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Marine petitions for Tape Test revision.


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I had lots of friends on mandatory PT in the Navy that had close to 3% BF but their neck/waist ratio showed them at over 20%. Cut, ripped, crazy workout freaks, military standards show them at 20%+.


This is why they are petitioning it.

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This strikes a cord with me for some reason and I can't believe someone has the audacity to petition something like this. This is what's wrong with the American mindset. Instead of blaming yourself and taking responsibility for gaining weight and working to put it back off, you blame something else for being un-fair or inaccurate. Laziness at it's finest, IMO.




I'm 5'10 and 165lbs on a good fucking day, after eating like a pig and working out for the past 3-4 years now, and I couldn't imagine being 211lbs... that is simply OVERWEIGHT. "Marathon runner"... riiiiiight. :rolleyes:


I would love it if they agreed to the petition and used an accurate method for measurement and he still didn't make it lol.


Without knowing you or this Marine, I would bet that this particular Marine could outrun you in a marathon, do pushups at the finish line until you arrived, and then snap you in half like a twig when you arrived.


And yeah, plenty of people enlist in the Marines because they're lazy and don't like running.


EDIT: and FWIW, I'm a 6'3" fatty now, but when I was 210-220 I had very little body fat.

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What might be hard to understand from just reading this, is people in uniform that are in shap and actually exceeding the fitness test, are outside the guildlines for what somone came up with for a service member of that height.


I left the Marines to open my own gym. I lived for workingout at the time and would score 290+, out of 300 points on fitness tests. When I went in, I was 125lbs and hit the gym. I was close to my max weight of 168lbs and was measured to "make tape" everytime. You are allowed 18-22% body fat based on you age, sex, and height. It's easy to read this write and think, "wow that's still a lot of room". Here's the thing for this Marine, I'm willing to bet he's on the bubble for being able to stay in and comin up on the end of his contract and wants to re-enlist. Even if he makes all the numbers work for his height and weight, the Corps doesn't have to re-enlist him. He can be denied because he is outside of the uniform reg's. He might be hardcore to the heart, but the Corps is putting senior Marines out for things like this. So let's say you've been in for 16 years and now this is a factor to staying in, how much would it suck to get booted just before you could have retired?


Do a google search for marine height and weight regs. What I find is they revised in 2008and it's a 40 page PDF covering the reg.


For the Army, you can read Army Reg 600-9.

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:lol: I know he's not 100% stellar, but I wouldn't guess by looking at him that he can do what he does.


I knew it was a matter of time before someone posted up ol Roy... Who lost his last damn fight for what I think was him not taking it seriously. (I feel he needed it, though.)

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Perhaps you should serve in the Marines before being so critical.




And Farkas if you are 5'10 165, I'd say you need to Eat a Cheeseburger and hit the Gym! 5'11 and 210 lbs is average for someone built like M A N.


I am 5 '7 1/2 in bare feet-and was 172 in this pic. Thats 2 bottles of water away from over weight!




I also did an Ironman the same year, so fitness is not a question.


The Sad thing is, the scale gets MUCH tighter the teller the person is



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About damn time someone is trying to do something about this. My old section chief was 5'7" 200lbs and could pt his ass off. Lowest pt score he got was a 310 but he still got taped and put on remedial pt because he was considered "fat". He made the person running pt quit in 30 minutes
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I haven't ever seen even a mediocre soldier get chaptered/booted/not allowed to reenlist. Its always the shitbags


You would laugh/be worried if you really knew what kind of standards are in the military

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Obviously. They let you in :gabe:


Appartntly, Adam and I have many close mutual friends. We have met once or twice long ago. From what I have heard, dude is doing awesome with what he is doing. Just saying. Congrats Adam.

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