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How to make money selling drugs


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While none of the info in this documentary is particularly new or shocking to anyone that pays attention, it's framed in an way that is continuously entertaining. The movie plays out like a training video for someone who may be interested in starting in the drug trade, and working their way up the ladder. The satire is sometimes too aware of itself, but overall I thought it balanced the information nicely.



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damn, this movie is going to cause the market to flood... profits are going to drop like a rock!


not necessarily. More people doing there thing can cause an increase of demand and plenty of newbies to pay sky high prices.

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I liked it. I have heard it all before.


infiltrate the dealers and find the suppliers.


But seriously, lets make drugs legal to grow and knock the bottom out of the drug market. Make it to where supply sky rockets and you no longer get rich from selling drugs. Then make legal ways to sell it i.e. like alcohol & tobacco; and tax the shit out of it.


Why is hemp illegal?

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I liked it. I have heard it all before.


infiltrate the dealers and find the suppliers.


But seriously, lets make drugs legal to grow and knock the bottom out of the drug market. Make it to where supply sky rockets and you no longer get rich from selling drugs. Then make legal ways to sell it i.e. like alcohol & tobacco; and tax the shit out of it.


Why is hemp illegal?



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