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"Texas Soldier Arrested for ‘Rudely Displaying’ Weapon"

Otis Nice

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Yeah, that sucks. The guy was being a asshole as well, the cop was just a prick but calmed down after the supervisor got there. I don't know what the laws in Texas are, but in Ohio, he would be charged with a M1 for failure to notify even a felony if he actually grabbed the AR15 back once the officer took it without permission.
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I'm all for gun rights, but walking around with an AR across your chest has to be some form of inducing panic.


Don't you understand? There's, like, pigs out there, and maybe even some hot older women with insatiable libidos! The world is a frightful place when you're an insecure pudgy guy.

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Yeah, that sucks. The guy was being a asshole as well, the cop was just a prick but calmed down after the supervisor got there.


Or after the camera was turned on. The world may never know. :)


I'm all for gun rights, but walking around with an AR across your chest has to be some form of inducing panic.


Maybe, but if it's not illegal what did he do wrong? The officer should have assessed the situation rather than (allegedly) attacking the man as he claims. Again, who knows if that's even what happened before the camera was on.


You never know what's out on the country side in the wilds of Texas.


My thinking as well, but I feel his sidearm would be enough. Maybe not. I dunno. I mean, I wouldn't want to face feral hogs at close range.

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Even I admit that if I sit down to a burger at AppleBees, it would be strange to see a rifle draped over someone beside me (though, I would just tell him, "nice gun, man").


This man was out in the country walking with his son, where there are actual wild threats.

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This man was out in the country walking with his son, where there are actual wild threats.


Yes, the guy does a great job of painting himself to be a patriot. "I was walking deep in hill country with my junior woodchuck eagle scout son, just moments away from defending townspeople from cougar attacks." But he was on a paved road that was apparently patrolled by cops, so I'm not going to call him Daniel Boone just yet. It's not Applebee's, but if he was really someplace where he had to worry about wild threats, I don't think the cops would have found him. And remember, he says this is "halfway through" their 10 mile hike, so don't even try to say he was on his way back from cougartown.


In any case, I don't think that you can pull a Wayne LaPierre and claim that the only thing that can prevent gun violence is a hyper-vigilant armed citizenry, and then at the same time tell us to completely ignore anyone walking around looking out of place with an assault rifle, keeping in mind that anyone with an assault rifle in a public place immediately looks out of place.


Now, if he had a Marlin 1985 Lever Rifle instead of an EBR, would there have been ANY issue?




Also, this.

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The citizen was being a fucking cocksucker. Plain and simple. He's shocked the police station got multiple calls of a guy walking around with what looks to be a machine gun? Of course the police are going to investigate it. Cockbags like this do nothing but hurt the cause for conceal carry laws.
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The citizen was being a fucking cocksucker. Plain and simple. He's shocked the police station got multiple calls of a guy walking around with what looks to be a machine gun? Of course the police are going to investigate it. Cockbags like this do nothing but hurt the cause for conceal carry laws.


I agree, but he IS in Texas...





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you guys dont get it. he wasn't breaking any law. its just like open carry in ohio. you can open carry in ohio and a officer can not just come up and disarm you for no reason.


oh and feral hogs and cougars dont just stay out in the deep wilds. here even in ohio i have seen bobcat 100 yards from the back of a house i was working on. it wasn't deep in the wilderness. go for a walk or drive on the blue-ridge parkway. you will see bear and bear tracks. if i was on a hike somewhere that feral hog was known to be. i would want to be carrying something larger then a handgun too.

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