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explosion at boston marathon


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This! On the news earlier a police chief or whatever, stated that they didn't rob the store. They just happened to be in the store around the time it was robbed...


Also channel 10 reporting that 3 other suspects have been taken into custody...


Either way, gtfo of dodge. Should have had fake facial hair and glasses and such. Don't get me wrong, I am glad they got them. I'm just saying I think they could have bettered their chances of getting away, at least for a longer period of time, with better planning on their end.


It does boggle my mind they they were able to pull this off in the first place, especially if one brother was on the FBI watch list and had been visited multiple times before.

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Conspiracy theory.


Hope this isn't a re. I don't think it is.


So, without disclosing my thoughts, what do you all think about these?


There is always more to the story than the general public will ever know. I find it very hard to believe our government at some level did not know something was going to happen.


It is also my opinion that the truth, whatever it may be, on this event, or others, will never be known by the mass public.

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Conspiracy theory.


Hope this isn't a re. I don't think it is.


So, without disclosing my thoughts, what do you all think about these?


Don't get me wrong, I've subscribed to a conspiracy theory or two in my time. And there may even be one going on with the Boston bombing, but it isn't this. There are pictures of the Craft guys still carrying their backpacks after the explosions, that all of those infographics seem to just want to ignore.

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I think it's painfully obvious that there's more than meets the eye here. More than what the lame-steam media is telling us. If you look closely at the pic (which can never be altered) of the elder brother from the above and behind street camera view, you can clearly make out a black line where his neck meets his body. That black line can only be the point where the hinged neck/head connects to the body/chassis. Without question we know that design to be suitable to smaller, Smurf-like extra-terrestrials, as they prefer to view the worlds they visit from the same height as it's dominant native species.


I mean, I don't want to speculate here, as to their intentions, but look what they've done with just two pressure cookers and cross-eye grade explosives. Open your eyes, sheeple.

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There are a few reasons that people believe in conspiracy theories. Primarily, it gives them a sense of control. By comporting the chaos of reality into a narrow world view where big brother is the enemy and seeks to subvert your otherwise meaningless life, it provides one with a sense of purpose, understanding, and sense of control.


Secondly, it gives the believer the sense that he is superior to those who believe in things like facts. When contradictory evidence comes to light, it is either discarded or is magically part of the coverup.


Like most things mystical, if your beliefs are not changed by facts your beliefs are not based on reality.


Kids were shot in the face by a crazy kid, 2 boneheaded wanna be jihadists blew up a simple homemade bomb. Life sucks, deal with it.

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kris kyle would be rolling over in his grave right now if it were true that a company he set up, was providing 'mercenaries' to assist with acts of terror on our own citizens. that would literally go against everything that guy stood for.
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kris kyle would be rolling over in his grave right now if it were true that a company he set up, was providing 'mercenaries' to assist with acts of terror on our own citizens. that would literally go against everything that guy stood for.


Thats a great bit of evidence that goes against the narrative which will conveniently be ignored by the conspiracy theorists.

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There are a few reasons that people believe in conspiracy theories. Primarily, it gives them a sense of control. By comporting the chaos of reality into a narrow world view where big brother is the enemy and seeks to subvert your otherwise meaningless life, it provides one with a sense of purpose, understanding, and sense of control.


Secondly, it gives the believer the sense that he is superior to those who believe in things like facts. When contradictory evidence comes to light, it is either discarded or is magically part of the coverup.


Like most things mystical, if your beliefs are not changed by facts your beliefs are not based on reality.


Kids were shot in the face by a crazy kid, 2 boneheaded wanna be jihadists blew up a simple homemade bomb. Life sucks, deal with it.


Stated like a professional cover-up artist for the illuminati. Amazing the eye sees so far as to infiltrate even our small community in Columbus, Ohio.

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There are a few reasons that people believe in conspiracy theories. Primarily, it gives them a sense of control. By comporting the chaos of reality into a narrow world view where big brother is the enemy and seeks to subvert your otherwise meaningless life, it provides one with a sense of purpose, understanding, and sense of control.


Secondly, it gives the believer the sense that he is superior to those who believe in things like facts. When contradictory evidence comes to light, it is either discarded or is magically part of the coverup.


Like most things mystical, if your beliefs are not changed by facts your beliefs are not based on reality.


Kids were shot in the face by a crazy kid, 2 boneheaded wanna be jihadists blew up a simple homemade bomb. Life sucks, deal with it.


Id be interested in hearing your take on religion.

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There are a few reasons that people believe in conspiracy theories. Primarily, it gives them a sense of control. By comporting the chaos of reality into a narrow world view where big brother is the enemy and seeks to subvert your otherwise meaningless life, it provides one with a sense of purpose, understanding, and sense of control.


Secondly, it gives the believer the sense that he is superior to those who believe in things like facts. When contradictory evidence comes to light, it is either discarded or is magically part of the coverup.


Like most things mystical, if your beliefs are not changed by facts your beliefs are not based on reality.


Kids were shot in the face by a crazy kid, 2 boneheaded wanna be jihadists blew up a simple homemade bomb. Life sucks, deal with it.


This guy gets it

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