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the Millennial Problem (WHY YOUNGSTERS SUK!)


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Sadly even though it gives suggestions at the end, a person would have to be willing to think outside the box their mind is currently stuck in. Even then their mind would still have to be able to grasp ideas for what some of us might think are such simple things would most likely be way over thier starved minds capacity.

+1 on the read

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I have said it once and I'll say it again. I have a complete lack of faith in the younger generation. I have interviewed multiple millennial's for positions at my company and all of them show a complete lack of comprehension, poor problem solving, extremely cocky/self-centered, and aren't very articulate. This generation is used to being entertained 24/7, having all the answers at their finger tips, and being told that everything they do is awesome (no matter how bad they suck). They are lazy, stupid, and think that they deserve to get paid like an executive for doing Burger King-type work.



Fuck hipsters.

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I have said it once and I'll say it again. I have a complete lack of faith in the younger generation. I have interviewed multiple millennial's for positions at my company and all of them show a complete lack of comprehension, poor problem solving, extremely cocky/self-centered, and aren't very articulate. This generation is used to being entertained 24/7, having all the answers at their finger tips, and being told that everything they do is awesome (no matter how bad they suck). They are lazy, stupid, and think that they deserve to get paid like an executive for doing Burger King-type work.



Fuck hipsters.



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I have said it once and I'll say it again. I have a complete lack of faith in the younger generation. I have interviewed multiple millennial's for positions at my company and all of them show a complete lack of comprehension, poor problem solving, extremely cocky/self-centered, and aren't very articulate. This generation is used to being entertained 24/7, having all the answers at their finger tips, and being told that everything they do is awesome (no matter how bad they suck). They are lazy, stupid, and think that they deserve to get paid like an executive for doing Burger King-type work.



Fuck hipsters.


lol you either have no idea what a hipster is, what a millenial is, or both.


But, I think the younger generation(younger than I) definitely wants everything handed to them on a silver platter.

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Blah, blah, blah. Jalopnik really needs a better quality control editor for some of the articles they release, as that is pure nonsense. There will always be people who are disinterested in cars, regardless of "generation". In the same vein of thought, there will always be car enthusiasts in every generation who keep the torch lit. Yes, they will be the extreme minority, just like any enthusiast hobby. For example, let's say I am at a family get together, I am the only person (barring perhaps my Father, or one of my Uncles, to an extent) in three generations of people that knows anything about cars. To everyone else, they are appliances, boxes that shuttle them around town, and only used on a necessary basis, rather than for enjoyment.
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Blah, blah, blah. Jalopnik really needs a better quality control editor for some of the articles they release, as that is pure nonsense. There will always be people who are disinterested in cars, regardless of "generation". In the same vein of thought, there will always be car enthusiasts in every generation who keep the torch lit. Yes, they will be the extreme minority, just like any enthusiast hobby.



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There is a shift for the current generation. The ability to social network to such a high degree and the "shrinking" of the world around us has lessened the need for transportation in a sense.


I agree it may not neccessarily be the end of the automotive circle, however. There was an excellent article in Road & Track (which I believe was posted on CR somewhere here a couple weeks ago, too), on this same subject. Should be available online or do a search here for the link.


Synopsis: RT grabs a disinterested youth and tries to expose him to the various types of autos and automotive sports to peak his interest.


I'll leave the conculsion to be discovered by the reader.



Here's the link. Finally found it.


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lol you either have no idea what a hipster is, what a millenial is, or both.


But, I think the younger generation(younger than I) definitely wants everything handed to them on a silver platter.

I'm lumping Hipsters and Millennial's together in my rant because they are both in the 20-30 something range, although I hate it when someone refers to me as a Millennial.



n 2008 author Ron Alsop called Millennials "Trophy Kids," a term that reflects the trend in competitive sports, as well as many other aspects of life, where mere participation is frequently enough for a reward. It has been reported that this is an issue in corporate environments. Some employers are concerned that Millennials have too great expectations from the workplace. Studies predict that Generation Y will switch jobs frequently, holding many more jobs than Generation X due to their great expectations.

Exactly what I have seen, although this is more in the 20-27 range. Most of the people in the age range that I went to school with (28-34) I've had drastically different experience with.



Hipsters are a subculture of men and women typically in their 20's and 30's that value independent thinking, counter-culture, progressive politics, an appreciation of art and indie-rock, creativity, intelligence, and witty banter.

Also, in their 20's and 30's but I see them as a more extreme result of trophy-kid syndrome. This sub-culture bothers me the most, as they are almost completely unemployable in society. Hipsters are Millennial's, but not all Millennial's are Hipsters.

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Man, my generation was supposed to be spoiled and entitled and unwilling to do hard work. What gives?


Actually, kids in the 60s were lazy and aimless and entitled, what with their long hair and their pot smoking. What happened to them?


Or was it the kids in the 20s, with their drinking and their crazy dancing and the jazz music, disregarding society's conventions but still expecting to get a job?




If you think young people are lazy, entitled brats, may I suggest that says more about the type of people you surround yourself with, and less about any generational trends? Because I work with a lot of young people who constantly blow my mind.

