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To all dumb fucks "cruising" the fast lane


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To all the dumb fucks that come barreling up to my ass while I'm going 70 MPH or so in the left lane...




I just love when they won't give me time to move over. I may not have moved over earlier for several reasons:


1. I'm overtaking a slower car in the right lane.

2. You're coming up so fast that I don't notice you in my rearview mirror until you're three inches from my bumper.

3. I"m unable to move over because there are no spaces in the right lane for me to merge in so I'm not going to speed up for your sake. You can wait.


Thank you.

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As a risk analysis expert I can tell you the 3-7 minutes you save by speeding makes you more likely to be seriously injured in a crash. Is that few minutes worth your life?


To me it's not about the time savings as really on a typical 20 minutes I may spend driving on the highway, the savings from an extra 5-10mph isn't much.


To me it's more about just moving with the flow and not poking along on some A to B commute. Enjoy the damn drive already people! There's nothing worse than driving behind a guy in a nice MBZ or BMW going 67mph in the fast lane. Fuck, go buy a used Camey if you're going to drive that damn boring of a commute.....and keep to the right when you do.


Then there are those damn boring car drivers that poke along caring less that people around them are zig-zagging around lanes because they won't move the hell over to the center lane. :doh:


The WORST though are people who poke down an on ramp at 55mph and take 37 minutes to merge into traffic and never break 65mph doing so. HIT THE FUCKING GO-PEDAL PEOPLE!!! I'm not asking you to floor it to 105mph to merge but God Damn people, ACCELERATE with some authority already!!! :mad:

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These things all piss me off. I especially hate the asshats that fly up on you when you're in the fast lane going over the speed limit, only to pass you, then slow down; and you seem to constantly play this game of tag with them.


I've also grown accustom to looking at the cars ahead of me before getting on the highway. If it's a minivan with the stupid 'stick family' stickers on it, or I see a blue flag hanging from the rear view, I bust my ass to get in front because I know anger is about to ensue.

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To those posting 65 is the speed limit fine if you want to do 65 do it somewhere else but in the fast lane unless you are passing someone doing less than that in the other lane. Go ahead and be gay fine.

I also understand the person in the passing lane needing space to get over and waiting..again

I have no problem with that and have done it myself

Look in your rear view mirror 1x every minute. You should be intelligent enough to see a car moving at a higher rate of speed coming up on you. If you can't then you should be on the road as you are a hazard.


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this is one thing that pisses me off to no end. twice in recent years i've flown to FL to drive my grandma back home for the summer (she's a snowbird)...FL, GA, TN, KY, 95% or more will move over as soon as you're coming up, and not wait for you to sit on their ass


hit that fuckin OH line, every retard drives at or below the speed limit in the left lane. any more i get right up on their ass with enough room to brake but still let them know they need to get the fuck over.




The irony in you posting in here. The roads you take your faggot bike on those roads are sometimes considered the fast lane and the slow lane(not on highway of course), and yet you ride your bicycle on them NOT DOING THE GOD DAM SPEED LIMIT and get in every ones way..and your not even in a car. GET THE FUCK OFF THE ROAD!!!!

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The irony in you posting in here. The roads you take your faggot bike on those roads are sometimes considered the fast lane and the slow lane(not on highway of course), and yet you ride your bicycle on them NOT DOING THE GOD DAM SPEED LIMIT and get in every ones way..and your not even in a car. GET THE FUCK OFF THE ROAD!!!!


you can drive your pussy ass accord over here and tongue punch my fart box. no one in this thread is talking about country roads, we're talking about the highway. learn to read, then go fuck yourself

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you can drive your pussy ass accord over here and tongue punch my fart box. no one in this thread is talking about country roads, we're talking about the highway. learn to read, then go fuck yourself


I am aware he is talking about the highway, same principle works for a back road jackhole. Go ride in front of a bus




Yeahhh I word move over if I saw that In the rear view

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I was running 80 other nite in "fast" lane. Had a fire breathing Civic come flying up on me/ I merely hit the throttle to about 140, No more Civic & I stayed in fast lane still running 80 -


Not sure what is more impressive, the fact the Z was being driven higher than the speed limit or the fact that the car cover actually came off :)


I hate when I am doing 70+ in the left lane passing a semi/car and some jackass is flying up on my rear bumper. One I am already doing more than the speed limit, two I am passing a car that is going slower. In that situation I have been known to slow down and pass the semi/car on the right at an estimated 1 mph faster than the semi/car on the right regardless of how close the car behind me is on my bumper. Some people just need to learn to calm the fuck down.

