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killing a spider


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tell your fiancee to start hitting the vein when she shoots up and stop blaming spiders. Everyone and their brother who has an abscess thinks a ravenous spider attacked them but its rarely the case....its a bacterial infection. forget the bug spray and go see your family doc if it isnt getting better. and for christs sake dont try and drain it yourself.
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  Sturg said:
tell your fiancee to start hitting the vein when she shoots up and stop blaming spiders. Everyone and their brother who has an abscess thinks a ravenous spider attacked them but its rarely the case....its a bacterial infection. forget the bug spray and go see your family doc if it isnt getting better. and for christs sake dont try and drain it yourself.




She did go to the doc's, hes the one that said spider bite.

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Says indoor and outdoor, I've always used it outdoors at all entry ways, windows, doors, etc. This stuff is legit. Had a ton of spiders coming in during the fall one year, hit the apartment with this stuff haven't had a problem sense. Been using it for years just to keep it up.



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  Sturg said:
god damn it.... next time you go in ask him what cereal box he got his arachnid detective badge out of.


This. lol I don't know how often I hear the same shit. Coincidentally, they'll have you treat it like it's a bacterial infection. :rolleyes:


Not that sometimes it's not a spider bite or that it's not the case this time. Seriously, though, if it looks like a pimple, it could be any number of insects or... a pimple.


The only way you're can be sure if you want to go all insectacidal is to bomb the house. Otherwise, move furniture and vacuum in all the dark places and prepare yourself. It's spring and everything and its babies will be on the prowl. haha


If you're truly worried, time to hit up an exterminator who'll have the knowledge and chemicals to set up a defense around your house. Seriously, many of those guys have the knowlege and understanding (though, not all), to truly make a difference compared to your average homeowner running around randomly squirting shit. I choose to use my "bug" knowledge elsewhere. ;)

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Ant/Spider killer


I get the liquid spray and go around the house on the inside, then get the pellet form and spread it around the house on the outside.

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  jerrodh said:
Says indoor and outdoor, I've always used it outdoors at all entry ways, windows, doors, etc. This stuff is legit. Had a ton of spiders coming in during the fall one year, hit the apartment with this stuff haven't had a problem sense. Been using it for years just to keep it up.




grabbed some of this earlier and did the entire room, so we shall see. never did find a culprit though.

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  yenner said:



what in the mother fucking fuck. i've killed tons of what i always believed were wolf spiders in my house, though from the video, that looked fucking huge. i think the biggest one i've killed was maybe 1.5" wide from the tips of the legs...nothing as big as that one looked.



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  evan9381 said:
what in the mother fucking fuck. i've killed tons of what i always believed were wolf spiders in my house, though from the video, that looked fucking huge. i think the biggest one i've killed was maybe 1.5" wide from the tips of the legs...nothing as big as that one looked.


Had this happen in a friends tent one time at camp. Dude was like, "AHH, squish that spider!" I was like, "no way, bruh, you'll have little spiders all over your tent". He was like, "bullshit, squish it!"


Me: "OK" *squish*

Spider explodes into 500 mini arachnids.

Dude freaks out.

I walk out like "Problem?":gabe:


Have fun sleeping in that tent for the next week.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  zeitgeist57 said:


"Were gonna need a bigger boat"


Seriously though, in the last picture, there is a shield bug hanging out RIGHT NEXT to the gigantic spider...like a fucking boss. Proof that even the big bad wolf knows that chemical weapons will fuck it up.

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If you have a spide problem in your house, it is because you have something for them to eat, so more than likely, you have other insects there as well. Get rid of the food source and the spiders will leave. Or leave them alone and let them take care of the other insects you have. We have a couple good sized wolf spiders that live in our basement. Never seen another insect ever in my house. The spiders normally don't come out much because my cats like to chase and eat them if they don't move fast enough.
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