't deserve it. I'd like to see the confrontations afterward....bet those were classic although I would imagine it would be something like this.....


The punished "Почему вы баран в меня?"

The Punisher "Потому что ты чертов идиот."


So nevermind....

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