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I am aware he is talking about the highway, same principle works for a back road jackhole. Go ride in front of a bus



no dumbass, a 2 lane road with one lane in each direction does not have multiple lanes that are designated as a slow/exit lane, a driving lane, and a passing lane is not the same.


you can be butt hurt all you want that you don't like cyclists...you've made it well known...but at the end of the day you're still a little bitch of a keyboard warrior, and you're not going to do a god damn thing about it except complain online...im still gonna go out and ride on the roads im legally allowed to and hope i see you each time i go out just to try to piss you off and fuck up your day a little bit more while i fully enjoy doing so.

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no dumbass, a 2 lane road with one lane in each direction does not have multiple lanes that are designated as a slow/exit lane, a driving lane, and a passing lane is not the same.


you can be butt hurt all you want that you don't like cyclists...you've made it well known...but at the end of the day you're still a little bitch of a keyboard warrior, and you're not going to do a god damn thing about it except complain online...im still gonna go out and ride on the roads im legally allowed to and hope i see you each time i go out just to try to piss you off and fuck up your day a little bit more while i fully enjoy doing so.


I shall be ready spandex boy

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I shall be ready spandex boy


perfect...but please, make sure you actually stop and get out of the car and try your best to be a man, instead of being the usual pussy who speed by and beep, then slams their brakes a few hundred yards up like they're going to do something, then drive off as we get closer...but since not a single person has ever done so, i don't expect one bit that your balls will drop and you be the first. if you want to be a prick, i'll return the favor.


you can come out to Dublin on tuesday, or Westerville on wednesday.

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Yeahhh I word move over if I saw that In the rear view


Not me. I'd hit the go pedal and say goodbye. Ask the Jacked up Tundra on 270 near Westerville Rd. tonight. Too bad the Fusion hits the wall at 126mph. He must hit his at 100mph because he faded away like a little kids fart.

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perfect...but please, make sure you actually stop and get out of the car and try your best to be a man, instead of being the usual pussy who speed by and beep, then slams their brakes a few hundred yards up like they're going to do something, then drive off as we get closer...but since not a single person has ever done so, i don't expect one bit that your balls will drop and you be the first. if you want to be a prick, i'll return the favor.


you can come out to Dublin on tuesday, or Westerville on wednesday.



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perfect...but please, make sure you actually stop and get out of the car and try your best to be a man, instead of being the usual pussy who speed by and beep, then slams their brakes a few hundred yards up like they're going to do something, then drive off as we get closer...but since not a single person has ever done so, i don't expect one bit that your balls will drop and you be the first. if you want to be a prick, i'll return the favor.


you can come out to Dublin on tuesday, or Westerville on wednesday.

ooooh yeaah you mad bro. :lolguy:


Next time you are at a meet have Christian teach you the "Reverse Fuck You Finger Fuck Wave" that we invented for cyclists. Those morons eat it up.


haha I could use a few more techniques.

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This crap annoys me to no end. I can deal with some one going 65 in the fast lane just so long as they actually are passing someone. Ive only been a dick to one person so far and that was only because we were on 270 at like 11 am with me, this bitch in her van and one other guy in the middle lane. I jumped over in the passing lane go around said guy and tried to give him room before getting back over but quickly ran up on said bitch quick in the fast lane. Guy in middle lane realized i was trying to get her to move or get back over so he backed off, i rode her ass for sec then jumped over just to get flipped off by this bitch while shes doing 60 mph and yapping away on her cell.


Needless i jumped back over in frony and slowed down to about 35 till she took the hint

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In that situation I have been known to slow down and pass the semi/car on the right at an estimated 1 mph faster than the semi/car on the right regardless of how close the car behind me is on my bumper. Some people just need to learn to calm the fuck down.


Damn, and people wonder why I pass in the median.

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