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Senate rejects expanded gun background checks


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I can personally say that anytime anyone has ever asked me to take a survey I have hung up on them or walked on by without missing a stride.


I'm with you. I never will either. It's none of anyone's business, especially the authorities business, to know what guns or how many I own. Stay the fuck out and don't even try or expect me to report that. None of their business. Giving up that information will not benefit me in any way ever.


I'm off the grid on paper. Pay cash, buy private and shoot on my own property.

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Addressing your first point, I don't have a concern that some gun owners don't understand the culture or how in fact their having registerered their firearms isn't going to curb gun crimes / shootings. 90% of the drivers out there don't understand the rules of the road either. That's life and Darwin takes care of many of them.


It just proves they have very little understanding of life in general. They are of the same heard of sheep that follow the train of thought that making drugs illegal will curb drug related crimes. Have I got news for them.......


Self reported....sure. I won't argue the percentages. Ask my mother if she owns a gun and she would say yes even though the guns in their home aren't hers nor does she own them or use them or ever hold them. However, given it's just her and my father, they now make up a statistic of 100% that 2 of 2 owns a gun. meh.....


This "sheeple" argument you keep making is below you. Most often I find those who make the argument that others are being manipulated are the least in command of facts. Don't be one of those people.


Most of those polls asked specific questions, i.e: "Do you support expanded background checks at gunshows" ~90% of people say "yes".


What's your argument against that very specific question.

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I'm with you. I never will either. It's none of anyone's business, especially the authorities business, to know what guns or how many I own. Stay the fuck out and don't even try or expect me to report that. None of their business. Giving up that information will not benefit me in any way ever.


I'm off the grid on paper. Pay cash, buy private and shoot on my own property.


I am never the "IN" crowd. If I were to buy weapons they would be used. If I needed ammo I also would use cash.


Luckily law enforcement is so great at there job I have no need to worry about personal protection. Thank you government for taking care of me.

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I'm with you. I never will either. It's none of anyone's business, especially the authorities business, to know what guns or how many I own. Stay the fuck out and don't even try or expect me to report that. None of their business. Giving up that information will not benefit me in any way ever.


I'm off the grid on paper. Pay cash, buy private and shoot on my own property.


So by this logic, gun ownership would likely be higher than 35% since people like you would not report to a private, non-profit polling agency that they own a gun.


So the percentage of gun owners who do support increased background checks is likely higher... So refer to my previous question.

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Most of those polls asked specific questions, i.e: "Do you support expanded background checks at gunshows" ~90% of people say "yes".


What's your argument against that very specific question.


I do not support expanding background checks at gun shows. It will do little to nothing to help prevent bad guys from getting guns and will only limit my ability to maintain the govt staying out of my business. I don't need to offer up paying a fee to buy or sell a gun. I don't need to tell the authorities what I'm buying or if I'm buying or selling anything. Bullshit. It's very clear to anyone with a brain that the gov't and Obama don't care about lives they care about elections and money and getting more of it to continue their ridiculous spending sprees.


How would expanding checks help? How do gun-free zones help? Do criminals really apply for background checks? Do mass shooters avoid gun free zones because of the rules? Do drug dealers apply for CCW's?

Edited by TTQ B4U
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So by this logic, gun ownership would likely be higher than 35% since people like you would not report to a private, non-profit polling agency that they own a gun. So the percentage of gun owners who do support increased background checks is likely higher... So refer to my previous question.


No because you can't prove or disprove the percentage of real gun owners in the country and neither can Obama and his people, thus why so much butt-hurt in the administration. Besides, you aren't taking into account how many people answer polls like that with truckloads of bullshit in mind just to skew the facts.

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I'm with you. I never will either. It's none of anyone's business, especially the authorities business, to know what guns or how many I own. Stay the fuck out and don't even try or expect me to report that. None of their business. Giving up that information will not benefit me in any way ever.


I'm off the grid on paper. Pay cash, buy private and shoot on my own property.


No no no, all decent human beings love taking polls. Especially about the guns they may or may not own. I saw a poll about it.


