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THIS JUST IN "creepy ass cracker" not racist!

russian rocket

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No one said it was ok. But if people are giving Paula damn Deen a pass for something she said in 2007, and excusing her previous statements because her father or mother or someone was assaulted by a black man so throwing n*gger this and n*gger that around as being cool, what the fuck dude?


Paula Deen?? Really? :lol:

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And this statement right here shows that you are an apologist, and anyone speaking with you further is just ramming their head into an exceptionally thick wall.


Give me a fucking break.....If it's OK to use the "N" word over and over again in movies like "Django Unchained", or music videos and on CD's by the numerous dumb ass rappers on the scene then Paula Deen should not be crucified. You cannot have selective anger. Either this word is bad 24/7 and should never be used, or it's OK to use. You can't have it both ways. Punks all over make millions with this word, but Paula Deen is crucified for it. :rolleyes: Get over it. Oh my bad....the word crucified might piss off my fellow Catholics. Oh, and if you believe all those rappers and punks are 100% non-racist then you're just plain a dumb ass.

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Give me a fucking break.....If it's OK to use the "N" word over and over again in movies like "Django Unchained", or music videos and on CD's by the numerous dumb ass rappers on the scene then Paula Deen should not be crucified. You cannot have selective anger. Either this word is bad 24/7 and should never be used, or it's OK to use. You can't have it both ways. Punks all over make millions with this word, but Paula Deen is crucified for it. :rolleyes: Get over it. Oh my bad....the word crucified might piss off my fellow Catholics. Oh, and if you believe all those rappers and punks are 100% non-racist then you're just plain a dumb ass.


D'jango unchained - a movie representing a previous standard of life and trying to put a positive spin on how fucked up white people (and some black sell outs) were at the time. How does that even - fuck it, you're an imbecile.


Also you're assuming im a fan of rap music or rap artists who drop n-bombs all over the place. Way to stereotype further. And the way that you're stereotyping is via the fact you ASSume that I think that black people raping and making songs about n*gga this or n*gger that is cool. I'm not, you seem to think I do though ergo.. stereotyped.

Edited by Veritas
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Also you're assuming im a fan of rap music or rap artists who drop n-bombs all over the place. Way to stereotype further.


How can I steretype you if I've never met you or don't know a thing about you? Are you indicating you're black? Didn't care or need to know. Still don't and honestly still don't care, so no need to clarify.


Spike Lee fan? Obama Supporter? http://www.humanevents.com/2012/03/26/spike-lee-hollywood-hatemonger/


Yeah....no famous black people are ever racists. :rolleyes:


Again, grow a pair.....This is America, where there are racists of all colors...but where we seem to always publicly point out the white ones.

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i love how people give power to words....at the end, words are just words... what happened in the past is the past and 99.9% of the people on this forum did not live through any of that shit. the only reason that word is still offensive is because people give it power. they use it to their advantage.

quick story, i am a jewish russian and in middle school, some kids used to make fun of me, for being jewish and a foreigner. you know what i did, i laughed, played along, and in no time, they no longer made fun of me for it because i took their power away.

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Who indicated it's dead? It's very much alive. Just quit pretending that hate on blacks is the only racism around or the worst thing in the world. OMG the sky is falling, Paula Dean said the N word.


BTW, I watched the video....and if what you're implying is they arrested him because he's black, then perhaps you can scour YouTube for any number of videos where the dumb ass person with cell phone/video camera in hand recording a dozen cops is a white person.

Edited by TTQ B4U
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Tim, its official. You are a one sided, firm feet planted, close minded, self rightous, ass hole. No joke if i ever met you in person, my shock level would be sky high if you spoke this confident in person. You seem to have all the answers of " what shouldve" happened in your posts. What you would do, and how things should go. If you are that scared to go down morse and karl w/o a gun then you have a sad sad sense of the world. You are a fucking pussy, and your actions through your words prove it. I would love to see you in a real troubled situation, you would crumble under real life pressure.



Zimmerman wanted to be a hero, the police dispatch told him to stay in the car and let the police deal w/ it. Did he do that? Nope. He put himself in that situation and for that, I dont feel for him.


