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Dog advice


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As some of you know, I rescued/adopted a chocolate lab that Derek (TurboRust) found.


Said dog. I named her Twila.




I need a dog seat cover for the Saab since she keeps sliding around on it because racecar but really it's because it's leather. It would need to have a nonslip backing. Didn't know if anyone had any suggestions or preference for a certain brand.


Also any other advices regarding dog care would be helpful since my last dog was an outdoor dog and basically took care of herself.

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Cody, when my wife and I fostered Weimaraners pre-kids, I got a purple faux-velour/velvet, hoochie-mama tribal-tattoo/butterflies bench seat cover at Wal*Mart for the same reason: it kept the hair, nail-scratches, and slip-sliding 80+lb dogs off of my leather seat.


For $20, I didn't care what it looked like, and it fit the bill perfectly. Sheeeeit...if it was good enough to give teen-mom Briana a washable surface to get railed on by her multiple boyfriends in the backseat of her Cavalier, I figured it would be durable to hold up to dog wear-n-tear. I was right.

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That looks really cool but may be problematic since that looks ideal for a sedan or anything with four doors. I fear that Twila may not be able to get up on the rear seat with that installed in the convertible


Put the top down and pick her up. It's exercise :p

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Since we don't know her history too well, take her to a vet and get her vetted, shots and all. They should be able to get the microchip registered to you. Just explain that the current one was never registered and she is a stray. We flea treated her when she was here, just in case, but did not see any fleas on her.


She definitely likes to play with toys, so get her some of those and play with her a lot. It will wear her out. She also liked sleeping on a big dog pillow beside our bed the two nights she was here and she did well in a large crate, if necessary. Love the name! Paige (our daughter) was asking about "that new doggie" today.

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Allowing your dog to sleep with you or have no boundaries on furniture makes it think it is the master. By keeping boundaries and being higher than the dog it knows you are its master.




Every dog i've owned sleeps at the foot of my bed, and they all know exactly who the master is.

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Every dog i've owned sleeps at the foot of my bed, and they all know exactly who the master is.



^^ this. I just got through an after dinner nap while the kids and wife were at Karate. One dog under my feet and one next to me like a pillow. Life is good.

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I was looking for a similar product for my Impala, but never found anything I liked. I think the best I did find was a hammock that hangs in the back seat from the front and rear head rests. More space for the dog, and keeps them from jumping front seat, back seat, front seat, back seat. I also likes it keeps ours in the back and saves me cleaning nose prints off the windshield all the time. Also it keeps the hair confined to the back seat, and gives you some storage in the foot wells under the hammock. But you have to have rear seat head rests that you can hang the hammock on which my Impala does not have.
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I just saw the thread title and that picture, didn't read any further. If having your dog sleep with you is fine then I guess it's all kosher. 99 percent of dogs want and need a pack leader. I'll leave it at that.


As for a cover for your car, get a real thick quilt.

Edited by Radio Flyer
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Every dog i've owned sleeps at the foot of my bed, and they all know exactly who the master is.


Did I say that letting a dog do whatever it wants in the house will make it a bad dog or bad experience? I simply stated that in my opinion to a new dog owner, you need to set boundaries. I personally do not like getting dog hair all over my couches, and I do not want my boxers slobber on my pillow. But they also listen very well. I have trained 5 dogs in my life, and never had an isssue.


So you can jerk it in your eye. :fuckyeah:

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you guys are doing it wrong.... i get down in my wanna be alpha dog husky's face and growl at him. and bite him... when that doesnt work i just rape him doggy style.. he knows whos boss


More or less exactly what I do. I say "off the bed" the dog(s) get the fuck down off the bed; They don't I alpha them till the cows come home.

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