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I'm lumping Hipsters and Millennial's together in my rant because they are both in the 20-30 something range, although I hate it when someone refers to me as a Millennial.




Exactly what I have seen, although this is more in the 20-27 range. Most of the people in the age range that I went to school with (28-34) I've had drastically different experience with.




Also, in their 20's and 30's but I see them as a more extreme result of trophy-kid syndrome. This sub-culture bothers me the most, as they are almost completely unemployable in society. Hipsters are Millennial's, but not all Millennial's are Hipsters.


You give me some engineer training/refresh my high school Calc/Physics skills I'll come work for you. Always looking to improve.

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If you think young people are lazy, entitled brats, may I suggest that says more about the type of people you surround yourself with, and less about any generational trends? Because I work with a lot of young people who constantly blow my mind.




Old people LOVE putting labels on things without EVER actually doing something.


Its funny, I am 30... and I interview people who are older than me who are unemployed because they think the "job market" is bad. Well, if I were unemployed I would do whatever it took to solve that problem in less than 2 weeks and get any job (even if only temporary) as opposed to being picky. In fact, I think old people are slow to act and slow to change their minds. Younger people (the right ones) are thirsty for knowledge and experience and tend to be accepting of new ideas.


I think greg is right... it all depends on who you associate with and/or view as your sample group.



While all the lazy/analytical 40-somethings cant find jobs..... the company I lead grew 624% in the past 3 years....


My generation's greatest weakness is that we are too bold and quick to make decisions and act..... I think that is also our greatest strength.

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I'll try to keep my moth shut on this thread.

That article really made me :lolguy:.

Mainly because I know quite a few people in my age range with a greater appreciation for cars as a whole than the "older" generation.


Allow me to use this as an example, take me and a few friends to a Classic Car show, mainly limited to older muscle, hot rod's, rat rod's and the like, and we would spend an insane amount of time gawking over classic's of old time, and desperately wishing we lived in an era where cars like this were still produced.

Now, throw an "old-timer" into the reverse role. Take him to IFO, Import Alliance, Street Life tour, or something similar, and he would be too busy looking at anything but the cars, and if he did, it would surely be only a glance.


It's really amusing to me when an older gentleman walks into my work and is driving something older, and I start to ask him about the car, the modifications, and talking about cars outside of Camaro's, Mustang's, Charger's, Challenger's that were made back in the day, and the soon to be had astonishment that comes on his face when he realizes a "youngster" knows what a carburetor is. Then he ask's what I drive and what is done to it, and looks like I just spoke Japanese to him..which I guess is sort of what I do.


There are younger people that have an appreciation for older cars, and more than you'd think. But unfortunately they are vastly outnumbered by the Honda crowd and others who don't give a damn about cars of yesteryear.


Guess trying to keep my mouth shut didn't work.

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That was maybe the longest rant I've ever read. I'm 42 so even though I don't consider myself old....I'm not young. I don't have much against the younger generation as a whole because they face things I didn't have too. The world is much different now than when I was a teenager. The information they have available is mind blowing but so are the pitfalls. We didn't have to worry near as much about people blowing up shit, shooting up schools, the amounts/types of drugs available, parents that work damn near all the time ect ect.

Another mistake the writer made was it sounds like he's taking a snapshot of city life and assuming it's like that everywhere. I was in Chicago last weekend and it amazes me that people can get by in a large city. That lifestyle would drive me crazy and I couldn't wait to get back home. That's not to say they're doing it wrong....their idea of "normal" is just different than mine. I don't think you can make comparisons between a truly large city and small town america.

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I have said it once and I'll say it again. I have a complete lack of faith in the younger generation. I have interviewed multiple millennial's for positions at my company and all of them show a complete lack of comprehension, poor problem solving, extremely cocky/self-centered, and aren't very articulate. This generation is used to being entertained 24/7, having all the answers at their finger tips, and being told that everything they do is awesome (no matter how bad they suck). They are lazy, stupid, and think that they deserve to get paid like an executive for doing Burger King-type work.



Fuck hipsters.


You just described 95% of the 21-35 year old white population of Chicago.

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I lol at the people saying, 'it's all who you hang out with, my friends are...' then try to use that as a reason why there is no 'Millennial problem.' Sure, this guys circle of friends can influence his thinking, the same as yours does to you. This isn't about old people looking down at the whipper-snappers, and this isn't about people dis-interested in being car enthusiasts. This is about the number of people in this generation that are completely apathetic about driving at all.


Sure, your dad, uncle, cousins, etc don't know anything about cars. But they've wanted to drive ever since they were a little kid, and they were probably in line at the DMV before it opened on their 16th birthday. The Millennial problem is not some anecdotal bull shit people have dreamed up due to their clueless friends. This is a widespread trend that has been proven with research. This generation is waiting longer to get their drivers license (if they get it at all), and fewer are purchasing vehicles.