If a strange dude walks up on me, after he has been following me for a while, Im not running. If he gets out like he wants a confrintation, again, Im not running. Was it illegal for Z to question T.M? Nope, but if Z wouldve stayed in the car and let the law do its job, he wouldnt be in this position.

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I wonder if Zimmerman and Hernandez are friends.. ya know.. since they're both mexicanish.


you're fat, so you and every other morbidly obese white male must be related. Genetic problems.

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Tim, its official. You are a one sided, firm feet planted, close minded, self rightous, ass hole. No joke if i ever met you in person, my shock level would be sky high if you spoke this confident in person. You seem to have all the answers of " what shouldve" happened in your posts. What you would do, and how things should go.


My bad, I have an opinion, share it, defend it and point out details to the point of rustling your panties. Welcome to life. Perhaps you prefer to BS with people who waffle on their stance, have no answers of their own and have no balls to put a stake int he the ground on what they would do or how they feel things should play out. Opinions, discussion, etc. It's called engaging. Honestly, I think we have met at a C&C outing or two. Can't recall.


If you are that scared to go down morse and karl w/o a gun then you have a sad sad sense of the world. You are a fucking pussy, and your actions through your words prove it. I would love to see you in a real troubled situation, you would crumble under real life pressure.
Nice to see you're able to make claims about someone who you don't even know. Keep implying what I say and twisting words. Realize it's not as creative as you might think. Old-hat immature really. I gave you credit for being a bit more mature and educated than that. In the end you try and make it personal by attacking me. Disappointing really but then I don't know you. Perhaps I did give you too much credit.


Zimmerman wanted to be a hero, the police dispatch told him to stay in the car and let the police deal w/ it. Did he do that? Nope. He put himself in that situation and for that, I dont feel for him.
Zimmerman wanted to help curb the crime and let people know he wasn't afraid to take a stand and form a NW Group and actually participate in keeping an eye out on his nieghborhood. I won't agree with his every approach/move but I won't say I see him wearing a hero badge either.


He wasn't told to stay in the car or not follow Trayvon. In regards to following him, the dispatcher told him "we don't need you to do that". There was no order to cease. He called 911 and agreed early on to meet the cops there. His mistake was hanging up. He should have stayed on the line with 911.


If a strange dude walks up on me, after he has been following me for a while, Im not running. If he gets out like he wants a confrintation, again, Im not running.
Good for you. I'm sure the two of you would engage in a civil conversation and you'd gladly wait around for the cops he just called to arrive on scene. If not, I'm confident you'd calmly excuse yourself and tell the other guy to call the cops and have them question you if they feel the need. Then, I'm sure you'd have a civil conversation with them should they then detain you for questions if that was determined to be the course of action.


Was it illegal for Z to question T.M? Nope, but if Z would've stayed in the car and let the law do its job, he wouldn't be in this position.
Sure, Zimmerman could have just let TM go ignored the whole thing. Of course that would likely have not resulted in what happened here. Should have stayed home watching TV or something even. Duh....


How about the fact that Trayvon should have just calmly walked away? Perhaps HE should have called 911 if he was so scared. Why would he call his girlfriend and use a racial slur like crazy cracker? Why was there a fight with him being seen on top of Z pounding him?


IMO based on what we know it's doesn't sound at all like GZ was looking to confront or fight TM. (I am allowed to voice an opinion on the matter right?) Listen to the call; he knows the cops are on the way and even gave his cell # to have them call him and knew they were going to arrive by the mailboxes. His voice didn't at all sound like he was "angry" and looking to fight. Facts don't support that either. Why would he have called 911 if he was out to be a vigilante and confront a guy and play hero?

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My bad, I have an opinion, share it, defend it and point out details to the point of rustling your panties. Welcome to life. Perhaps you prefer to BS with people who waffle on their stance, have no answers of their own and have no balls to put a stake int he the ground on what they would do or how they feel things should play out. Opinions, discussion, etc. It's called engaging. Honestly, I think we have met at a C&C outing or two. Can't recall.


Nice to see you're able to make claims about someone who you don't even know. Keep implying what I say and twisting words. Realize it's not as creative as you might think. Old-hat immature really. I gave you credit for being a bit more mature and educated than that. In the end you try and make it personal by attacking me. Disappointing really but then I don't know you. Perhaps I did give you too much credit.


