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The wussification of America...


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So watching TV, some news thing came on about some oganization who is trying to ban dodgeball because it makes kids sad when they lose. And it gets better! tag, no touching!!! you step on the others shadow! WTF!! no touching of students at all, no high-fives, or anything. Seriously?! and jump ropes, well apparently kids feel like crap if they can;t jump rope so they do it with out the rope! what the F*!@$% are these kids going to do when they get in the real world and want a competitive job? Or heck anything in the real world? does anyone else see a problem with this? Guess it will just make it easier for my kids to get ahead, at this rate a stern look will make them wet themselves even when they are in their twenties!

i find this just completely ridiculous!

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That came out a few years back. It's still as stupid as then. Gosh, don't want to hurt their little feelings. Actually, you can't stop kids messing with kids. It's what kids do, with or without the dodgeball.

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So watching TV, some news thing came on about some oganization who is trying to ban dodgeball because it makes kids sad when they lose. And it gets better! tag, no touching!!! you step on the others shadow! WTF!! no touching of students at all, no high-fives, or anything. Seriously?! and jump ropes, well apparently kids feel like crap if they can;t jump rope so they do it with out the rope! what the F*!@$% are these kids going to do when they get in the real world and want a competitive job? Or heck anything in the real world? does anyone else see a problem with this? Guess it will just make it easier for my kids to get ahead, at this rate a stern look will make them wet themselves even when they are in their twenties!

i find this just completely ridiculous!

that's why we have laws and unions to make it harder to fire people who cant handle real competition. i'm looking forward to the first time i get to tell my kid(s) to suck it up and quit being a puss

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Sucks doesn't it? So raise your kids better than this. Cause a lot of today's parents are wacked out.

isnt that the truth!!

i'm looking forward to the first time i get to tell my kid(s) to suck it up and quit being a puss

yeah no kidding and my kids will have a note to school giving them permission to beat their ass if they get outta line and then to call me so i can beat it again when they get home.

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isnt that the truth!!

yeah no kidding and my kids will have a note to school giving them permission to beat their ass if they get outta line and then to call me so i can beat it again when they get home.

I think when I have kids, I would rather that they make good decisions because its the right thing to do than because they're afraid of getting in trouble... that's how I grew up. In the past 24 years my dad has yelled at me once and apologized for it.

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do the right thing for the right reason? now only if we could spread that to the rest of the world!

You learn that by realizing that doing the wrong thing ends with an ass whooping. :beathorse:

My friends parents had the right to beat me if I misbehaved at their house, and if it happened, I knew a whooping was waiting for me when I got home. And a whooping. Not a beating. A beating involved one parent, a whooping involved half of the extended family and two or three days. They'd fire up the grill, call the aunts and uncles and tell them to bring a covered dish.

Seriously though, I recommend "Last Child In the Woods." A big part of it involves unstructured play and exposure to the outdoors. Both of which are being shown to be beneficial to the development of resilient and capable children, who in turn grow into resilient and capable adults.

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In regards to what dorifto said it was similar in my neighborhood. Everyone of my friends parents had free reign to reprimand us(I would never say beat, but yell and tell us we were doing wrong), and every kid too that as the same as if it were coming from their own parent.

Kids today are very soft. I don't have any myself, but I have a nephew and 2 nieces in high school, and my wife teaches freshmen English so I am around high school kids often. A lot expect everything to be handed to them, and very few seem to want to work for anything.

I know when I was in high school, I went to school, played 3 sports year round, and had a part time job, and I never had a car to get around but still found a way to do all that.

If I wanted something, I had to work for it. My nephew is a sweet and smart kid, but lazy and expects that everyone else will support and bail him out as he needs it. He needs to wake up and find out out that is not the case.

I come from a small poor town in eastern Ohio, with a great sports tradition. We were in contention in nearly every sport, and I think half of it was because the kids older than us beat the shit out of us on the fields and made us good and tough, and learn if we want to win, we better start hitting back hard.

Nowadays the sports teams there are poor, because none of the kids want to to work for it, and sit inside and play games and live a virtual life. This is just asamll exmaple of this.

I'm so sick of people whining about the they deserve this and that, and being concerned with being PC. It is making us weak. It is amazing a small portion of these whiners are taking over and changing laws to make kids pussies.

If kids in my neighborhood were told to play tag with shadows and no dodgeball, we would have shouted "SMEAR THE QUEER" and tackled the jackass that said it.

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Sorry people but I think those days are long gone.

I see too many tantrums in stores. Too many shows about taking back control of your kids. WTF?

Pain and the prospect of pain kept me on the path. It was an easy set of rules to follow.

Work hard, play hard.

Do well and right or pay the price.

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The worst thing was the idea of disappointing my parents. I still wonder if my dad is proud of how I turned out, and I'm a successful 26 year old and I have a great relationship with my dad!

And when I did misbehave (AND GOOD GOD DID I EVER), I knew there were consequences.

