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My first tattoo


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Just thought I would share. I got my first tattoo yesterday for my birthday on my birthday. I went to Thou Art and had Ben do it. I am beyond thrilled.


The tattoo wraps around the forearm so it's difficult to get a good picture showing the whole thing





And this one is a crap use of the panoramic function on the iPhone.


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but my wifes brother who isnt deaf but hard of hearing collects a disability check for his disabilty at the age of 22.


Key words: hard of hearing. He ain't deaf. Those are two separate entities. Plus not all deaf people share this opinion

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Key words: hard of hearing. He ain't deaf. Those are two separate entities. Plus not all deaf people share this opinion


I can confirm this. My wife took two years of ASL and worked with a lot of deaf folks, and many of them would be offended if you referred to them as disabled. A lot actually took this gentleman's stance, that they were differently gifted, and were no less abled.


That being said, there are plenty of folks who graft the system, and it isn't limited to just those who are hearing impaired.

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Key words: hard of hearing. He ain't deaf. Those are two separate entities. Plus not all deaf people share this opinion


I didn't realize one was outclassed by the other, but in my experience the hard of hearing folks want disability and some sort of acknowledgment of said disability. The deaf folks I know all work and lead totally normal lives and aren't looking for anything.


So you may be on to something.

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My girlfriend's done ASL for many years. She's even interpreted for the president numerous times. She's taught me how to tell a deaf person "I don't know sign language" and "Hi I'm Zack". You'd like her, she's cool. But you can't meet her or I would have to put 18 in ya


grats on ur tats

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A person who is completely deaf has no choice but to accept the fact that they cannot hear. That is liberating, in that it frees you to accept that you will be using sign language to communicate, and just generally living in a different manner as a result. Folks who are "Hard of Hearing", in my experience, go the other direction, refusing to accept that they may need to accept a different lifestyle. They are more likely to be offended if you refer to them as "deaf", and a lot of them will patently refuse to learn ASL, as they can still "hear", just not as well. They seem to be, in my experience, quite a bit more bitter about their situation, as well.
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Recently told I would be wearing hearing aides later in life. My hearing sucks, and both drums have holes again. My right being 75% gone. Not sure I want to go through surgery again for it. Also was told I am missing one of the bones needed in my right. Apparently I hear better through the bone behind my ear than I do through the canal. Shit sucks with the loss of hearing I have now, and it's hard as hell to understand some folks as the tones run together. Couldn't imagine being deaf though.
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Recently told I would be wearing hearing aides later in life. My hearing sucks, and both drums have holes again. My right being 75% gone. Not sure I want to go through surgery again for it. Also was told I am missing one of the bones needed in my right. Apparently I hear better through the bone behind my ear than I do through the canal. Shit sucks with the loss of hearing I have now, and it's hard as hell to understand some folks as the tones run together. Couldn't imagine being deaf though.


Start reading lips now

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Start reading lips now
Doesn't help that my right eye is fucked up and getting worse. Eye doc wants me to have a cornea transplant lol.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keratoconus


Glasses won't fix it but special contacts could. I'm falling apart lol

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Doesn't help that my right eye is fucked up and getting worse. Eye doc wants me to have a cornea transplant lol.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keratoconus


Glasses won't fix it but special contacts could. I'm falling apart lol


My wifes father is deaf from birth and 6 years ago he found out he had a disease and is losing his eyesight. His eyesight is going so fast that 3 years ago he got a seeing eye dog.


Dude is very humble and him and his wife moved to Portland 2 years ago because the city has great public transportation and a large blind population.


My advice to you is go ahead and just kill yourself.

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My wifes father is deaf from birth and 6 years ago he found out he had a disease and is losing his eyesight. His eyesight is going so fast that 3 years ago he got a seeing eye dog.


Dude is very humble and him and his wife moved to Portland 2 years ago because the city has great public transportation and a large blind population.


My advice to you is go ahead and just kill yourself.


That would be shitty.


lol no can do sir. Suicide is for pussies.

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