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Anyone work for chase dealing with foreclosures?


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I have had my eye on a property for some time and it has yet to come up for sale. I seen some movement on it recently and through tracking it I believe chase may be the bank which owns it. Unfortunately its not listed as a foreclosed home on their site and the county has yet to post its owner. I found out the company whos considered the trustee but even they cant find who owns it. I want to see if in fact it is chase and get any available information regarding making an offer.
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Did you search the property on the county auditors website to see the listed owner.


You can also search the sheriff's website to see if the house has already sold at auction (which technically has to happen before the bank takes possession)

If the sale hasn't happened yet, you may be able to work out a short sale. Chase is a mofo when it comes to them though. They held one of the mortgages against the home I purchased (on short sale) and they took FOREVER to process everything.

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