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THIS JUST IN "creepy ass cracker" not racist!

russian rocket

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Come visit me in Alabama and you can that it isn't even close to a post-racial America.


It was somewhat tongue in cheek, hence the "supposedly". However at this point in the US we are generally more tolerant, and accepting of other races than ever before. The president is bi-racial for fucks sake, that almost seemed impossible 10 years ago, ask Chris Rock.

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It was somewhat tongue in cheek, hence the "supposedly". However at this point in the US we are generally more tolerant, and accepting of other races than ever before. The president is bi-racial for fucks sake, that almost seemed impossible 10 years ago, ask Chris Rock.


I really did think that too. I've heard some vile shit in the last 12 months.


To be fair, I heard even worse things one time when visiting Circleville.

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I don't understand it myself. Exactly why are we crackers? Because we're white or because we're salty? Honky I don't really get either but have heard it my whole life. I think more thought needs to go into a really good slur for us. To me I think "whitey" is worse than those other 2 but it doesn't really bother me either. Not sure us cracker ass honkies will ever have a good slur because we don't have the history to put any punch behind it.
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I don't understand it myself. Exactly why are we crackers? Because we're white or because we're salty? Honky I don't really get either but have heard it my whole life. I think more thought needs to go into a really good slur for us. To me I think "whitey" is worse than those other 2 but it doesn't really bother me either. Not sure us cracker ass honkies will ever have a good slur because we don't have the history to put any punch behind it.



I always thought "crackers" came the sound that the whip made during the slave ownership times? The white people who used the whip were known as crackers. No?


That's pretty much why

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I don't understand it myself. Exactly why are we crackers? Because we're white or because we're salty? Honky I don't really get either but have heard it my whole life. I think more thought needs to go into a really good slur for us. To me I think "whitey" is worse than those other 2 but it doesn't really bother me either. Not sure us cracker ass honkies will ever have a good slur because we don't have the history to put any punch behind it.


AFAIK, there is no real history to the n-word. I learned in grade school that it comes from the word negro, or black in Spanish. Now I know there are other slurs, but I don't really know any history behind any of them.

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AFAIK, there is no real history to the n-word. I learned in grade school that it comes from the word negro, or black in Spanish. Now I know there are other slurs, but I don't really know any history behind any of them.


The history behind the n-word comes from black slaves being called that in a derogatory manner?

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AFAIK, there is no real history to the n-word. I learned in grade school that it comes from the word negro, or black in Spanish. Now I know there are other slurs, but I don't really know any history behind any of them.


You are totally right, it is just a word with no historical context whatsoever.




Knowing the etymology doesn't make the significance disappear you stupid fuck.

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I really did think that too. I've heard some vile shit in the last 12 months.


To be fair, I heard even worse things one time when visiting Circleville.


Grew up in round town. It's true in extreme cases. Funny thing is the majority aren't biased and the idiots that are get nervous when other races are around. Never seen anything done. As with most cases, unless they're rolling 5 deep, they're petrified.


Two of my best friends in HS were Black Kyle (that's what he called himself and told us to call him) and Tim who was Korean. Everyone got along great with them.

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Grew up in round town. It's true in extreme cases. Funny thing is the majority aren't biased and the idiots that are get nervous when other races are around. Never seen anything done. As with most cases, unless they're rolling 5 deep, they're petrified.


Two of my best friends in HS were Black Kyle (that's what he called himself and told us to call him) and Tim who was Korean. Everyone got along great with them.


His name is Jamie Justus, brother of a friends wife; he and his troglodyte friends were talking about "going to the bar to fuck some coons". My wife and I promptly left the city, no joke. It was unbelievable.

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His name is Jamie Justus, brother of a friends wife; he and his troglodyte friends were talking about "going to the bar to fuck some coons". My wife and I promptly left the city, no joke. It was unbelievable.


Maybe they like to sex little masked animals?

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His name is Jamie Justus, brother of a friends wife; he and his troglodyte friends were talking about "going to the bar to fuck some coons". My wife and I promptly left the city, no joke. It was unbelievable.


Never heard of him, but it doesn't surprise me at all. There is DEFINITELY some drugged out racist white trash in cville and I honestly can say I'm glad our house was outside the "city" (if you can call it that) and that I no longer live there.


Good on ya for leaving. I would have too.


Maybe they like to sex little masked animals?


Wouldn't surprise me. I've long said everything south of I70 is just northern KY/WV.

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Never heard of him, but it doesn't surprise me at all. There is DEFINITELY some drugged out racist white trash in cville and I honestly can say I'm glad our house was outside the "city" (if you can call it that) and that I no longer live there.


Good on ya for leaving. I would have too.


To clarify, I meant we left the Pumpkin Show after-party we attended. You couldn't pay me enough to live there.

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The history behind the n-word comes from black slaves being called that in a derogatory manner?


You are totally right, it is just a word with no historical context whatsoever.


Knowing the etymology doesn't make the significance disappear you stupid fuck.


I should have worded it better. When the term was created, there was no historical significance to it. It was a way to label a race. I didn't mean there was no historical significance to the word at all (again I should have worded my previous statement better). The point I was getting at is the words "honkey", "whitey", ect, they had no historical significance when they were created, but they were created for a purpose, to label a race, same as the n-word.

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I should have worded it better. When the term was created, there was no historical significance to it. It was a way to label a race. I didn't mean there was no historical significance to the word at all (again I should have worded my previous statement better). The point I was getting at is the words "honkey", "whitey", ect, they had no historical significance when they were created, but they were created for a purpose, to label a race, same as the n-word.


I find that most always, when something is initially created it does not yet have "historical significance"

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I find that most always, when something is initially created it does not yet have "historical significance"


I always thought "crackers" came the sound that the whip made during the slave ownership times? The white people who used the whip were known as crackers. No?


Seems to be a historical significance to the term "cracker". You still missed my point and went straight to picking apart what I was trying to say.

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To clarify, I meant we left the Pumpkin Show after-party we attended. You couldn't pay me enough to live there.


Fair, but you couldn't pay me to live in Alabama or even move back to Columbus.


Ignorance is ignorance, and in highly concentrated areas it's more easily apparent.


That being said I have no intentions of moving back to Circleville either.

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Back to topic, had race not been an issue in this case (say it was a white on white crime or black on black crime) I wonder if the outcome would change.


Take race, media scrutiny, and publicity out of this and its a self-defense case. I'll concede Zimmerman shouldn't have been playing his best impression of Paul Blart Mall Cop but if Trayvon had simply kept walking and not stopped, approached and then assaulted Zimmerman none of this would've happened. Sad that a kid lost his life, then again he probably shouldn't have assaulted an armed man.


If Zimmerman is guilty than its a huge loss to self-defense cases everywhere and any gun owner should be wary of thinking about using his weapon. Should Zimmerman win and be chosen not-guilty I wonder what kind of public outcry will take place, rioting maybe?

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