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explosion at boston marathon


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taken from another forum. not sure if credible.


The post also buried a disclaimer that the police have not yet released pics of the suspect.


Terrible journalism, especially for the two innocent high-school kids who were falsely implicated: http://www.salon.com/2013/04/18/new_york_post_fingers_two_boston_bag_men/

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The post also buried a disclaimer that the police have not yet released pics of the suspect.


Terrible journalism, especially for the two innocent high-school kids who were falsely implicated: http://www.salon.com/2013/04/18/new_york_post_fingers_two_boston_bag_men/



Looks like the news sites are getting their info from 4chanfbi

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Now the manhunt begins, hard to say where these guys are at by now


The guy in black will probably be harder to ID since he's got the hat, and sunglasses covering his face, hopefully someone who knows them will alert the FBI soon

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Preemptive congratulations to that young man's successful libel lawsuit against the NYPost. I hope he gets paid.


Meh. It's not going to ruin his life. Any forum I'm on knows it was a mistake. Sure, the media sucks from time to time. Yeah, they try to 'jump' stories and be the first to report. But it's the only way we're going to see a picture of the suspects. Unless we go around putting 'have you seen these two?' Pictures on every telephone pole in the u.s.



Everyone is sue-happy. I've already forgotten about the falsely accused men, and so will everyone else in a matter of hours with the newly released pics

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My wife was in the exact same area with a huge backpack the whole race. If her picture was posted, we would quickly cooperate with authorities, and clear her name. No lawsuit necessary.


















And everyone would know how hot my wife is

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My wife was in the exact same area with a huge backpack the whole race. If her picture was posted, we would quickly cooperate with authorities, and clear her name. No lawsuit necessary.


According to his FB page he went to the courthouse immediately and was cleared. I agree he does not have grounds to sue as the Post included a tiny disclaimer.

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Someone said he was in a coffee shop prior to the blast and there were four guys with backpacks speaking hebrew, a couple of them mentioned "piz'too'la" which is Hebrew for "explosion".


Again this is from 4chan, which is worse then wikipedia. But still, both me and a buddy both agree they look more Jewish then Arab.

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