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i seen some crazy road rage but damn!


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Guy tries to change lanes apparently without looking, then gets mad and brake checks car he almost hit to begin with. Makes sense.


Your most likely right.


So you say the Camry is to blame then agree that possibly the camera car is to blame? :lol:





Also, *you're

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So you say the Camry is to blame then agree that possibly the camera car is to blame? :lol:





Also, *you're


this guy hangs on a lot of folks nutts round here

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The guy in the Camery is likely butt-hurt for driving that sorry as old-man-tan car.


Kuddos to the guy in the Vette? or whatever it is for keeping their cool and not driving like an ass.


If that happened to me and my passenger got that much footage, I'd dial 911, explain that there's a road rage DUI like driver trying to run me and other cars off the road and that my passenger is recording it all, please send a trooper. In Cbus it would take all of 5 minutes if that to see a cop.


I'd then profit off the video being posted on youtube and garnering a shit-ton of hits. Being able to confront that ass hole while he gets his dues from the local PD would be priceless.


Reality is in my Ford and MS3 my cell phone mount allows for very clear video recording of traffic up front like that so I can and have easily switched it on. I'm surprised more people around haven't used footage like this to nail asshole drivers.

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this guy hangs on a lot of folks nutts round here


Are you referring to myself or beatoffcomaro? I certainly hope you're not talking about me. The only nuts I'm swinging from are Mitch's...and Clay's...and Anthony's...and Steve's...and Mitch's again...and Doc's...and of course the ever illustrious BC's.


Wait, is that " a lot of folks"?

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So you say the Camry is to blame then agree that possibly the camera car is to blame? :lol:





Also, *you're

You must have missed the sarcasm in me saying makes sense.

this guy hangs on a lot of folks nutts round here


There is nobody on this site who's nuts I hang from. You seem to be trying to sweat mine lately.

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Are you referring to myself or beatoffcomaro? I certainly hope you're not talking about me. The only nuts I'm swinging from are Mitch's...and Clay's...and Anthony's...and Steve's...and Mitch's again...and Doc's...and of course the ever illustrious BC's.


Wait, is that " a lot of folks"?




You must have missed the sarcasm in me saying makes sense.



There is nobody on this site who's nuts I hang from. You seem to be trying to sweat mine lately.


feels good dont it

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