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street racing question.


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Chillicothe isn't a small town. Crap hole? Yes. Small town? No.


I've been there trying to dine/shop with the fam and ricers use to be everywhere driving like idiots down Bridge St. and flying through parking lots at all kinds of angles with no regards to anyone but themselves.


This is 4% of the reason I try to avoid Chillicothe.


ive been going down there for the last few weeks. there really isnt anything down there. There are a couple cars that have some ass, but they dont act like idiots. yes there are some crap ass cars that think they are fast that will try there best to get you to do something. i just try to get out of the house here and there like i said. i dont drink and drive or anything like that. and i do not do the club scene. it isnt for me. but i enjoy a good street light to street light here and there.


The reason i asked was because of a certain spot. i am not going to name it on here because im not a rat, and if local LE does not know where it is taking place i am not going to be the one who gives it away. But apparently it is a attraction at this present moment. i had thought about checking it out, but wanted to ask this question first before i done so. i tend to keep my mouth shut especially on a forum when it comes to stuff like this and i dont want to put myself or others out there. it attracts quite a few people from what ive been told. trailered cars etc...

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This is usually how I look at things.


If I second guess on whether or not I can get i too much trouble or drama doing something then I don't do it.



Sounds like you are a little worried about getting in trouble so to avoid it, stay away and let the people who race do their thing.

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I honestly have been asked to leave spots like that before, but never ticketed. Could I have been? Sure, but cops typically don't press street racing when it's being done away from the general public such as some spot out of the way where there is little to no traffic. However you are always taking a risk and there will eventually be that cop who has a beef about it.
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Its draws attention like crazy when 10-15 cars leave the parking lot just for 2 to race. .


Like the little Scion TC crowd at saturday morning's carandcoffee event 2 weeks ago .

They all started to rev motors while just sitting in the parking lot, then they leave together in a obnoxiously loud, and shamelfully slow parade out the parking lot.

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The reason i asked was because of a certain spot. i am not going to name it on here because im not a rat, and if local LE does not know where it is taking place i am not going to be the one who gives it away. But apparently it is a attraction at this present moment. i had thought about checking it out, but wanted to ask this question first before i done so. i tend to keep my mouth shut especially on a forum when it comes to stuff like this and i dont want to put myself or others out there. it attracts quite a few people from what ive been told. trailered cars etc...


Yeah...I'd avoid that. Just me though.


This is usually how I look at things.


If I second guess on whether or not I can get i too much trouble or drama doing something then I don't do it.



Sounds like you are a little worried about getting in trouble so to avoid it, stay away and let the people who race do their thing.



Bingo. I try to leave by the adage: Don't go to stupid places with stupid people to do stupid things. Any combination of those could lead to trouble.

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