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moar bitching about sellers/buyers


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Short story long, I get a call from dick face( John aka kennyfnpowers) one friday evening to come help a friend move out of their shop. John is helping said friend sell parts in exchange for a block and some other random go fast parts. Like the amazing and timely friend that I am, I drop all I am doing to help out. After a grueling 12-13 mins of watching everyone else work, i decide to think about helping out. We go through a pile of ls1 parts, we picked out what could be sold and what was junk.


There was a pair of bare 317 heads in the pile, and at first dickface says he is using those on his set up. Understandable, but then we try to pawn them off on cordell. after 30 mins of cordell fuddling around I tell John that I would buy them. He agrees to sell them to me at a price of lettuce say " on the house".


Now this chach turns around and posts them on CR, like i wouldnt see that. What a wild turd hungry junky. You were suppose to give those heads to me you fat fuck! After all I've done for you, this is how you re-pay my friendship? You are lucky to have my number, you should be thanking me every day for even knowing you, your life became more relevant thanks to me. At this point, you should gift wrap those heads and deliver them to me with a cake from Jasons wife that says " Im sorry for being a worthless fuck, John will be better."




btw you have neg comments on your trader rating;)

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Cash is King you whore fuck. You have a slow DSM to build. Don't try to taint these good lsx parts with your communist junk fingers.


not when you agree to give them to me fo free. You agreed, and I took you at your word as a friend. Last time I will do that. What does my poop pile have to do with the heads? you are trying to change the topic to show the world you are a boy touching pedophile. The least you could do is keep your word and "sell" me the heads, but instead you slap me in the face with your BK hands and post them up for a price that no one will pay. I hope those heads grow wings and fuck you in the intestine.

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not when you agree to give them to me fo free. You agreed, and I took you at your word as a friend. Last time I will do that. What does my poop pile have to do with the heads? you are trying to change the topic to show the world you are a boy touching pedophile. The least you could do is keep your word and "sell" me the heads, but instead you slap me in the face with your BK hands and post them up for a price that no one will pay. I hope those heads grow wings and fuck you in the intestine.


This makes no sense. First im giving them to you but I offered to sell them to you? I'm so confused you filthy scumbag scammer. Your a liar flat out. Go spread your filthy lies somewhere else. This world would be so much better without liars in it.

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This makes no sense. First im giving them to you but I offered to sell them to you? I'm so confused you filthy scumbag scammer. Your a liar flat out. Go spread your filthy lies somewhere else. This world would be so much better without liars in it.




the term "sell" was sarcasm, hence the quotation marks. Clearly the world would be better off would be better off w/o liars. Maybe you should kill yourself to make 1 less fibber. How about you just tell people that if you say you are going to sell something, that you are just saying that so you don't look like a Hitler loving Nazi with your swastika tatted on your shoulder.

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the term "sell" was sarcasm, hence the quotation marks. Clearly the world would be better off would be better off w/o liars. Maybe you should kill yourself to make 1 less fibber. How about you just tell people that if you say you are going to sell something, that you are just saying that so you don't look like a Hitler loving Nazi with your swastika tatted on your shoulder.


Your so racist. Assuming that since I am caucasion that makes me a Nazi. You actually called me hitler.


Mods, is racism or racist remarks a banable offense even in the kitchen?

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Your so racist. Assuming that since I am caucasion that makes me a Nazi. You actually called me hitler.


Mods, is racism or racist remarks a banable offense even in the kitchen?


Fill is like AIDS, there is no real way to get rid of him, you just have to live with him.

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Fill is like AIDS, there is no real way to get rid of him, you just have to live with him.


:lol: thats a nice way of putting it


I guess we will just have to wait for his dsm to blow up and burn him to death with hot oil.


You are awfully concerened about the poop pile. I think your hopes of the car having a mechanical failure shows that you are scared of it. Deep down inside you are petrified of the inevitable outcome. You've seen most of the set up and you added 2 + 2 and it = your ass getting handed to you by the ugliest thing since the bald bear.

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:lol: thats a nice way of putting it




You are awfully concerened about the poop pile. I think your hopes of the car having a mechanical failure shows that you are scared of it. Deep down inside you are petrified of the inevitable outcome. You've seen most of the set up and you added 2 + 2 and it = your ass getting handed to you by the ugliest thing since the bald bear.


You really have been brainwashed by the dsm lovers. You have drank the juice. I have seen your set up and the only thing I am worried about is getting injured from being to close to that think when it starts shooting parts out of it.


I'm not hoping on a mechanical failure. It is inevitable.

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Phils a douche. That is all.




funny, this is coming from the fat house wife. being a mod on cr is the most power you posess in your entire life. Your kid is going to ground you when it is born.


You really have been brainwashed by the dsm lovers. You have drank the juice. I have seen your set up and the only thing I am worried about is getting injured from being to close to that think when it starts shooting parts out of it.


I'm not hoping on a mechanical failure. It is inevitable.


Keep dreaming, its your best quality. I just want you to know that no matter how hard you try, and how much nawz you spray, or how great someone else built the car you are driving. Your in for the buttfucking of the century, and Im hiring every hippie w/ aids to shove their infested dick so far up your tooshie the dry fungus from under their balls is forever going to stain your teeth


Good seller, would deal with again. Get over it, their in my back seat.



So he gave you the ol thumb in the bum receipt? Thats his way of shaking hands.

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