Ken, there are already background checks at gunshows, what we really should be discussing is background checks for private sales. Is there a vehicle for quick, easy background checks for the private citizen, ready to go? Do I have to pay? How much? Does an FFL have to run it? Is he going to charge me? There is more to it than meets the eye.


Like Transformers.

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No no no, all decent human beings love taking polls. Especially about the guns they may or may not own. I saw a poll about it.


Ken, there are already background checks at gunshows, what we really should be discussing is background checks for private sales. Is there a vehicle for quick, easy background checks for the private citizen, ready to go? Do I have to pay? How much? Does an FFL have to run it? Is he going to charge me? There is more to it than meets the eye.


Like Transformers.




Out of here with your shit. We are discussing make believe numbers drawn up by people who conduct highly accurate surveys of American opinions.


I took a survey a few moments ago. I have established that everyone who wanted gun control is butthurt. The numbers are roughly 85% butthurt. Vs 15% was not butthurt and only took the survey to get out of working.

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No no no, all decent human beings love taking polls. Especially about the guns they may or may not own. I saw a poll about it.


Ken, there are already background checks at gunshows, what we really should be discussing is background checks for private sales. Is there a vehicle for quick, easy background checks for the private citizen, ready to go? Do I have to pay? How much? Does an FFL have to run it? Is he going to charge me? There is more to it than meets the eye.


Like Transformers.


Like I've said, I don't have a position on this issue, I'm just doing my typical truth trolling.


I do think denying that there is a problem... is a problem. I think that taking the nuclear armament approach of "guaranteed mutual annihilation" through everyone owning a gun is wrong. I think we've created an industrial complex of gun ownership that is predicated on the fear mongering by those with the most to gain.

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Like I've said, I don't have a position on this issue, I'm just doing my typical truth trolling.


I do think denying that there is a problem... is a problem. I think that taking the nuclear armament approach of "guaranteed mutual annihilation" through everyone owning a gun is wrong. I think we've created an industrial complex of gun ownership that is predicated on the fear mongering by those with the most to gain.


I grew up in the country. Nearest emergency response was over 30 minutes. Owning a gun in the country was a requirement. You protected yourself. Either from people or animals.


How much has changed in past 20 years?

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There is no problem that tightened background checks solve. Nothing in this legislation would have prevented Sandy Hook. How about we all get to be adults and run our own lives? Punish those who do ill against their fellow man (unless you qualify for a Beastie Boy waiver, which sadly only 2 people left do), and generally leave people to be relatively free. Do you hate guns? Then don't buy one. I hate the Japanese as previously stated, and I no longer own any.





Sol740 often jokes about other Asian races because even he admits that they are virtually indistinguishable. Sol740 does not actually hate any Japanese people, is quite fond of Japanese culture (not including the tentacle rape porn, or possibly very much including it), and has never dealt in, or supported human traffic of any kind.

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There is no problem that tightened background checks solve. Nothing in this legislation would have prevented Sandy Hook. How about we all get to be adults and run our own lives? Punish those who do ill against their fellow man (unless you qualify for a Beastie Boy waiver, which sadly only 2 people left do), and generally leave people to be relatively free. Do you hate guns? Then don't buy one. I hate the Japanese as previously stated, and I no longer own any.





Sol740 often jokes about other Asian races because even he admits that they are virtually indistinguishable. Sol740 does not actually hate any Japanese people, is quite fond of Japanese culture (not including the tentacle rape porn, or possibly very much including it), and has never dealt in, or supported human traffic of any kind.




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Where's there a problem? Define it. Show me how expanded background checks would solve said problem.


I'm not arguing that background checks would fix anything. Apparently we haven't even established that there is a problem.


Violent Death's of Top 10 Countries (by Wealth):



Gun Related Homicides vs. Other Western Countries



It's Even Worse in Cities:



States with the More Gun Laws Have Lower Gun Violence:




Again, I am not advocating for any position to increase gun control. I'm not really for it at all actually. However, I think you'd have to be an NRA lapdog (a sheepdog if you'd prefer) to dismiss that an issue does indeed exist.


