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Seasonal Allergies


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RESULTS: Neither honey group experienced relief from their symptoms in excess of that seen in the placebo group.


CONCLUSIONS: This study does not confirm the widely held belief that honey relieves the symptoms of allergic rhinoconjunctivitis.

Edited by Benjamin
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My children eat the honey my bees produce from my hive. They don't have problems like they used to. They are getting the relieve that I expect and that common sense says they would.


I wouldn't want to publish a study that said a natural remedy has solved any problems either, what would we need doctors for?

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The skin/scratch test.


Ah, yeah. That shit is medieval torture, dude.


Cats are the same way for me. Now, I still take a pill when I know I'll be around one, just ion case, but I haven't had NEARLY the reaction that I used to, and about half the time, I don;t get to take a pill because I didnt know there would be a cat.

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