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My day to crash


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I have a lot of faith in fate. And today kind of sums it up for me. It started when I left the house this morning. I always do a mini wheelie when I turn onto Alkire as my "get the stupid shit out of the way" gesture. Well, same as usual, 4500 rpms, roll into it and for some reason it stood all the way up . . 12:00 style. I should have turned around and parked the bike and drove the Durango. Of course, I didn't. Went to Jason's to ride up and get him a new leather jacket, ( wearing my own shiny new Joe Rocket leather jacket and even shinier (according to the person who prices shit at pony) new leather gloves.). I get to J's and we head off to Iron Pony. Somewhere along the way, I'm taking the entrance ramp to 270 and some stupid bitch on her cell phone swerves onto the ramp I'm on, getting ONTO 270, and almost hits me (keep in mind, she's already on 270 and there's not an exit coming up). Jason almost hits me when I swerve to miss her passenger side mirror. whew . . very close call. We get in and out of IP fairly quickly and head for Easton Mall. We're in and out of there pretty quickly and on our way headed back to 270 when some straight pimpin guy in his Cadillac Brougham with the 24" gold wire wheels cuts in front of me and locks 'em up at a red light trying to swap paint with me. "Jeez" I'm thinkin, "wtf is with people today??" . We finally make it back to J's house, narrowly avoiding a speeding ticket thanks to all three lanes being blocked by people doing 45 on 270. Jason says "Hey, I found a brand new warehouse that's unoccupied where we can practice some low speed maneuvering etc." So we headed up to check it out. Well, all I can say is that it's BEAUTIFUL! Perfect, brand new, outside of town, nothing around us but this huge empty building. So I head around the parking lot to see what's up with the back side of it.. Fate jumped out and grabbed me by the balls and said "your turn!". As I came around one of the corners, I hit a patch of gravel at about 40 - 45 mph. The bike disintegrated right there. I was hovering for about 10 feet then fell straight on my face. I low sided, but the damn bike decided to right itself about the time I faceplanted and rode off by itself into the dirt (saved me about 600 bucks worth of paint and plastic). I however hit pretty hard. My brand new J.R jacket and gloves and Scorpion Exo 700 Crackhead helmet are trash. My front wheel is all bent up, along with a busted mirror and other small bits of the bike. Both of my knees are all rashed up from wearing levis. My right arm is more than likey broken at the wrist, and possibly fractured at the elbow according to Jason's RN wife. We'll find out tomorrow. I was lucky today, it happened in an empty parking lot instead of on the hiway. It cost me probably 1200-1500 bucks, but I'm alive and sitting here typing one handed drinking a cold beer telling you folks that if it doesn't feel right, it probably isn't gonna get any better.

Don't test fate, she wins every time.

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Well, damage is minimal, my knees both look like the pic (taken on the scene). my right arm is pretty swollen, but I'm a crybaby so it feels worse than it looks. Bike lost a mirror, front wheel and rear brake lever. A few minor scratches but otherwise not bad.


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Anytime you fall and can get up and go type about it is a good day. I hope that if/when I wreck it'll be in the fashion you wrecked. Seriously dude, it could've been much worse. For instance if you would've left your helmet strapped to your bike like lots of dudes do (while thinking their cool). Think about all that skin you would've left on the pavement had you not been wearing your jacket. And an empty lot is much better than i-270. That would've been bad.

I just purchased an Scorpion so its nice to hear it worked well for ya and protected your dome.

Heal up.

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Take it slow, get the body parts checked out, and then you can plan how you want to change up your ride with the new parts!

A good rider friend always tells me that when your mind says "Just one more time," it's time to stop before that time. Trust your intuition, not your adrenaline.

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And I thought I had a bad day! Glad you're ok. I have to say, a lot of ppl on here who talk about their crashes start out by saying, "I was going __mph and then..." meaning they were being a fool on the bike. But it sounds like your close calls all day were from other drivers being stupid and maybe some dumb luck! Oh except for the whole wheelie thing, but anyways... Hope you heal up and get back out there soon!

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Damn man! Thats just no good! Im glad you are ok man! I hope you dont have any broken bones, you never said if you do or not. I can help you get the bike back on the road, you know I am more than willing. Give me a call when you feel up to it. Rest up, and take your time healing. You only get one human shell, even if yours is ugly... Take care of it man!!! .... and you knowI am messing with you. Later bro!

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