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I lol at the people saying, 'it's all who you hang out with, my friends are...' then try to use that as a reason why there is no 'Millennial problem.' Sure, this guys circle of friends can influence his thinking, the same as yours does to you. This isn't about old people looking down at the whipper-snappers, and this isn't about people dis-interested in being car enthusiasts. This is about the number of people in this generation that are completely apathetic about driving at all.


Sure, your dad, uncle, cousins, etc don't know anything about cars. But they've wanted to drive ever since they were a little kid, and they were probably in line at the DMV before it opened on their 16th birthday. The Millennial problem is not some anecdotal bull shit people have dreamed up due to their clueless friends. This is a widespread trend that has been proven with research. This generation is waiting longer to get their drivers license (if they get it at all), and fewer are purchasing vehicles.



Yes, young people are less interested in driving. Unless you're a car company, dealership, or some other industry that is directly affected by new car sales, I'm not clear as to why this is a "problem" that needs to be solved. It's just something that's happening, that's neither good nor bad, in the same way that decreasing lava lamp sales weren't good or bad (except for lava lamp manufacturers).


But come on man, I'm just going to quote you here:


I have said it once and I'll say it again. I have a complete lack of faith in the younger generation. I have interviewed multiple millennial's for positions at my company and all of them show a complete lack of comprehension, poor problem solving, extremely cocky/self-centered, and aren't very articulate. This generation is used to being entertained 24/7, having all the answers at their finger tips, and being told that everything they do is awesome (no matter how bad they suck). They are lazy, stupid, and think that they deserve to get paid like an executive for doing Burger King-type work.


You don't mention cars once in this frothing rant. How is that not you looking down your nose at "whipper snappers?" It's 0% about a market shift, and 100% a judgement call about people who are younger than you.

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Sure, your dad, uncle, cousins, etc don't know anything about cars. But they've wanted to drive ever since they were a little kid, and they were probably in line at the DMV before it opened on their 16th birthday. The Millennial problem is not some anecdotal bull shit people have dreamed up due to their clueless friends. This is a widespread trend that has been proven with research. This generation is waiting longer to get their drivers license (if they get it at all), and fewer are purchasing vehicles.


You're a vehicle dynamics engineer, from what I gather, and it's not exactly your area of expertise, but what would your solution be? The auto industry has been reactive in this instance and has started pandering to a potentially tech-savvy buyer with increased competition to develop the most ridiculous tech/interior gadgets. Other than for the sake of corporate marketing dick-swinging, just to say "look what our car has that brand Y's does not", that approach is not working. For example, MyFordTouch, Cadillac CUE, etc. are an attempt to garner second glances from people more interested in the latest iPhone. However, despite how advanced (in terms of tech toys) these brands tout their cars to be, and despite the fact that companies like GM, Ford, or Chrysler are looking towards the next generation of CS students to cultivate their navigation systems, or a cool app, is it working?


This is a very scatter-brained thought, but I'm running low on sleep and still have a final to handle before graduating, I'm sure you get the gist of my argument...

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To me this needs to be looked at from the bell curve point of view. There are some young people that are nothing but mama-tit sucking wastes of flesh. The flipside to Bob's point is there really are some smart kids out there doing work.


The big problem is that I think the bell curve is starting to slide the wrong way, and has been doing it for a very long time. Its a slow move, but its happening.


Ask anybody who has been in the education field for 30 or more years and they will tell you point blank, the kids are getting worse.

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Yes, young people are less interested in driving. Unless you're a car company, dealership, or some other industry that is directly affected by new car sales, I'm not clear as to why this is a "problem" that needs to be solved.

I work for a supplier. If all goes right, in 2-3 weeks I will be at a manufacturer.


You don't mention cars once in this frothing rant. How is that not you looking down your nose at "whipper snappers?" It's 0% about a market shift, and 100% a judgement call about people who are younger than you.

That's because in that rant I am specifically talking about my experience in interviewing new college grads for positions within the automotive industry.

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Ask anybody who has been in the education field for 30 or more years and they will tell you point blank, the kids are getting worse.


The flip side of that is that school has become less relevant over the last 30 years. I literally spent more time reading Chaucer than I did learning about computer programming, and I was lucky that my school even bothered to have a programming class. Can you imagine? Chaucer! Guess which skill has been more meaningful to me?


I certainly don't envy educators today. There's a lot of societal and governmental pressure to adhere to this 19th century ideal of a liberal arts education, while it's pretty clear that the world is changing faster than schools and regulators can keep up.


It's not like kids are genetically different now than they were 15 or 30 years ago, so if they're not doing as well in school, it's the grown-ups' fault. Blame the teachers, blame the state, blame the parents. But if a kid who grows up with wikipedia and smartphones can't see the point in memorizing facts that he could easily look up in 12 seconds on his magic pocket wizard, it's not his fault. Society has failed him.


From what I've seen, kids are still eager to learn, but the subject matter that they're interested in has changed. Schools will need to adapt.

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That's because in that rant I am specifically talking about my experience in interviewing new college grads for positions within the automotive industry.


You specifically said "This generation ... is lazy and stupid." If you intended that to be a more targeted rant, you failed. Dare I say, your generation sucks at making a point. In my day, we knew how to make a cogent argument.



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