Zimmerman wanted to help curb the crime and let people know he wasn't afraid to take a stand and form a NW Group and actually participate in keeping an eye out on his nieghborhood. I won't agree with his every approach/move but I won't say I see him wearing a hero badge either.


He wasn't told to stay in the car or not follow Trayvon. In regards to following him, the dispatcher told him "we don't need you to do that". There was no order to cease. He called 911 and agreed early on to meet the cops there. His mistake was hanging up. He should have stayed on the line with 911.


Good for you. I'm sure the two of you would engage in a civil conversation and you'd gladly wait around for the cops he just called to arrive on scene. If not, I'm confident you'd calmly excuse yourself and tell the other guy to call the cops and have them question you if they feel the need. Then, I'm sure you'd have a civil conversation with them should they then detain you for questions if that was determined to be the course of action.


Sure, Zimmerman could have just let TM go ignored the whole thing. Of course that would likely have not resulted in what happened here. Should have stayed home watching TV or something even. Duh....


How about the fact that Trayvon should have just calmly walked away? Perhaps HE should have called 911 if he was so scared. Why would he call his girlfriend and use a racial slur like crazy cracker? Why was there a fight with him being seen on top of Z pounding him?


IMO based on what we know it's doesn't sound at all like GZ was looking to confront or fight TM. (I am allowed to voice an opinion on the matter right?) Listen to the call; he knows the cops are on the way and even gave his cell # to have them call him and knew they were going to arrive by the mailboxes. His voice didn't at all sound like he was "angry" and looking to fight. Facts don't support that either. Why would he have called 911 if he was out to be a vigilante and confront a guy and play hero?




Here i leave this for you. Maybe you should do more research, you points hold 0 basis, 0 facts, and a clear misunderstanding of the events leading to the tragic ending of a kid.


"gh it has been widely reported (by me, among others) that George Zimmerman continued to follow Trayvon Martin after a police dispatcher suggested that he stop, the recording of Zimmerman's 911 call leaves that point unclear. Zimmerman gets out of his SUV before the dispatcher asks (probably because the wind is suddenly audible in the background), "Are you following him?" Zimmerman says yes, and the dispatcher replies, "OK, we don't need you to do that." Zimmerman says "OK" and then dithers for a minute or so about where police should meet him, finally saying they should call him when they arrive, "and I'll tell them where I'm at." The dispatcher agrees, and the recording ends at that point."



"Zimmerman’s claim that Martin had his hands over the neighborhood watch volunteer’s mouth is false since none of Zimmerman’s DNA was found on Martin’s body, Guy said. The prosecutor also said Zimmerman’s claim that he had to fire because Martin was reaching for his firearm is false since none of Martin’s DNA was on the gun or holster. He added that Martin didn’t have any of Zimmerman’s blood on his hands or under his fingernails, but Martin’s blood was on Zimmerman."




Oh and yeah T.M was " Bashing" Zimmerans head into the ground right?


"As for injuries Zimmerman suffered, the longest was a two centimeter cut which didn’t require any stitches."


You stand for what you stand for, but you should have facts and actual info before you spout off like you have any idea what you are talking about. My jimmies have yet to be rustled. Your "High & Mighty" "Im always right because I multi qoute everything" attitude is one of the least favorable on this site.

  • Confused 1
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Here i leave this for you. Maybe you should do more research, you points hold 0 basis, 0 facts, and a clear misunderstanding of the events leading to the tragic ending of a kid.


"gh it has been widely reported (by me, among others) that George Zimmerman continued to follow Trayvon Martin after a police dispatcher suggested that he stop, the recording of Zimmerman's 911 call leaves that point unclear. Zimmerman gets out of his SUV before the dispatcher asks (probably because the wind is suddenly audible in the background), "Are you following him?" Zimmerman says yes, and the dispatcher replies, "OK, we don't need you to do that." Zimmerman says "OK" and then dithers for a minute or so about where police should meet him, finally saying they should call him when they arrive, "and I'll tell them where I'm at." The dispatcher agrees, and the recording ends at that point."