Speaking of the NRA, it would be a lot easier to get numbers if they didn't block the government from doing any sort of analysis of gun violence.

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There is no problem that tightened background checks solve. Nothing in this legislation would have prevented Sandy Hook. How about we all get to be adults and run our own lives? Punish those who do ill against their fellow man (unless you qualify for a Beastie Boy waiver, which sadly only 2 people left do), and generally leave people to be relatively free. Do you hate guns? Then don't buy one. I hate the Japanese as previously stated, and I no longer own any.





Sol740 often jokes about other Asian races because even he admits that they are virtually indistinguishable. Sol740 does not actually hate any Japanese people, is quite fond of Japanese culture (not including the tentacle rape porn, or possibly very much including it), and has never dealt in, or supported human traffic of any kind.


This is how you internet right here :fuckyeah:


not to mention dude's got a point...

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I'm not arguing that background checks would fix anything. Apparently we haven't even established that there is a problem.


Violent Death's of Top 10 Countries (by Wealth):



Gun Related Homicides vs. Other Western Countries



It's Even Worse in Cities:



States with the More Gun Laws Have Lower Gun Violence:




Again, I am not advocating for any position to increase gun control. I'm not really for it at all actually. However, I think you'd have to be an NRA lapdog (a sheepdog if you'd prefer) to dismiss that an issue does indeed exist.


Speaking of the NRA, it would be a lot easier to get numbers if they didn't block the government from doing any sort of analysis of gun violence.

lol russia, no data....

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I'm not arguing that background checks would fix anything. Apparently we haven't even established that there is a problem.


That's because there is no problem. We do not need to compare the United States to other countries, as this is the greatest country around, period / fact. We are where everyone wants to live. So enjoy your wiki stats. Especially the city ones as we all know how well Chicago is fairing with crime and controls.


However, I think you'd have to be an NRA lapdog (a sheepdog if you'd prefer) to dismiss that an issue does indeed exist.


Still waiting to hear what you define as a problem. Again I don't care about life outside the United States. Go live there if life is so good.


Speaking of the NRA, it would be a lot easier to get numbers if they didn't block the government [


Govt can't produce data? My violin is playing as I sing BS.

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States with the More Gun Laws Have Lower Gun Violence:




Again, I am not advocating for any position to increase gun control. I'm not really for it at all actually. However, I think you'd have to be an NRA lapdog (a sheepdog if you'd prefer) to dismiss that an issue does indeed exist.


Speaking of the NRA, it would be a lot easier to get numbers if they didn't block the government from doing any sort of analysis of gun violence.



*Numbers indicate total firearms-related deaths, 2007-2010.


To me, this doesn't indicate firearm violence (just homicides), but rather accidental deaths and suicide as well. It's reasonable to believe that those states with the most guns are going to have more accidents and suicides. Again, laws will do nothing for this. Do you have a graph of strictly homicides vs. gun laws?


Also, though your other graphs point out that America has a high number of homicides and violent deaths compared to the other countries, I also do not feel that this is due to the guns. That's like saying when ice cream sales increase, so does crime. The true correlation is that when the temperature increases, so does crime and ice cream sales. Just because you can show two things trend together, does not mean that one causes the other.


What we really have in the country is a culture problem. When we can figure out why that is, we can get on with how to fix it.

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I have an issue with the term gun deaths. Its really irrelevant IMO. Take the USA and some other country with very strict gun laws, or even no guns at all, country X.


USA has 800 gun deaths, 100 knife deaths, 50 bat deaths, and 50 rock deaths.


Country X has 100 gun deaths, 500 knife deaths, 300 bat deaths and 100 rock deaths.


Taking a holistic approach to violence is the only way to get reasonable data imo.

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That's because there is no problem. We do not need to compare the United States to other countries, as this is the greatest country around, period / fact. We are where everyone wants to live. So enjoy your wiki stats. Especially the city ones as we all know how well Chicago is fairing with crime and controls.


Not according to Facebook and HBO!

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