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explosion at boston marathon


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Are you even remotely doubting they are the ones responsible :confused:


Without a trial or video evidence that has been made public, I don't think it's unreasonable to have doubts at this point THAT THEY WERE THE PERPETRATORS OF THE BOSTOM MARATHON BOMBINGS. Their actions afterwards make it clear that they are/were indeed criminals of a most extreme nature, at the very least, and are well deserving of whatever punishments they receive. I am withholding judgment on the actual bombings until more evidence/proof is provided. It's possible it's out there already and I have missed it as a result of all the other media noise/misinformation reported up till now.

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Without a trial or video evidence that has been made public, I don't think it's unreasonable to have doubts at this point THAT THEY WERE THE PERPETRATORS OF THE BOSTOM MARATHON BOMBINGS. Their actions afterwards make it clear that they are/were indeed criminals of a most extreme nature, at the very least, and are well deserving of whatever punishments they receive. I am withholding judgment on the actual bombings until more evidence/proof is provided. It's possible it's out there already and I have missed it as a result of all the other media noise/misinformation reported up till now.



It's not the job of the Police or FBI to convince us. Evidence is collected to convince the Grand Jury. Releasing evidence, even as much as had already been published makes selecting a fair and unbiased jury nearly impossible. This dramatically increases the likelihood of a mistrial and a missed opportunity for the victims to see justice served. A bunch of arm chair explosives experts wearing tin foil hats doesn't change that.

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Without a trial or video evidence that has been made public, I don't think it's unreasonable to have doubts at this point THAT THEY WERE THE PERPETRATORS OF THE BOSTOM MARATHON BOMBINGS. Their actions afterwards make it clear that they are/were indeed criminals of a most extreme nature, at the very least, and are well deserving of whatever punishments they receive. I am withholding judgment on the actual bombings until more evidence/proof is provided. It's possible it's out there already and I have missed it as a result of all the other media noise/misinformation reported up till now.


+1 couldn't have said it better.



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Are you even remotely doubting they are the ones responsible :confused:


You would be correct in that assumption. I don't believe in that crazy conspiracy thread posted previously, but the evidence presented to us was pretty inconclusive. I am not one to just accept what i hear on the news, or from the gubment. It takes hard, solid evidence to convince me of something. My bad for desiring more than what meets the eye.


At the same time, as mentioned above, why would these guys go to such lengths to escape? I.. I.. just have a hard time believing and find it strange that they never released to footage of the men dropping the bag, Anywhere.

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It's not the job of the Police or FBI to convince us. Evidence is collected to convince the Grand Jury. Releasing evidence, even as much as had already been published makes selecting a fair and unbiased jury nearly impossible. This dramatically increases the likelihood of a mistrial and a missed opportunity for the victims to see justice served. A bunch of arm chair explosives experts wearing tin foil hats doesn't change that.



Agreed, however, the question posed was whether or not a person may doubt that these were, in fact, the ones responsible for the bombings, and my answer was to that question. I'm not asking for someone to convince me, and I'm not calling for an end to the speculation that there is more to the story, either. *I* don't subscribe to the theory that the .gov is behind this and yada yada yada, however, I think that the fact that we live in an age of instantaneous and immersive communication makes it easy to see ghosts where there may be none, and I, like many others, will just be doubtful.

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I'm still waiting to see the footage of them actually dropping the bag.


I am not one to just accept what i hear on the news, or from the gubment. It takes hard, solid evidence to convince me of something. My bad for desiring more than what meets the eye.


not your bad, your opinion. personally, we spend way too much time in this country worrying about the rights of bad guys and not enough time ending their lives. IMO there's little doubt these fucks were in some way responsible. I'm also pretty confident that if the FBI thought there were more....and who knows they might....that they would be all over getting them. In the end, I don't need more to put this kid to his death.


At the same time, as mentioned above, why would these guys go to such lengths to escape? I.. I.. just have a hard time believing and find it strange that they never released to footage of the men dropping the bag, Anywhere.


They went to such lengths killing cops, shooting at them too and tossing home made bombs because they are the bombers. In terms of the evidence, we'll see none of that really, just what the press gets hold of and puts out. Personally, I'm not on the jury, don't care, fry them. Doubt the exact footage or images of the bag in hand being dropped would ever be released. I never saw a dead OBL but don't really need to as I do believe that fucker is dead too. Details of which I could care less about.

