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iPhone Replacement - MicroCenter guys***L@@K***


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At lunch, I dropped my iPhone and smashed the shit out of the screen :fuuuu:. I used Scotch Tape to keep the spider cracks from falling out, but I need a new phone.


Magically, the spirit of Steve Jobs still lives within it and IT WORKS, but it looks like splooderman jizzed on the glass and I get splinters everytime I operate it. This was a hand-me-down from my wifey when she upgraded to the iPhone 5.


Please recommend if I should pay $200 to repair the screen, or look at another smartphone. Thanks!

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inbeforealltheiphonehaters. space for sale


I was just at a company BBQ and watch my plate of Baked Beans and potato salad get blown by the wind and flipped over on my iPhone. No case, or anything. Licked it clean and it works just fine :)

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Micro Center can do it for $75 (assuming parts are in-stock) usually takes an hour or two depending on what jobs are in front of yours.


Also they have S4's and the HTC One in stock for $100 cheaper than anyone in central Ohio. That's what I've heard anyways :ninja:

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Micro Center can do it for $75 (assuming parts are in-stock) usually takes an hour or two depending on what jobs are in front of yours.


That's good to know.


Sprint is doing a 4S buyback: 32gb is $175 towards another phone. Smashed screen that still works is $73.96 :fuuuu:


However, wifey is going to the Sprint store after work to find out what upgrades we have and what can be done. Thanks, CR! :thumbup:

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It's really not bad if you are careful. ifixit.com has the manuals. If you attempt this please make sure you have someway of noting exactly where each screw went. A majority of the screws are different.
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Take the two bottom screws off, slide off back glass, vice versa..


Looks like the front glass is a pita though, I'd just go spend the $80.


Very generous of you, Bri-high-an. Why don't you stop over for a few beers? :)


Be Brian: Go to Gallo's on Bethel for beers w/Clay...wake up broke, pants on backwards, Clay's smiling and 'mirin his new iPhone screen.

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Take the two bottom screws off, slide off back glass, vice versa..


Looks like the front glass is a pita though, I'd just go spend the $80.


Its really n ot that bad..


Replaced quite a few of them .. way easier thant he 3 series was.

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Edited by zeitgeist57
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What about an iPod touch? It this priced similar as the iPhone? My daughter dropped her first pod and the glass screen is cracked. At the time it was a $200 fix, that was 3 years ago.
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I had the otterbox for my S3, hated it. I like the phones with no case. Cases make them too big.


Actually, when it came to the iPhone I hated using it. My hands are too big and I'd fumble with it. The Otterbox makes the phone slightly bulkier but makes it much more comfortable for me to handle!

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