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Conceal Carry Question


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I had an OH CCW when I lived there. Now that I live in TX, my OH CHL is no longer valid as I am not a resident of OH and OH does NOT issue CHL's to non-residents. Now, that being said, I also have a FL CCW. I changed my address with FL on their website to my current TX address.


My questions is, will OH still honor my FL permit with my TX address. The way I interpret the law is that OH will recognize non-resident permits from other states, but I want to make sure before I come back to OH an conceal carry as I do NOT want to violate the law.

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They should be okay, the only time you might run into trouble is if you are moving back to Ohio. There have been cases where the police attempt to prosecute due to being an Ohio resident with an out of state permit only. They feel if your gonna live here you should pony up and get the Ohio permit which does make since.
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