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Neighbor's dog jumping fence... WWCRD?


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So to start, recently bought a house in Blacklick and both neighbors beside me are pretty friendly, as well as the two neighbors behind me, including the one I'm having trouble with.


The yards all butt up to eachother where most have fenced them in for dogs. My developement is within an HOA and the row of houses behind me are in a under a different HOA. The common thing between the two HOAs is that we are not allowed to have 6' privacy fences, and stuck with your average 4' fences.


I have two Pugs, which are obviously pretty small dogs, and the adjacent lot behind me has a 9 month old German Shepherd, which I'm estimating is already bordering 70-80lbs. This German Shepherd is farily friendly to people and gets along with the dogs while they're on their respective sides of the fence, however, it has a really bad habit of jumping these 4" fences into other peoples' yards.


Since I moved in, in the beginning of July, I've witnessed the dog jump the fence into my own yard on two different occasions. The first time neither of my dogs were out, the second time both my dogs were out and the German Shepherd became aggressive- growling and raising the hair on it's back while bearing it's teeth at the two pugs that were startled. Aside from those two occasions, I've witnessed the German Shepherd jump the fence and run around in the street and run around in other peoples' yards on multiple occasions.


The owners, while being friendly, never apologize or even seem to care when it happens. I had to yell to get their attention the second time their dog came into my yard while trying to keep the dogs seperated. They usually sit outside when they let the dog out, and really don't pay much attention to it.


So, that being said, I'm really not sure what I'm in a position to do. I told them I can't have their dog jumping the fence when my dogs are out because they're basically defenseless, with no chance against a German Shepherd. I feel I made it pretty clear, and after yelling at them this past time, I'm not sure they really "get it."








-Dog jumps 4' fence into my yard

-Worried about their dog attacking mine

-Neighbors don't really seem to care what their dog does

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Considering buying a gun in the event it even touches either of my dogs. Legality?


Illegal. Discharging a firearm too close to other houses. You also can't shoot a dog for attacking another dog, only livestock.

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Illegal. Discharging a firearm too close to other houses. You also can't shoot a dog for attacking another dog, only livestock.


In all seriousness, I assumed such was the case.


But what can I do IF the dog gets ahold of mine?

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Speak to your hoa, or find a way to get in contact with theres and file a complaint or a concern maybe have them handle it


This. Try speaking with both HOA's and give them a chance to handle it.


This is the only option that I can see currently, which is why I'm asking what else CR would suggest doing. I don't exactly want the neighbors to hate me and cause problems in the future, but I can't let something like this continue to happen.

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Bear mace first, then a gun incase it ever turns on you.




Illegal. Discharging a firearm too close to other houses. You also can't shoot a dog for attacking another dog, only livestock.


Would you still get in trouble for shooting the dog if you felt your life was threatened and it was coming after you, even being too close to the houses?

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How about you actually attempt to talk to the neighbors about it and explain your concerns. If they don't care or it continues, call the cops about it. if their dog hurts your dogs, hopefully not, then you have documentation of negligence. First move is always to talk to the people about it. calmly that is.
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The owners, while being friendly, never apologize or even seem to care when it happens. I had to yell to get their attention the second time their dog came into my yard while trying to keep the dogs seperated. They usually sit outside when they let the dog out, and really don't pay much attention to it.


I told them I can't have their dog jumping the fence when my dogs are out because they're basically defenseless, with no chance against a German Shepherd. I feel I made it pretty clear, and after yelling at them this past time, I'm not sure they really "get it."




How about you actually attempt to talk to the neighbors about it and explain your concerns. If they don't care or it continues, call the cops about it. if their dog hurts your dogs, hopefully not, then you have documentation of negligence. First move is always to talk to the people about it. calmly that is.


sounds like he has a few times

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Potentially keep the dog, drop it off to a German shepherd rescue in another county as a stray, they will find a good house for it who will care if the dog gets loose. Not caring if your dog is running in the street is ridiculous and they don't deserve to have that animal.
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I have a similar issue in my neighborhood . I walk my chocolate lab at least 3 times a day Around the block. There are 2 different houses that are always an issue. One house the lady has 3 little " rat dogs" they are small loud and always are nipping at me and my dog. The owner could careless that her dogs are coming out in the street after me and my dog. The other house is a in issue. They have a boxer that they can't control. On two occasions it has come bolting thru their front screen door and attacked my lab. The first time I kicked hard in the ribs and it yelped and let go as the owner came out. I called the sheriff and filed a report. I have spoken to these neighbors several times to no avail.

I asked for advice on an other site and they suggested a small super soaker loaded with ammonia. I load up and carry it with me and I am here to tell you, it works, the second time the boxer came at me, I blasted it and it stopped in its tracks and started howling. Now the little rat dogs don't even come near me. Give it a try!

Edited by erieaddict
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Don't buy a house that's guided under a HOA.


Lol, some fucking people saying you can't build a privacy fence.


does your HOA prohibit barbed wire?


To be honest, the HOA is really, REALLY lenient on a lot of things. I actually have very little confidence they will even care since the neighbor I'm having trouble with is with a completely seperate HOA.


Potentially keep the dog, drop it off to a German shepherd rescue in another county as a stray, they will find a good house for it who will care if the dog gets loose. Not caring if your dog is running in the street is ridiculous and they don't deserve to have that animal.


Well, I thought to myself, I could just leave their dog in my yard and call Animal Control, or something of those lines and have them take it away. But, like I said, the owners are 8 times out of 10, outside with the dog... they simply don't keep an eye on it.

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Same thing I done with a dog in a similar situation. Relocate that bitch while they're not paying attention. Granting the dog I am referring to was pretty aggressive and was a bit of a neighborhood menace. After countless chats with the owner and nothing being done I loaded him and dropped him off a few miles away at the local reservoir. Not a single fuck was given.
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