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not your bad, your opinion. personally, we spend way too much time in this country worrying about the rights of bad guys and not enough time ending their lives. IMO there's little doubt these fucks were in some way responsible. I'm also pretty confident that if the FBI thought there were more....and who knows they might....that they would be all over getting them. In the end, I don't need more to put this kid to his death.




They went to such lengths killing cops, shooting at them too and tossing home made bombs because they are the bombers. In terms of the evidence, we'll see none of that really, just what the press gets hold of and puts out. Personally, I'm not on the jury, don't care, fry them. Doubt the exact footage or images of the bag in hand being dropped would ever be released. I never saw a dead OBL but don't really need to as I do believe that fucker is dead too. Details of which I could care less about.


I agree with you that the perps, whoever they may be, should be burned at the stake with no chance of a mistrial.

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Agreed, however, the question posed was whether or not a person may doubt that these were, in fact, the ones responsible for the bombings, and my answer was to that question. I'm not asking for someone to convince me, and I'm not calling for an end to the speculation that there is more to the story, either. *I* don't subscribe to the theory that the .gov is behind this and yada yada yada, however, I think that the fact that we live in an age of instantaneous and immersive communication makes it easy to see ghosts where there may be none, and I, like many others, will just be doubtful.


Mine was supposed to be a response to jeffro.

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Acknowledgment of rights (essential freedoms) is what separates us from "them". Notice I'm not demanding any leniency for the guilty, but let due process work. How can any of us fight for our 2nd amendment rights so fervently, and be so quick to dismiss other rights wholesale. Giving up rights, is akin to losing freedom, which if I am to believe Fox News, freedom is why everyone hates us.
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Mine was supposed to be a response to jeffro.


Ah, ok. You quoted me, so I was thinking that you were speaking to me about my point, not expounding upon it. All good.


Also, could not agree more with sol740 on the above post.

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It is going to take a year or more before this cat even smells a courtroom. By then things are going to die down, people will forget the media crap, and a jury will be selected.


A good defense team will be able to poke a bunch of holes in what WE all know right now, as pointed on in here.


However, I am willing to bet that we have not seen the tip of the evidence against these two dollar store jihad fucks.


Think about it, their pictures show up on the news, they shoot a cop, steal a car, tell the person they stole the car from they did it, shoot out with the cops, use the exact same type of pressure cooker bomb in the shoot out with the cops, young dollar store jihad gets caught, then admits to it.


I am one to look at things with a bit of doubt, but if these two were set up to be framed, it took a whole lot of work to make this happen...

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It is going to take a year or more before this cat even smells a courtroom. By then things are going to die down, people will forget the media crap, and a jury will be selected.


A good defense team will be able to poke a bunch of holes in what WE all know right now, as pointed on in here.


However, I am willing to bet that we have not seen the tip of the evidence against these two dollar store jihad fucks.


Think about it, their pictures show up on the news, they shoot a cop, steal a car, tell the person they stole the car from they did it, shoot out with the cops, use the exact same type of pressure cooker bomb in the shoot out with the cops, young dollar store jihad gets caught, then admits to it.


I am one to look at things with a bit of doubt, but if these two were set up to be framed, it took a whole lot of work to make this happen...


didnt read the whole thread so this may have already been discussed but im curious why they let the guy who they stole the car from live and why would they confess to him?



the whole thing seems kinda fishy to me, you would think they would have had an exit plan immediately after the bombing.


i guess we will never know the truth.

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the whole thing seems kinda fishy to me, you would think they would have had an exit plan immediately after the bombing.




They're amateur idiots.


That said im with everyone who thinks it's shady that the video of the suspect dropping the backpack hasn't been released.

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didnt read the whole thread so this may have already been discussed but im curious why they let the guy who they stole the car from live and why would they confess to him?



the whole thing seems kinda fishy to me, you would think they would have had an exit plan immediately after the bombing.


i guess we will never know the truth.


I had doubts too, but the evidences are just too much. As for leaving town immediately after the bombing would raise a red flag.

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They're amateur idiots.


im with everyone who thinks it's shady that the video of the suspect dropping the backpack hasn't been released.



As I said above: The job or the prosecution is not to satisfy your curiosity or allay your doubt. Their job is to get a conviction. Releasing that video compromises the Voir Dire process. A non-prejudicial jury must be assembled, releasing that video would all but ensure that assembling a jury would be impossible.


They will not release the video any time soon; maybe after the trial.

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