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any reason NOT to get a GS3?


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It's finally about time to get a new phone. my old phone (an original HTC Incredible) is on its last leg. I've had it 3 years in July, and it's done most if not all of what I've needed it to in that time. Hell, I'm still running Android 2.2...I just need basic smartphone functions. Talk, text, internet (forums, youtube, finding businesses, etc), camera, maps/GPS.


I was wanting the GS3 when it came out, but like an idiot, didn't do my upgrade before Verizon changed things around to where I can't get a subsidized phone and keep my old contract.


So are there any MAJOR reasons a GS3 shouldn't be enough for me for another couple years assuming I take care of the phone physically? I know we don't know what's going to change in that time, but lets just use best guesses. I know there are superior phones out there now, but I'm not a user that needs every one of the latest updates and cool updates.


Also, I'm planning to buy the phone outright so I can keep my old plan. Part of this is to say "fuck you, Verizon" for taking away the old plans, but more because my plan works for me. I use about 3-4gb data/mo, usually under 100 minutes, and under 500 out of network texts (a lot of my friends are on vzw as well), and with a corporate discount, I pay <$80/mo. On Verizons new plans, even with my discount, I'd be paying about $20-30/mo more, which means a $400 phone would even out after about a year to a year and a half.



TL;DR - I use basic smartphone functions, any reason a GS3 shouldn't be enough to last me at least a couple years?

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I have an S3 and love it. Now, I'm not a phone geek that mods it and does all kinds of crazy stuff. My wife has an iPhone and will be getting rid of it for an S3 as soon as her contract allows.


The only issues I have had were:


1. Battery life can be hit or miss (but you can replace it on your own)

2. The home button at the bottom has some play in it, but that just might have been something I did to the phone.


Overall for your standard smartphone user it works great, has not crashed on me, and gets the job done.

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I have an S3 and love it. Now, I'm not a phone geek that mods it and does all kinds of crazy stuff. My wife has an iPhone and will be getting rid of it for an S3 as soon as her contract allows.


The only issues I have had were:


1. Battery life can be hit or miss (but you can replace it on your own)

2. The home button at the bottom has some play in it, but that just might have been something I did to the phone.


Overall for your standard smartphone user it works great, has not crashed on me, and gets the job done.


Im guessing the home button is just your cause mine is pretty solid.



Its a great phone and i have no complaints. My only gripe is (from what ive been told its more the service than the phone), when i only have lik 1-2 bars of 4g, my internet goes to shit, like eont load anything.

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no complaints about the gs3.


Like wags said, battery can be hit or miss. Ive found if i turn mobile data and wifi off when im not using data i get significantly better battery life. Its just a simple switch at the top of the screen.

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I've had a GS3 since September and absolutely love it. I bought mine outright as well (because I dropped my first one on concrete), but if you're buying outright you should check out http://www.swappa.com . I got a used S3 for Sprint from that site and it was only about $250 and in perfect condition.
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Phone is here...so far, love it...


One thing i cant figure out and maybe its not a feature, or maybe im just not seeing it...how can i quickly share a link or image from online or something? With my 3 year old HTC DInc, i could just long press, and a box would come up saying "share via" and i could choose FB, text, mail, google goggles, etc...a whole slew of options...when i do a long press here, it only gives me an option to view, copy, or save..


Thanks in advance

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