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the problem with the letting them do right for the right reasons idea is it's totally dependent on the type of personality they have. some people just inherently have more desire to please their parents, etc. Kids spend enough time with the wrong ppl at school, they'll learn to misbehave and disobey you on their own irregarless of what you tell them. My parents took that mentality with me about the time i was 12, probably because they were tired of whipping me by then, and while it worked somewhat (i did want to make them proud of me) i knew how to get away with just about anything.

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I think you have to start with the 'do the right thing for the right reason' when they are young though, so that its built in. This is crazy, but when I was maybe 6 or 7, I had a balloon and this other kid wanted it, and my dad looked at me and said, it would really make that other kid happy if you gave them your balloon. I was like, hell no! its my balloon, but by the time we got to the car, I felt terrible. I didn't need the balloon, and if it was gonna make the other kid happy, i shoulda given it to him.

I'm just saying, if you can build a thought process like that into someone that young, then it creates a good foundation for good behavior in the rest of the persons life.

Don't get me wrong, I got into a little bit of trouble, but it ended up being a self imposed guilt for my punishment.

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Must... not... start... on... this... thread... arggg... I have too much shit to do, no time to tell you how bad I want to beat just everyone in sight... god damn pussies... They are even having "kinder, gentler" basic training for infantry because we can't be hurting any feelings while we prepare soldiers to die and kill. damnit damnit damnit... must leave now...

Oh, and I got beaten more than most for less than most... There is no excuse for misusing or abusing your authority and my parents sucked at raising me, but I still learned, even from the beatings I didn't deserve. The consequences of and potential misapplication of a perfectly good tool is no excuse not to use it appropriately. (much like firearms and drugs) Beat the little bastards when they earn it, as much as they earn it. It varies person to person how much and how often to apply it, but corporal punishment is a useful tool. See, I still got sucked in....

Edited by 2wheels>4
got sucked in
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the next generation is in big trouble...

look at all the rampant syndromes and diseases...WTF?

I knew MAYBE 1 kid the whole time I was growing up that had athsma, and MAYBE 1 kid with ADHD, this shit is getting WAY out of control...

I think schools and doctors and society in general is becoming too accomodating. The real world has tests and challenges. Those that are best fit, succeed, those that aren't, fail... try again next time...

but no, we can't have that, everyone's a winner, let's celebrate mediocrity...

YAY! you're average...

rewarding failure is the same as punishing success, totally ignorant.

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step on shadows?!?!?!?! what about the shadows feelings???

im starting a new group PETS (people for the ethical treatment of shadows)

I will join that group. I need a hippie cause to make chicks think I'm sensitive and animals are too handy for product testing, plus they taste great!! If I'm not supposed to eat them, stop making the things out of meat.

Shadows = not useful unless you are a ninja or trying to skulk + not made of anything tasty

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I will join that group. I need a hippie cause to make chicks think I'm sensitive and animals are too handy for product testing' date=' plus they taste great!! If I'm not supposed to eat them, stop making the things out of meat.

Shadows = not useful unless you are a ninja or trying to skulk + not made of anything tasty[/quote']

its weird, but you make sense.

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I'm 18 and one time when i was 15 my dad got pissed and called me worthless and to be a man a suck it the fuck up! Yeah it hurt but I don't love my old man any less for it. Everything my father has taught me and been hard on me for I'm learning everyday it was for a reason and to have me ready to face the world as a man...

I'm only 18 and i still think im a kid sometimes....

Parents need to know they're kids are going to lose, fail, get hurt, get made fun of and kick and scream just like they did when they were little....If this keeps up then america will be full of PUSSIES!!!!!!!!

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yeah no kidding and my kids will have a note to school giving them permission to beat their ass if they get outta line and then to call me so i can beat it again when they get home.

True confession: Each year, at the 1st P.T.A. (Parent Teacher Association) meeting, the lady that gave birth to me would tell my teachers that they had my parents' permission beat me if I acted up, and if they were afraid, one of my parents would leave work to come "take care of me"... Looking back, I don't think that my Mum MISSED an OPPORTUNITY to whup my azz!:eek:

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I think you have to start with the 'do the right thing for the right reason' when they are young though, so that its built in. This is crazy, but when I was maybe 6 or 7, I had a balloon and this other kid wanted it, and my dad looked at me and said, it would really make that other kid happy if you gave them your balloon. I was like, hell no! its my balloon, but by the time we got to the car, I felt terrible. I didn't need the balloon, and if it was gonna make the other kid happy, i shoulda given it to him.

I'm just saying, if you can build a thought process like that into someone that young, then it creates a good foundation for good behavior in the rest of the persons life.

Don't get me wrong, I got into a little bit of trouble, but it ended up being a self imposed guilt for my punishment.

Someone is dying to be a mommy!

but I agree with you. As a kid my parents used the same method of guilt inducing punishment and I don't think I turned out that bad

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In the words of the red stripe guy...

"hooray responsibility"

It is possible to be a good parent without beating your children at every opportunity, my parents did a good job, and I may have been beaten a dozen times the entire time I was growing up. I am terrified to do anything that would disapoint my parents. It's about respect.

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