"Zimmerman’s claim that Martin had his hands over the neighborhood watch volunteer’s mouth is false since none of Zimmerman’s DNA was found on Martin’s body, Guy said. The prosecutor also said Zimmerman’s claim that he had to fire because Martin was reaching for his firearm is false since none of Martin’s DNA was on the gun or holster. He added that Martin didn’t have any of Zimmerman’s blood on his hands or under his fingernails, but Martin’s blood was on Zimmerman."




Oh and yeah T.M was " Bashing" Zimmerans head into the ground right?


"As for injuries Zimmerman suffered, the longest was a two centimeter cut which didn’t require any stitches."


You stand for what you stand for, but you should have facts and actual info before you spout off like you have any idea what you are talking about. My jimmies have yet to be rustled. Your "High & Mighty" "Im always right because I multi qoute everything" attitude is one of the least favorable on this site.


If only Martin had been playing racquetball that evening, he'd still be alive.

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Here i leave this for you. Maybe you should do more research, you points hold 0 basis, 0 facts, and a clear misunderstanding of the events leading to the tragic ending of a kid.


"gh it has been widely reported (by me, among others) that George Zimmerman continued to follow Trayvon Martin after a police dispatcher suggested that he stop, the recording of Zimmerman's 911 call leaves that point unclear. Zimmerman gets out of his SUV before the dispatcher asks (probably because the wind is suddenly audible in the background), "Are you following him?" Zimmerman says yes, and the dispatcher replies, "OK, we don't need you to do that." Zimmerman says "OK" and then dithers for a minute or so about where police should meet him, finally saying they should call him when they arrive, "and I'll tell them where I'm at." The dispatcher agrees, and the recording ends at that point."



...and the above differs from what I stated how?


"Zimmerman’s claim that Martin had his hands over the neighborhood watch volunteer’s mouth is false since none of Zimmerman’s DNA was found on Martin’s body, Guy said. The prosecutor also said Zimmerman’s claim that he had to fire because Martin was reaching for his firearm is false since none of Martin’s DNA was on the gun or holster. He added that Martin didn’t have any of Zimmerman’s blood on his hands or under his fingernails, but Martin’s blood was on Zimmerman."
Have you ever sat in a real trial? You realize the above are not facts, but statements by the prosecutor during the opening of the trial. Statements that he uses to describe to the courtroom what they will try to prove. They aren't indeed facts introduced as evidence. Prose...communication, lawyers tell stories and then introduce the facts during the trial.


Example: "Zimmerman’s claim that he had to fire because Martin was reaching for his firearm is false since none of Martin’s DNA was on the gun or holster."


Reality: Zimmerman's statement to the police said he "thought" TM was reaching for his gun. He didn't say he was....he "thought" he was. Big difference in terms of the job the prosecutor has before him.


Oh and yeah T.M was " Bashing" Zimmerans head into the ground right? "As for injuries Zimmerman suffered, the longest was a two centimeter cut which didn’t require any stitches."
and your point is? facts to prove said point? so you've never seen the aftermath of an injury and said "WOW! that could have been a lot worse than it is?" My point being one can still be on the ground getting his head pounded and not look like he just starred in Rocky IV.


You stand for what you stand for, but you should have facts and actual info before you spout off like you have any idea what you are talking about.
so I should quote news stories I Google like you just did? I should introduce opening statements as actual facts? I see.....


My jimmies have yet to be rustled. Your "High & Mighty" "Im always right because I multi qoute everything" attitude is one of the least favorable on this site.
Good to hear about your Jimmies. I said Panties but who gives a shit about details....I do apologize that I piss you off when I mulit-quote. Again, am I not allowed to do that? Phil's Rules: Don't voice an opinion, Don't defend your points, Don't engage in robust conversations, Attack people you don' know personally to make a point, Imply what they really said by filling in words, Make use of citing news clippings found with Google and Don't mulit-quote. Sorry if I missed anything.
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it sounds like there is a variable that is being assumed differently by both sides.


Who confronted who? After dispatched told Zimmerman he didnt need to follow. What did he do?


A. Turn around and walk back towards his car.




B. Continue to follow Martin.


After that, when they did eventually meet.


Who started the fight?


Who turned it into a life endangering situation where Zimmerman felt the need to protect himself with lethal force?

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