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Plane crash.....


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Plane lost lift. It happens when the plane climbs too high too fast. Instead of lift it creates drag and drops like a rock.


Word on the street is the load shifted aft; vehicles I believe. There's really nothing that can be done in that situation. It looks like he fought it til the end though.

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Drove back from Florida in 12-14 hours TOPS one day. I was CRUISIN all the way home, and i stopped a few times to stretch, get gas, and drinks.


Did it at the end of March... will never do again! We lost 2 days of our vacation on the road.


Planes scare me for this very reason. Everything at some point in time fails. The percentage of it happening is crazy low.. but still...

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Plane lost lift. It happens when the plane climbs too high too fast. Instead of lift it creates drag and drops like a rock.



It does kinda look like its climbing like a fighter.

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wow......that's a crazy video. Few years ago we flew to Vegas. As we were coming down for the landing you know how you watch out the window and see the runway getting closer and closer? I was doing that and just before we touch down you hear the pilot lay back into the throttle and start slowly climbing again. Everyone on the plane was shitting bricks. Capt. came on the speaker about a minute later and said he had too much speed going in and had to circle and do it again. I won't lie.....it sucked. Might be something that happens a lot but was the first time I've ever been on a plane that did that. I'm in no hurry to ever fly again. On the flight home I was so nervous you wouldn't have been able to drive a pin up my ass with a jackhammer.
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wow......that's a crazy video. Few years ago we flew to Vegas. As we were coming down for the landing you know how you watch out the window and see the runway getting closer and closer? I was doing that and just before we touch down you hear the pilot lay back into the throttle and start slowly climbing again. Everyone on the plane was shitting bricks. Capt. came on the speaker about a minute later and said he had too much speed going in and had to circle and do it again. I won't lie.....it sucked. Might be something that happens a lot but was the first time I've ever been on a plane that did that. I'm in no hurry to ever fly again. On the flight home I was so nervous you wouldn't have been able to drive a pin up my ass with a jackhammer.


Relax..what's the worse that could happen?

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That's odd...it's my understanding they basically land themselves now...computers and all.


I have no idea....for all I know he spilled his Jack & Coke on the controls. The too much speed thing might've just been a cover. :D In that situation too 1 minute feels like an eternity. The women in front of us were about to lose it. People were starting to suspect the landing gear wasn't down and shit like that. Not a good situation.

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You still have a higher chance of dieing in a car accident than any aircraft. When your time is up, that's just the way it goes sometimes...


They do max climbs out of hot zones so you won't have a departure like that in any civilian aircraft in the USA (unless you ask for it..lol).

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Word on the street is the load shifted aft; vehicles I believe. There's really nothing that can be done in that situation. It looks like he fought it til the end though.


One of my old high school friends, now VP of flight ops at Evergreen said pretty much the same thing. Most likely a cargo shift, resulting in a drastic change in center of gravity on the aircraft and the pilot didn't have enough altitude to correct it.

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